
A Hard Battle

"Swordsman Skill: Body Enhancement!!"

[Warning!! Host's body sustains slight injuries.]

[Warning!! Host's body sustains slight injuries.]

Desmond's gaze fell upon his weary feet as he pushed himself to keep running, frustration etched across his face. "Shit, come on, legs," he muttered under his breath.

Departing from the toy shop, Desmond's condition worsened, prompting him to hasten his pace by invoking a double enchantment, seeking to increase his speed twofold. However, the consequence was a creeping numbness that gradually engulfed his legs.

Initially, the pursuing guards were taken aback by Desmond's burst of speed and were left trailing in his wake. But their training and resilience propelled them forward, swiftly bridging the gap. These guards, although they might not have appeared formidable at first glance, possessed a strength surpassing that of ordinary individuals—a prerequisite for their selection as members of the prestigious Desmond family's personal security force.

After a few minutes of relentless trekking, they finally reached the bustling harbor, eliciting a further wave of annoyance within Desmond.

[Target is near!!]

[Target is near!!]

Given the daylight hours, the port was relatively quiet, with only a few individuals engaged in the transportation of goods, opening shops, or trading wares.

What vexed Desmond to no end was the unabashed attention he garnered upon his arrival, causing his guard to rise instinctively.

"System, show me the way," Desmond requested, seeking guidance from the enigmatic system that governed his abilities.

An arrow materialized in front of him, its spectral form pointing towards a location in close proximity to the church where he had previously assessed his talent.

Resolutely, Desmond followed the ethereal arrow, his footsteps guiding him to a narrow alleyway. Upon arrival, the arrow abruptly ceased its guidance, hovering in front of him as if indicating this to be the destination.

His gaze fell upon a discarded, tattered shirt strewn across the ground—an unmistakable remnant of Alice's attire. Clutching the fabric, realization dawned upon Desmond as he recalled the harrowing assassination attempt from three years prior.

"Guards, secure this alleyway. If I haven't returned within five minutes, you have permission to enter," Desmond commanded, his voice carrying an air of authority.

"Yes, young master!" the guards responded in unison, acknowledging their duty.

With resolve etched upon his face, Desmond ventured deeper into the dimly lit alley. Once a sufficient distance separated him from the guards, he activated a spell, shrouding himself in its arcane energy.

"Custom Spell: Light Distortion."

"Swordsman Skill: Body Enhancement."

Having invoked Body Enhancement for the fourth time, Desmond grimaced as the pain coursed through his body. He clenched his teeth, determined to endure it, and gradually, his form began to fade from sight.

Walking down the narrow alley, Desmond's gaze fell upon several more remnants of Alice's torn shirt. Suddenly, a bloodcurdling scream pierced the air from the far end of the alley.


Desmond's internal voice screamed, his mind racing to maintain composure and avoid alerting the assailants.

Recognizing the distinctive cry, Desmond quickened his pace, a surge of adrenaline urging him forward. Reaching the end of the alley, his eyes widened as he witnessed two demons looming over an unconscious Alice. Her disheveled clothing and the bruise on her cheek spoke volumes of the ordeal she had endured.

Not far from them lay another demon, impaled by icy shards that protruded from its chest.

[Scanning the target...]

[Scan Complete!]

[Name: Unknown Child, Unknown Child

Gender: Male, Male

Age: 13, 10

Race: Demon, Demon

Class: None, None

Occupation: Slave, Slave

Demon Energy: 4.74, 3.65

Strength: 10.00, 5.00

Agility: 4.00, 3.00

Stamina: 0.50, 0.50]

These demon figures bore an uncanny resemblance to humans, save for the menacing horns sprouting from their heads and the tails extending from their rear. Standing at a height of 4 feet and 7 inches, the demons possessed an eerie aura, their emaciated frames reflecting malnourishment. It was only when a demon reached a certain level of power that they would manifest a complete demonic form; prior to that, they sported a single horn without a tail.

Maintaining a calm and composed demeanor, Desmond inched closer to the weaker of the two demons, strategizing to eliminate the weaker adversary first before launching a surprise assault on the second.

As Desmond neared, he swiftly covered the demon's mouth and plunged his sword into its heart. The younger demon met its demise without a struggle or a scream, yet the lifeless body crashed to the ground with an echoing thud.

"Damn you!" Desmond cursed, frustration bubbling within him. He charged forward, sword held firmly in his right hand, aiming directly for the other demon's heart.

Although lacking proper training in swordsmanship and relying solely on self-taught techniques, Desmond harnessed the advantage of his small stature and his extensive study of recorded footage. He utilized this knowledge to gain an edge over his opponent, the demon before him.

The demon swiftly pivoted, lashing out with its tail aimed directly at Desmond's vulnerable stomach. Reacting with agility, Desmond leaped into the air, altering his attack trajectory to aim for the demon's head, intending to cleave its skull in two.

*Clang* The resounding clash reverberated through the air. Desmond's eyes widened in disbelief as his sword made contact with the demon's formidable horn. His experience thus far had been limited to human adversaries, leaving him unprepared for a confrontation with a demon.

Desmond, gripping his sword tightly, found himself suspended mid-air, caught in the collision between the sword and the demon's horn. The impact shattered Desmond's defense, and before he could react, the demon seized his hand, forcefully slamming his body against the unforgiving ground.


*Cough* Blood spurted from Desmond's mouth upon impact. His vision blurred, the world fading into a haze as he witnessed the menacing shadow of the demon's tail poised to strike his eye.

Bracing himself for the inevitable, Desmond closed his eyes, awaiting his impending demise.

However, after a few agonizing seconds, he felt nothing. Hesitantly, he opened his eyes, a glimmer of hope stirring within him.

Desmond beheld a scene frozen in time; the tail that had been moments away from his eye hovered mere inches from his forehead.

*Gulp* A chance!

Realizing his right hand still clutched the sword, Desmond mustered every ounce of strength he could muster. With a mighty thrust, he drove the sword forward, the blade piercing flesh.

*Pop* Blood splattered across Desmond's face, the world transforming into a crimson hue. Adjusting his body slightly, he narrowly evaded the tail's intended target, yet the strike connected with his shoulder.

*Ahhhh* The alleyway echoed with Desmond's agonized screams.

*Rumble* Suddenly, a deep rumbling sound emanated from beyond the confines of the alley. Focused on rubbing his eyes, Desmond had little time to comprehend the source of the disturbance as he endured the searing pain in his shoulder.

With the assistance of his guards, Desmond managed to regain his footing, though his legs continued to tremble slightly.

"Alice," Desmond murmured, his gaze shifting towards her motionless form amidst the debris.

Drawing closer, Desmond assessed Alice's condition. Though not severely injured, she lay unconscious amidst the refuse. Determined, he reached down and carefully lifted her into his arms.

Despite his own injuries, Desmond remained resolute in carrying Alice. After ensuring her comfort, he turned his attention to the fallen demon he had struck.

Two guards had surrounded the demon, restraining its movements, while Desmond's sword remained embedded in its leg.

"Put an end to that wretched creature!" Desmond commanded, his voice laced with venom.

In unison, the guards obeyed, thrusting their spears into the demon's vulnerable form. The creature's expression morphed from anger to panic, and ultimately, shock before succumbing to death.

Desmond regarded the lifeless demon with a cold, unwavering gaze before shifting his focus back to the guards.

"Take care of Alice and wait outside the alley. I have unfinished business to attend to."

"Yes, young master!"

Handing Alice over to the guards, Desmond watched as they departed, ensuring her safety. After allowing them a few moments to retreat, he approached the lifeless body of the demon, his curiosity piqued.

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