
Chapter 33

We walked through the portal and ended up in our bedroom on Perfectum. She immediately collapsed on the bed, staining the sheets with her own blood as well as Odin's. I could only stare as she desecrated my bed, before moving forward and healing her.

"I am honestly surprised he reacted so fast and with such aggressiveness," I say as I heal her.

She groaned in satisfaction as the wounds began cleaning and stitching themselves up. "I am surprised he didn't send an army this time."

"If he attacks us with an entire army at his back, it would make him look weak. Thousands to fight just the two of us? well you see why he won't be pulling such an act."

"What did you do to my nephew that had him screaming so much?"

"Nephew? Ah, you mean Magni the balless. Well, I just taught him why you shouldn't antagonise your betters. It was my familial responsibility as his uncle. No need to praise me." I spank her ass when I finished the healing process. "Now get up, you're ruining my bed."

She saunters off to what I assume to be the bath. I am in need of relaxing too, so I may just join. I don't look forward to the repercussions of this days events. It's like homework, I know I can handle it but I don't really want to deal with it.

Thor Pov:

Rage fills me as I watch the two leave. I look at my injured son and father. My rage increases towards them and myself. Them for hurting my loved ones and myself for being too weak to stop them.

Lightning coursed through my skin and one of my famous uncontrolled element blasts came from my hand towards the spot they were. Loki was right, not learning to control my powers properly would one day be the death of me.

The Bifrost appears and we are back in the observatory. The guards rushed towards us, and I could barely make out the shouting that was going on above me. Knowing I was safe for the moment, I allowed myself to fall asleep.

When I wake up, I find I am in one of the soul forges. I quickly exited the device and Eir quickly made her way towards me. She had a worried expression and I could basically feel the solemnity of the room.

"My prince, you may not have the worst injury but you still have to rest," Eir advised.

"What about my father and son."

"Magni will live." She says uncomfortably. "The Allfathers injuries, I am afraid, are more severe."

I grimaced. "Show me."

"As you wish my prince."

I follow her as she leads me towards my father. I force down my frown as I see my mother standing nearby the Soul Forge that my father is lying in. The thing highlights my father's physiology. Making me see something slowly spreading inside his body. My mother looks worried, I move towards her and take her hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly.

"Will he be alright?" I ask.

The man in question opens his eyes and coughs. "No. I don't believe so. Hela won't let me off so easily."

"Who is she."

"Your sister, my firstborn. Let me tell you the story of my conquest for the nine realms."


When I arrived in my room after my father's long tale of who Hela is and how they conquered the realms, I was left feeling conflicted. On one hand, my father lied to me for years and condemned my sister to a fate worse than death. On the other hand, he described her as someone full of bloodlust, and a maniac who slaughtered the entirety of the Valkyries.

Am I not the same as her? Loki always said I was battle-hungry. Would my father imprison me as well if I no longer conform to his wishes? I ignore the frightening thought. I go toward my bed and dive in headfirst.

My thoughts then went to my son. The warrior who toyed with me has cut off Magni's balls with excellent precision, evading the shaft perfectly. I honestly don't know if I should be thankful for him not killing my son or angry for what he did. The sky rumbling confirms my emotions for me.

Sif Pov:

My heart broke when I heard the news about my son. They can't even heal him since apparently his aggressor had a weapon with an unique power source that prevented them from regrowing what Magni lost.

Not even his grandmother, one of the best magic users of Asgard can recover what my son has lost. The other option would be his cousin Elsa but from what I know, she didn't thoroughly study the healing arts.

That leaves Loki, my short time lover, one who I slept with behind Thor's back. Loki has a superiority complex that is unfortunately not completely unfounded; and as much as I don't want to admit it, he is a better lover than Thor.

If anyone would be able to heal my son, then it would be him. Unfortunately he barely hides his distaste for my son. To be honest I don't even think he is trying to hide it, since going by our erotic nights in our youth he could fool the best of the entire court of what was really happening between us.

The problem however lies in the fact that Loki would be a pain in the ass to find. Heimdall certainly can't, since Thor told me that the man just shows up randomly as if he owns the place and leaves the next day without informing us.

Loki Pov:

An irritating noise wakes me up. I disentangle myself from the cuddly Hela and go to one of the artifacts I created, which is basically a magical voicemail. I play the voice message.

"Odin, your father has passed away this evening and Magni has been injured. Thor's coronation will be held soon as well as the funeral for Odin." My mother spoke solemnly.

I thought she would ask me to come heal him to be honest. Guess she doubted my ability or Odin asked her not and wanted to die so that he could dump all the responsibility on Budget Zeus. Odin should have invented a google equivalent so that he could look up parenting advice. If he did that he could probably have lived hundreds or thousands of years longer.

I don't usually go to the funerals of those I helped get killed. A dick move I haven't pulled yet, how rare. Reminds me of those tea baggin bastards though, who mocked my death in video games afterwards. I have become what I hated, I should just die.

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