
Watching him die! – Chapter 192

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After Akemi managed to run away from the boy holding back the angel, all of the girls could be heard shouting in a distance.

Thanks to the silver dragon, all of the girls had managed to reach the border of the barrier which was preventing anyone from entering or escaping the entire area.

"Akemi, what are you doing?! Why did we leave Hatsuko behind?!" Ichika worriedly asked as she couldn't accept the fact that an angel was right in front of Hatsuko.

"Ichilka…" Chloe looked at Ichika with worried eyes as she understood that none of them could have a chance of fighting against a angel. It was impossible for them.

Right now, there was a being that held the power of destroying an entire planet. And for the sake of everyone in here, Hatsuko was willing to sacrifice himself in order to buy them some time.

The silver haired dragon began punching the barrier with as much strength as she could. Any kind of skills and effects were pointless in that barrier, that's why she relied on her brute strength as a dragon.

"I have to help master! I'm going back there!" Shiro told everyone as she tried jumping her way back to Hatsuko, but her body was held from going any further by Chloe.

Her eyes which contained hopelessness and pain couldn't see the white haired cat in the eyes.

"Why are you holding Shiro?! I need to go to master! Master is waiting for Shiro!" Shiro continued yelling at Chloe as she couldn't bring herself to hit her own family. Her claws were really sharp, but still, very gentle when she tried to remove the hands which were preventing Shiro from going to the danger zone.

"Shiro… p-please stop it…" Chloe's eyes were tearing up, her voice trembling as she couldn't handle the fact of seeing Shiro in this kind of state.

Things were happening very fast, and suddenly leaving someone you love behind was something painful not only to Shiro, but to Chloe and everyone as well.

The twin sisters stood in terror while continuing to stare at where Hatsuko was. Even though they gave up their outstanding powers as a way of their contract, they still didn't want to see their own master get killed by someone they truly feared.

Their own kind wanted the twin sister dead for the sins their parents had committed!

But what could they do? Even though they were older than normal human beings, their minds were still that of a young child who truly wanted nothing else but happiness in their family.

But here they were now. The person who took them inside their family was about to be killed by an angel.

Hina right now was hugging Ichika as tight as she could. She didn't know what to do at that moment.

The moment the angel landed on the ground, her breath was taken away by the overwhelming presence. She couldn't even move a muscle from the outstanding being that could definitely wipe them out.

She hated this… but what she hated the most, was her weakness that couldn't even help the person who rescued her. The person who brought her back from the darkest moments of her life. The person who filled her heart once again… even though it was from afar.

But that was enough for her.

Because she was already part of a loving family that didn't want her because of the influence she used to have, but from what she is right now.

Akemi had cut off all of her emotions the moment she saw the frustrated look on her master's face. No one could've predicted what that angel was going to do… and the expression on Hatsuko's face…was still burning in her mind.

Both Akemi and Hatsuko might've had a small chance of winning if they fought together. But there was a problem there. The other girls, together with the twin sisters would've been involved in the fight.

But what was worse, Hatsuko ordered the silver haired dragon using the contract she had created.

There was basically nothing she could do right now. The only thing she could do was to use the rage inside her as a fuel to destroy the barrier with her bare fists.

And as she was slowly trying to crack open the barrier, she noticed several fireballs and many green glowing particles flying towards the barrier at an incredible speed.

Akemi and the other girls knew where these attacks came from. And she understood from the cracks that began forming at the surface of the barrier that Hatsuko was still helping them even though he was fighting for his life in those moments.

"Shiro…" Chloe softly called out her name as she gently left the teared up Shiro to calm down. "If you want to help Hatsuko, then help us break free from this barrier."

Shiro looked back at Chloe whose expression looked like it was about to break apart.

"Master…" The white haired cat sniffed as she softly called out her master.

But right now, everyone had to work together in order to get out of this situation.

"Hina, Chloe!" Akemi called out two of the girls as she continued punching through the cracks that Hatsuko had caused. "Gather everyone around me as close as possible."

Clearly understanding what Akemi was trying to do, the girls gently gathered the rest of the group who couldn't keep their tears inside.

But Chloe and Hina were the same as well. Their facade could be seen slowly breaking each time they glanced back at Hatsuko who was trying to distract the angel away from Akemi and the rest of the group.

*Punch* *Punch* *Punch*

Akemi continued punching until her whole fist managed to reach the other side of the barrier.

"NOW!" She called out to everyone as she felt the barrier closing up once again .

Hina and Chloe had gathered really close to Akemi and by touching each other, Akemi managed to teleport all of the girls to the other side of the barrier before it could reform once again.

