
Chapter 36: Reality Warping Is Badass

"Tsune, if you look at the cosmic cloud, two million stars to the left, two billion stars downwards you will realize it looks like cotton candy, doesn't it?" said a deep, gruff giant lying next to a woman. Their sizes were quite contrary to each other as were their clothings.

"It does, doesn't it? What about the planet about sixty four thousand light years away from the cloud. Those girls there have three breasts," the girl said, making the giant gasp as he touched his chest.

"Wow, they are all tanned too. Hey, what do we have here, they are quite good at blowing too. Why don't we go there instead of staying here?" the giant asked.

"Even a single sperm of your is a potential system eraser so don't even think about unloading those millions onto a poor girl's mouth," the girl reprimanded him.

"But I'm boooooorrreeeeed!" the giant whined.

"Aren't you the one who said Marvel world is the best?" she mocked him.

"I thought so too but I can literary tear this universe with my bare hands, I can't find a challenge here,"

"Villians not working for you?"

"Being a villian sucks. I don't even know how to be one when I know I can destroy everyone in this universe and noone can stop me,"

"How about a bet?"

"Bet? What bet?"

"I bet you cannot be a decent hero," she said. The giant removed his helmet and looked at her.

"I will take that bet and I put a stake. If I win, I get to have you uhm, tell me your deepest darkest secret and if you win I will turn you into a real human," he said. The girl's eyes sparkled then she quickly calmed herself down.

"How do we determine who wins?" she asked.

"About two hundred thousand light-years away from the three boobs planet is a four metres tall purple titan called Thanks. He is trying to wipe out half the humanity and he is looking for the infinity stones, Earth just happens to have two of them and in the future three of them. I know for a fact he will come to earth for those stones. So, if I stop him before he uses those stones then I win," he said.

"Fine. But, no using the Nothingness and Everythingness Great Dao,"

"Can I use it one last time?" he asked her.

"Sure, go ahead," she said. The giant smiled then cupped his hands together.

Suddenly, Earth became much more larger! On the map was a completely new Island just ten miles off the shores of California. The island was known as National Island and unlike other islands in the American continents, this Island did not suffer from natural disasters and had a population of ten million yet it did not feel cramped. The Island had a city called National City and it was twice as large as Ney York but twice as clean.

"So you made your new base of operations and made everyone think this island has been there since before, clever," the girl said but the giant just shrugged.

"It is a rip off of DC but it will do. Common, off to the future we go," the giant said as he got up. The girl followed suit and the giant ripped the air and a rift in time opened in front of them. They both got in and the rift mend itself nicely.

Nicklaus and Tsune appeared at a beach. They looked around and definitely knew things had changed. Nicklaus took a deep breath in and enjoyed the smell of salt water in his lungs.

"So, hero, ready to start?" Tsune asked.

"Of course I am," Nicklaus said. Tsune burst into particles of light and flew into the Spartan combat suit. "Good thing I still have the suit. Now, let's make history," Nicklaus said then started off towards the city.

You know how when you think about how to lay waste to your enemies it just somehow backfires to you? Well, Quinn was exactly like that. He had come to National City thinking he would get a clean start. This city was a city of fresh starts. He had got a job as a detective and he was on a case about a serial murdered on the island. He had really prayed the man would get a heart attack but it seemed the bad luck was to him. He was now surrounded by six men who he knew were from an upcoming gang.

"We've been waiting for you, Detective Quinn Miller. We's been trying to talk to you but you seem to be blowing us off," one of them said as he tipped a cigarette.

"I've been busy..."

"Busy avoiding us. We know your kind of coppers. You say you are all righteous and shit as you avoid using like a plague. But the boss wants you in our pay check so we's can do this the easy way or the bat shit crazy way, the choice is yours," the man said.

"Blackmailing someone is a criminal offense," a deep, gruff voice said from the shadows. Everyone turned to look at where the voice came from and saw the tallest person they ever saw walking out of the shadows. Everyone of them suddenly felt their hearts clench.

"You're him, aren't you? You were in the Second World War, the Armoured Butcher," one of the goons said. Nicklaus frowned but they could not see that in his helmet. He then delved into their minds and saw that when he left, the world had given him credit for the end of the war for his interference had made Germany very weak to the invasion and it had cost the Allies less men. Hitler tried to suicide but an Allied soldier sniped him. Right now that soldier is one of the heroes of the world, especially to the Jews. Nicklaus was named as the indestructible hulk who brought terror among Nazis and there was even pages about him in text books.

"Damn, this is going to complicate a lot of things," Nicklaus said as he stopped time.

"One last time?" Tsune asked him.

"One last time," Nicklaus answered. He then used his reality warping and made sure everyone forgot about him. There is no mention of him in the history books or anywhere else. Deciding to strike while the iron is hot, he changed his appearance from five metres to two metres. His hair went to red, his suit changed from Spartan armour to a black skin tight suit with a black cape. The insignia on the chest was a lightning bolt and the cape had a good he could put on just because why not. His boot were black and on his face was an eye mask. His piercing blue eyes clear and looked untainted, giving him a naive look.

"Hey, that's cheating. Because of that I am putting more restrictions. No more use of Great Daos and martial arts," Tsune punished him.

