
Chapter 13

A few months have passed and usual visits have led to me and Hela becoming tentative friends. By that, I mean her no longer trying to kill me for the tiniest inconvenience and me no longer purposely antagonizing her to get an entertaining reaction.

Not gonna lie this is by most standards a toxic relationship we have, but we are both fucked up enough to make it work. One has been imprisoned on a planet by her father and the loneliness probably didn't do any good thing to her sanity; while the other being me, is a jackass who toys with people for his amusement and plans.

"Right, love." I say out loud as I squeeze Hela's bubbly ass.

Her reply is groaning and she turns around completely ignoring me. Rude, I think to myself. Well, to be fair we did copulate for a whole week so she is bound to be tired and sore. I lay there for a few minutes while lightly caressing Hela.

"Do you think it is narcissistic that I am so attracted to you because you look like me?" I ask as I admire her features. She opens her eyes and looks at me amused.

"Well I can't blame you, it is the exact reason I didn't kill you when we mated." She says. "But aren't you supposed to be a jotunn and blue?"

Snorting I reply. "I am surprised you only asked about me now, it as if you were only using me for the sex."

"Please it is the exact reason you're still here and haven't left, besides your peculiar desire of battling even though you have won."

I chuckle lightly and caress her cheek with my thumb. "The truth is my adopted father, kidnapped me from my biological father. You would think that I would be resentful of the fact, but being kidnapped or adopted as my father would like to put, was the best thing that has happened for me. By the time I found out I was Jotunn I was used to being seen as an Asgard, so I made the change permanent."

"Well, at least your father never imprisoned you in this disgusting realm." She says with disdain.

"Aww was my Hela a bad girl, is that why you're father punished you." She growls at my statement before resting her head on my chest as she relaxes.

"I was only continuing doing the thing he raised me for. Conquering realms, but he abandoned our goals to thrive for peace. When he no longer needed me I decided I no longer had a need for him. So I planned to usurp him to continue to bring glory to Asgard, alas I have underestimated him and ended up on this waste of a planet as punishment. Me decimating his precious valkyries certainly didn't help when I tried to escape." She says bitterly while I continue drawing circles on her back.

"That's tough, it is to be expected though. Why didn't you just hide your feelings and quietly assassinate him when he is in bed. Too proud for such cheap techniques. One does not simply usurp the Allfather" I could probably do it, but since I don't know the full capabilities of the Odinforce for all I know it can be reality warping.

She scoffs. "I expected to win and it was a close fight too, unfortunately, what he calls the Odinforce is more powerful than what I thought it would be. I am surprised you aren't getting a bit more randy when I talk bad about your king." She caresses my naked chest. "I am sure your father would be disappointed with you sleeping with the enemy."

"Well, Odin has never been happy of my more philanderer habits, but we get along fine." I say waiting for a reaction and it is quite spectacular.

She practically skips away from me. She conjures two daggers. "You're his son."

"Not exactly, haven't you paid attention to what I was saying." I say. "Why are you suddenly so jumpy I could have sworn I already told you I was his son, sister."

She grits her teeth at my bullshit but calms down. "So why are you here, did he send you. It all makes sense now why you would have the casket of always winter and that magical uru weapon."

I laugh at her and her face get a bit red with anger. "Please, why would he send me, plus I am not his pawn like you were his. Unlike you love, I am not someone who he can just send to do his dirty work. I am the god of chaos and chaos can't be shackled. So put the daggers away and let's talk like adults."

She vanishes her blades. "As much as I hate you right now, you were undeniably hot. What is the term you used again? Hatefuck, I will fuck my hate for you away and if you ever call me sister again, I will stab you. Don't think our conversation about Odin is over."

A toxic relationship is definitely the right term to describe what we, but I don't care. She straddles me and I let her do as she wanted, to fuck her of me away.


I give one last look at the exhausted form of Hela before willing my clothes on. Green, black and gold colour scheme perfectly fitting my looks. I give a quick kiss to her sexy bottom cheek before teleporting Midgard.


Seeing the smug bastard teleport away, I am conflicted on how to act. The revelations that we are somewhat related is a bit shocking, fortunately, we are not blood-related or this would be more awkward.

I am mad at him for keeping the information from me, but I can understand why he wouldn't tell me from our first meeting.

I don't want to kill him since he has been the only company I had that isn't one of the foul inhabitants of this realm. I doubt that I can even kill him unless I try something underhanded and my pride won't allow me to act as a common assassin.

I am disgusted with myself at how pitiful I became. Unwilling to kill someone, because I am lonely. That old fool Odin must be laughing at me right now. What I hate the most though is that I am starting to like Loki company aside from just being able to sate my lusts. At least he gave me recreational books so I can get go something that is not wasting away here.


I don't really want to do what I am about to since it is tedious, but I have put learning Midgard's sorcery off long enough. Sure Asgard has a lot of knowledge about magic, but it isn't to say the sanctums are behind and they specialize in the manipulation of eldritch magic so they would have a lot more knowledge about that area of magic and some others.

I have never been to Nepal so I quickly equip my hoverboard and fly there. I have already used my procrastinating excuses such as I don't know if the previous Sorcerer Supreme is a xenophobe or other similar stupid things, alas so I am forced to do spends years reading books again.

I am not going to show my clone spell to random people because I don't trust them and even on Asgard on my family and Heimdall knows of it. I quickly arrive at Kamar-Taj luckily I got the location from the rogue sorcerer I killed back in the day. My mother always said to give a gift to the people you visit, so as not to appear too rude I summon a box with something truly special in it.

Walking to the guard sorcerer I give him the box and say. "Pizza time."

It truly is the perfect gift I think to myself since pizza isn't even invented yet. Expecting him to take it, the fucker just let it fall on the floor. I stare between him and the pizza absolutely shocked that he would disrespect pizza so brazenly.


AN: I created a Patreon it has a few extra chapters in advance. At patreon.com/DickMcJones

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