"Akemi, what do we do now? We can't possibly leave Hatsuko behind!" Even though she tried containing herself until they were out of the barrier, Chloe still couldn't handle the fact of leaving Hatsuko behind.





The silver haired dragon couldn't respond back as she was gritting her own teeth.

Going back there would mean death to all of them, and Hatsuko's sacrifice would've gone in vain.

But still… leaving the man you cherished like that, felt unreal not only to Akemi but to everyone as well.

"I don't want to leave Hatsuko as well… but we must not interfere…" Akemi told everyone with a voice which didn't seem confident nor prideful anymore. She looked like a girl who no longer held the power to help the last person that meant something to her.

"Then what do you suggest we do?" Ichika asked with a forlorn expression as she held back her own tears.

The rest of the girls were also waiting for an answer as well since the silver haired beauty was the strongest one among the whole group.

"The only thing we can do right now… is watch Hatsuko and pray for his safety." The silver haired dragon responded with a dead calm voice as she created a small screen where everyone could see Hatsuko much better in a distance.

Hatsuko was giving his best with every single skill he had in order to injure the angel.

But so far, the only one who seemed injured was none other than the green-eyed boy.

"This is terrible… Hatsuko…" Ichika wrapped her own fingers together at the stuff that had happened to Hatsuko.

"Why does this always happen…" Chloe also couldn't handle the fact of watching the boy struggle for his life with a smile on his face. Her memories of all of the kids that died at that cave were coming back to her, and she didn't want to experience the feeling of losing someone this important to her.

"Hatsuko… please make it back" With no other option but to watch the hero she respected and loved, Hina prayed with all of her might for his return.

But what she didn't expect was that Hatsuko wasn't going to return to them… at least not in one piece.

But as Hatsuko could be seen trying to distract the angel by shooting a fireball directly into his face…. The boy met his fate by millions of insects that were crawling theri way out of the ground.

This not only creeped out many of the girls but also scared them of what those insects were going to do to Hatsuko if it wasn't for him floating in the air.

But after a yellowish thing pulled back down the boy, all of the girls widened their eyes in sheer disbelief.

"NO! Hatsuko!!" Ichika called out in fear.

"Master!!!" Shiro brought out her sharp nails as she tried slashing the insects through the shown screen. But no matter what Shiro did, all of her attacks passed through since the screen was nothing else but a vision created by Akemi in order to help the girls see from afar.

The twin sisters had their eyes teared up as they didn't even know how to scream for help. Their emotionless expressions were slowly disappearing as they began learning the worst kind of emotion that a human could experience..


Hatsuko was being absorbed by millions of insects which seemed to be eating him alive. His legs were being torn apart as they disappeared in a matter of seconds.

"No! No! No! NOOOO!!! MASTER!!!!" Shiro cried with all of her might at the nightmare they were watching right now.

"NOOOOO!!!! THIS ISN'T TRUE! THIS ISN'T TRUE!!!" Ichika screamed at the top of her lungs as she refused to believe the sight that was being shown right now.

Hina and Akemi's breathing hitched as their own stomach was aching in the most painful way possible.

What kind of punishment was this to all of these girls? Was this their punishment for deciding to be with Hatsuko? Were these theri sins?

And when Akemi noticed that the angel had spotted them, she formed a circle under everyone's legs as she prepared to teleport everyone away from this territory.

But Akemi wasn't fast enough to form her circle, and she knew that once the angel approached them, it would be game over.

Or that's what she thought before Hatsuko flew towards the angel and chained himself against him so he could buy more time for everyone.

"H-Hatsuko…" Ichika held her hand against her mouth as she saw the gory shape that Hatsuko was in.

His body was mostly eaten, but his will to help everyone was still making him fight.

Everyone watched with bated breaths and widened eyes at the broken boy who was still fighting even in that kind of condition.

"AKEMI!! GET OUT OF HE—" After Hatsuko saw that everyone was still there, he shouted with all of his might, only to end up being cut in half by the merciless angel.

Most of the girls couldn't even breathe at how the boy they loved and cherished was cut in half in an instant.

"It's ready!" And as they were watching Hatsuko fall down to his death from millions of hungry insects, Akemi teleported everyone far away from the angel before they could be caught.




The first one to open her eyes was the silver haired dragon who was still looking around, unfazed by the sight she just saw.

Everyone was still laying down right in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but thousands of trees and nature..

Where could they be right now?




For some who were messaging me. This story isn't over yet.


Up to 20 chapters ahead are available on (P a t r e o n) link on synopsis!

Also, don't forget to review or vote power stones if you enjoyed this chapter!


KrisVFXcreators' thoughts
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