
Chapter 25

Using the power stone to destroy Morag left me suffering a few repercussions. I wasn't bedridden or anything serious but I was a bit weaker for a short time after using the stone. At least I didn't die like Iron Man, but to be fair he used most of the stones while I only used the one. I can argue that destroying a planet is arguably more taxing than simply killing an army, but I would like to think I am not so much of a sore loser.

Destroying Morag was probably an impulsive decision but I wanted to test out what I would be able to achieve with the stone. Fortunately, it's not as if someone is going to miss the planet. Allowing my daughter to see me destroy a planet and causing a genocide probably won't make me the father of the year.

I moved towards my lab and began to study the stone. To think I have a stone that predated the universe as another one of my toys. I kind of metaphorically cucked Thanos since he had a hardon for the things in the movies.

If he wants to get his hands on my newest baby he will quickly learn I am not so fragile as the avengers and very possessive of the things that are mine.

The creatures on Morag gave me a brilliant idea of how to properly utilize the infinity stone. I don't want such an incredible tool to only be useful as an external weapon. That is why I will find a method to safely use the power stone to increase my powers even more.

Of course, it will take a while to implement since for all I know the method has serious side effects and as much as I behave arrogantly or that I won't even take the apocalypse seriously, I can be careful when the need arises.

Thinking about it I really was impulsive with my decision to destroy Morag. Now I don't have any test subjects to see if the creatures of Morag gained any negative side effects, like shortening of lifespan or a tainted soul.

I sigh, I guess I have to pull a hydra move and find a few people to subject to experiments. I just hope that I don't end up creating a stronger version of hulk or something.

My musings are interrupted by Hela entering my lab. "How come I heard from my niece you blew up a planet. Worse, why wasn't I invited to this event."

I quickly hide the infinity stone so that she doesn't see. It's not that I think she will be tempted to try and take the stone from me. I just don't want anyone that isn't absolutely loyal to me like Jormungandr to know what big boy toys I have.

"Men's night out. Plus you're not really durable in that form and replacing your body will be a pain in the ass."

"I am not some glass cannon. I can even beat that son of yours."

"That is because your magic is bullshit and I forbade him from using lethal force on you."

"Still doesn't mean he will beat me. Damn you're so insufferable I don't see what ladies see in you." She says not really meaning it.

"Probably my dashing looks, my charming personality or my giant cock" I say as she gives me a blank look. "I think what you need is a friend that isn't me, a snake or a little girl. You would be happier getting out or maybe if the great Odinsdottir is too proud to do that, you can try to conquer a few planets you certainly enjoyed that back in the day."

"Yeah, I enjoyed it until I was thrown in prison by my father and I doubt I can beat him with my current meat suit."

"Your meat suit isn't all bad. I certainly enjoy it in our nightly activities."

"Of course you do, you're a pervert of the highest degree."

"You certainly don't complain when you're the one occupying my bed."

She ignores my statement and moves behind me to put her hands on my shoulders. She begins massaging my shoulders.

"I guess I should probably try and gain a few friends. Maybe I should start with Aelsa, it is the older sister's job to make sure her little brother gets a worthy partner."

"I am surprised you didn't react much when Aelsa visited the other day. You know it isn't healthy to bottle up jealousy."

Her eye twitches at my statement. "Yes, maybe we will have a girls night. I am sure she will be excited to find out all the stuff her little girl gets up to here."

My eye this time twitches at her words. "I won't fall for your bait. And If it isn't bait and you go through with it. I will have to do something that Odin should have done centuries ago and give you a spanking to stop your snooty behaviour."

She grits her teeth at my words. She really hates when I bring up Odin. "Please." She snorts "I am not some submissive wench who can allow herself to be put in such a position. If you are doing something fun and I won't be invited I will stab you, brother or not."

"Okay, can you make sure my little icicle isn't doing anything naughty? I really don't want my daughter to be an arrogant girl down the line."

"Sure. It will probably help if you stop spoiling her." She says before leaving.

I get back to my project or studying the power stone. Working and testing the power stone, I get a bit tempted to find the other stones but immediately dismiss that idea. I don't want the entire universe out to get me yet.

"Oracle, take control of the Omnitrix and abduct a few jotunns, it's experimenting time." I say as a hologram of a feminine body appears.

"Yes, Master. Consider it done."

I just sit there in my lab contemplating the future subjects I will use inhumane experiments on. This time I will make sure Elsa doesn't see. Sure I allow her to see a lot, but me experimenting on people she will most likely be traumatized and some random ice shits traumatizing my adorable daughter is a no-no.

A/N: We are on chapter 37 on Patreon. If you want to waste money on poor little me. pa.treon/ DickMcJones. I hate that I to have write Patr.eon incorrectly everytime

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