
The familiar who guarded the dungeon! – Chapter 169

"Is that actually a fairy?" Ichika wondered as everyone was looking at this glowing little thing which was floating thanks to my skills.

"It does have similarities to a fairy. Like her wings and her size." I said as I was looking at that fairy which was the size of my hand.



Species: Spirit Guardian

Gender: Female

Health: 2/3

STR: 0,2

MC (mental capacity): 600

AGI: 300,000

VIT: 0,1

DEF: 30

Condition: unconscious

Skills: (The forgotten one) ( Spirit contract ) ( Flight ) ( Voice changer ) ( Voice amplifier ) ( Aura control )



So, she's a spirit guardian?

"But... she's so pretty." Ichika said after taking a closer look at that little thing.

"I see, now it makes sense." Akemi suddenly spoke up after staring at that little thing on my hand.

"Did you figure out something?" I asked.

"Yeap! That thing over there is a spirit protecting this dragon's nest. Unfortunately, that dragon doesn't seem to be here anymore." Akemi briefly explained.

While I could see some of its skill, I didn't know what specific effects they actually had.

"But if all of the dragons are gone... Doesn't that mean that this poor thing has been doing it's job for nothing this whole time?" Chloe said as she was looking at the spirit guardian with a little pity.

"A lot of dragons used to make contracts with spirits with the purpose of keeping unwanted things out of their property.

I find it amusing that this spirit hasn't checked its own contract with its master. But I don't blame it.

Dragons would instantly kill these spirits if they dared to mess around with the contract. They would instantly know if they did, that's why she still protects this place."

"Spirits have it rough…" Hina pitied the way how these little things were treated by dragons.

"So what do we do with it?" I asked since I had no use of that thing.

"Maybe we can ask if this dungeon has a treasure room, or a life crystal?" Chloe suggested.

"I don't think she'll answer us though… not only did we invade this place, we also attacked her…"

What Ichika was trying to say was true, and I was sure that this spirit wouldn't spit out a word, but—

"Mmh… hm…" The spirit let out a moaning sound as she was about to wake up.

—there are ways of making someone talk.

"Look, it's waking up." Chloe pointed out as we all were waiting for her to wake up.

"Uh… why am i… wha?!" And the moment she was conscious, I grabbed her so she wouldn't fly away.

"What happened?!?! Why am I here?!" She was looking all around as she was trying to understand what was going on.

"Weh?!" And it didn't take long before she realized that she was within my fist.

"Let go of me!" She demanded as she was trying to get out of my hand. But everything was futile since she couldn't even budge away from me.

"I think that's going to be impossible."

She looked up at me in fear as she couldn't escape from my grip. Her face got pale a little and sweat was dripping down her face.

"K-killing me won't do a thing and this place doesn't have any treasure so p-please let me go." But even after she said that, I wasn't going to let her go.

I knew that the moment I would let her go, she would fly away at an insane speed, and catching her again would be really hard. Especially because of her size.

"No treasurers? Not even a crystal?" I could see the disappointment in Chloe's voice from here as she asked the fairy once again.

"M-my master took them all. There's nothing here!"

Both Chloe and some of the other girls were disappointed that they couldn't actually gain anything special from this place. But still, I feel like there's something more which she's trying to hide.

"When was the last time you saw your master?" Akemi approached the guardian as she asked.

"I don't k-know. It was long ago…" Her response got a little weaker as she thought about that. "I told you everything I k-know, right? You'll let me go n-now, right?" She began asking again.

Her answers were nowhere near enough to actually satisfy me. Akemi also mentioned that the spirit couldn't see her own contract, fearing that she might die.

"I wonder about that." I tried intimidating her a little in case she had something else to hide. Even if she didn't have anything else to say, this was the first time I have seen a race like that. Letting her go that easily would be less interesting.

"Ah, you scared her way too much…" Akemi smirked a little after seeing what I did.

"Hatsuko, listen, you can't do such an awful thing to someone." Ichika also got a little mad after seeing how this guardian passed out.




And since we had nothing else to do in this dungeon, we went back to the surface after Akemi managed to find the exit portal. She also mentioned something that this place would collapse the moment the guardian would leave.


It was already night outside, that's why we decided to set up a camp to spend the night. Everyone was offering some kind of help in setting it up, like cooking, finding mushrooms, making the area suitable for the camp.

Me on the other hand, was left with keeping an eye on this little thing.

"Hey…" Her voice called out while I was watching everyone do their own stuff.

"Hey! I'm talking to you!" Her irritating voice called out once again. "Will you let me go already!?"

Since she could easily escape, I tied her hands and feet while hanging upside down from the branch of a tree.

"Why are you ignoring me?! Let me go already. " Each time she spoke, her voice got even louder and more annoying. "Hey, hey, hey, hey!"

"If you don't keep that mouth shut, I'll fill it up with dirt." I threatened her.


That's how she continued ever since she woke up... She kept begging or demanding stuff with an annoying attitude. But what's worse, she wouldn't shut up.

"...Hic.. hic… Why does this happen to me.. hic, i just wanted to go home. F-first the contract with that awful dragon, and now this? I can't take it anymore! Waaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!" She began crying, getting the attention of all of the girls.

"Hatsuko, that's not the way to treat someone." Ichika immediately came and tried releasing that thing where I had tied her.

"Wait, she'll‐-"

"No buts, this isn't nice to treat her like that."

And to my surprise, that little thing quietly sat on Ichika's hand after untying her. She was sobbing as she would take glances at me.

"Hic… t-thank you, hic…"

Well, as long as she doesn't annoy me with her voice, I don't care what she does anymore.

"Your home has probably been destroyed by now, so you shouldn't even bother." On the other side was Akemi relaxing on the grass as she said that.

"I'm not talking about the one in this world. I'm talking about- mh!" But before she could finish talking, she covered her own mouth, preventing herself from saying anything else.

"Hoo? Things got a little interesting here." Akemi smirked after realizing what she wanted to say.






Sorry for the wait...

But for now, I'll be posting daily in this novel until the end of this arc.


Up to 20 chapters ahead are available on (P a t r e o n) link on synopsis!

Also, don't forget to review or vote power stones if you enjoyed this chapter!


KrisVFXcreators' thoughts
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