"Hold on, I will tell you what I want. Since I am physically strong and fast it has no problem running at speeds of sound and lifting oil rigs with ease. I will want to fly, breath out ice, wind and fire, be able to use light magic, Psychokinesis, psychic powers and finally time warp when it is really necessary," Nicklaus said. Tsune went into a thinking pose.

"It is doable. Fine, you can use those powers and nothing else," she said. Poor girl did not know she just gave him permission to be Superman without his annoying weakness.

"Good. Now, back to the thing," Nicklaus said then turned to the thugs and cop still frozen. He unwound time till the moment of his entrance, flew to the sky then freed time. The thugs were back to threatening the cop and one wanted to hit him with a bat when Nicklaus dropped from the sky and landed with a superhero landing. Everyone of them looked at him in surprise as he got up with a smile on his face.

"It's not a good report to the town if a police man is harassed by local thugs. But never worry, Superior Man is here," Nicklaus said with a deep and heroic voice.

"Who's this guy? Why is he wearing Spandex? Is that a cape on his back?" one of the thugs asked.

"Don't care, rough him up," the leader of the thugs said. One of them gladly accepted this and threw a punch at Nicklaus's face who did nothing to dodge or block. The man sneered but when his fist connected, he felt like he just hit a metal mountain. His wrist and fingers broke immediately and he went to his knees as he screamt in pain.

"No physical attacks has yet to damage me," Nicklaus said as he got hold of the man's collar with one hand and threw him out of the alley and smashed into a car. The other thugs removed bats from somewhere and started attacking him. But all of them received an unpleasant shock as the bats broke on impact making them look at Nicklaus in fear.

"Beware of the power of the flick," Nicklaus said and started flicking them. It looked extremely casual but with each flick was an unconscious flying thug. Soon, only the leader remained and he was oddly calm.

"You seem to have a trick up your sleeve," Nicklaus said.

"Of course. I am not stupid. This might be 2007 but I still carry my Smith and Wesson around," the thug said and pointed a revolver at Nicklaus. "Good bye." The thug proceeded to shot six consecutive times at Nicklaus's head but when he was done, Nicklaus was still smiling. "What the hell? How are you not dead, I couldn't have missed at this distance."

"Oh, no, your aim is quite splendid but I am faster than the speeding bullet so..." Nicklaus said then opened his left palm and six bullets fell to the ground. The thug was now panicking.

"Wait wait wait, we can talk about this, no need for...Ooff!" he suddenly grunted when the cop connected a fast fist onto his face, incapacitating him. Miller looked at this man who saved him and nodded.

"Thank you," he said.

"No problem. Take care," Nicklaus said and floated away.

"What a weird day," Miller said as he took his phone to call this in.

The following day was filled with reports of this new flying caped man saving people all over the city. One time he was saving a balloon from a tree, the next was opening a locked car door so as to save a kid from suffocating, the next was to walk an old woman across the street and the next is to carry a bus full of children going home across the traffic.

The people who asked him his name said he was called Superior Man. The news and papers were going full on detective mode on this that they forgot about everything else. Getting to know that superheroes still exist can make your life change, especially one that can carry a bus full of people, even if it were children, for two miles and still have time to smile and take a selfie with them.

But it seems crime never stopped for early that morning, ten bank robbers hit a, well, bank. They were armed to the teeth and not friendly to the police at all. As soon as they arrived, they opened fire at them. The police suppressed their gunfire for they did not want to hit hostages inside. For one hour, the police were pinned and two gravely injured.

"Damnit, if we do not get back up soon we will be done," the Police captain cursed as he took cover behind a cop car. Suddenly, they heard a crash in front of them and the robbers stopped firing. He frowned a bit then looked up hesitantly. There he saw the man in black standing in between the battleground.

"Sorry, I wanted to come earlier but I did not want to come in between police work because of the meddling with justice law. But I can't help but see you are all in a peril," Superior Man said. The Captain wanted to say something but one of the robbers beat him to it.

"Kill this Captain America wannabe," everyone heard one of them say then gunshots followed. What followed next made their jaws hit the the ground. The bullets hit either his suit or face and they just fell on the ground, leaving him unharmed. This went on for a minute or two before a cease fire was issued.

"What are you?" a robbery shouted.

"A man an a crusade to punish all criminals. Would you please come out or would you rather I come in and get you myself?" Superior Man asked.

"Stay outside, freak. Everyone of these people have a vest with C-4 strapped on them and I have the trigger in my hands, a dead man trigger. I remove my finger and they all d..."

Superior Man suddenly disappeared and seconds later, the hostages started appearing on the road, confused. They did not have their vests on them which confused the people even more. He then appeared next to the police captain and dropped into him a severed hand which was still pressing on the button.

"Have a nice day, officer," Superior Man said then flew off, leaving everyone with even more questions. Before they could talk to themselves, a blood curdling scream came from the bank. The cops were told to proceed inside and once they were in, they found the ten men tied together with a steel rod which seemed like a ribbon with the way it was tied. One of them did not have his left wrist but the hand was not bleeding.

"What kind of strength should one have to do this to a steel beam?"

"And how fast should one be to do this in seconds?"

"This guy, who the hell is he?"

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