
14th Legion Part Two

After William defeated Trazyn a few months ago,

"Now, let us take this world one more time," Trazyn said to himself as his tomb ship emerge out from the moon and begin to hover on the ground. After the fall of Cadia and the opening of the Great Rift, Trazyn learned of an entirely different world in the corner of the torn reality. This particular opening led him to something new and different for him to collect but at the same time opportunity for other species to contaminate them, forcing Trazyn to rush the expedition.

"A new exhibit for the unknown world after the Great Rift. This is a rare opportunity for me to expand my exhibition beyond this reality." Trazyn, seeing the chance to collect beings beyond this world quickly assembled what he could. Thankfully, the Overlord had awakened forces ready to go since he had previously part taken in the final event of the 13th Black Crusade as a participant on the defending side. Long story short, it did go well.

With a single Caim-class Tomb Ship and a collection of necessary forces under his wing, Trazyn entered the torn reality, eager to collect many things before others burn them to the ground.

"My lord, we have incoming vessels from the dark side of the second moon. According to the scanner, it's a small band of a fleet composed of 10 total and they belong to the 13th Black Crusade." One of the command deck crew report to the Trazyn with no emotion or concern. As soulless and low-ranking Necron, they don't have much personality or emotion to display except for Trazyn.

"10 Black Legion's vessels? Well, we can't have them burn the world before I finish my expedition, would I? Intercept the small fleet, prepare all the Doom Scythes and have them destroy their engines. Leave no survivors." After receiving the order from the overlord, the entire crew of the Caim-class Tomb Ship follows their designation to bring the giant ship alive.

The largest type of Necron starship came to life as bright green colors can be seen and moon clouds of dust wash away the surface like a wave 360 degrees. In a matter of few minutes, the tomb ship lifts off from the moon, heading toward the newcomers who have no idea that they are about to enter the void war (Space battle).


"Fire," Trazyn simply whispered instead of shouting the order. As Necron, he didn't have to speak at all but speaking through his metallic voice gave him some sense of his old self. Without saying anything, the command crew of the tomb ship fires their main weapon and hit the main center of the enemy formation. On the surface of the second moon, a green fire in the sky can be seen and a few seconds later, multiple Black Legion vessels exploded, creating a firestorm in the empty space.

Trazyn, even though his entire Necrodermis body screamed to go out there and collect the Chaos vessels, he knew not to take the risk. There is always an opportunity to collect Chaos and Imperium stuff but this world, oh no, he won't take any chances, unlike what happened to Cadia.

"Change to a new target and continue the rate of fire. Send out Doom and Night Scythes to take out the surviving vessels. I will not have a single survivor enter my world and ruin the cultural trajectory."

"Yes, Overlord." At once, all of the crew members answer Trazyn's order and follow them through. In less than an hour, the tomb ship managed to destroy the majority of Chaos ships, leaving one single transport ship and one green Battle Barge heading towards the New World.

'After cleaning these expired collectibles, I need to make a new plan including the Emperor's Champion.' Trazyn, believing his ship's superior firepower and element of surprise was lost in thoughts when suddenly an alarm goes off.

"My lord, we have a second wave of enemy vessels coming out of warp. A total of 15 ships and they are heading directly toward our location." The ship captain said to Necron Overlord as the imaging display shows the enemy ships are coming in fast, about to block tomb ships from hitting the remaining ships from the first wave.

"Fire, now! Don't let them escape!" Trazyn shout his command this time and ordered the command crew to fire the Star Pulse Generator. A massive pulse of green energy finally fired and was on its way to hit the battle barge, but unfortunately for the Necron Overlord, the energy beam was intercepted by another Battle Barge. The ship exploded spectacularly but managed to accomplish the task of saving the first ship, giving two ships full of Chaos forces a chance to invade the New World.

'How unfortunate and unlike of them to sacrifice their ship. Unless…' Before Trazyn could finish his thought, one of the command crew finish it for him.

"We have multiple reports of enemy intruders in the ship. My lord, it's the crew of the second Battle Barge." Hearing this Trazyn signed even though he doesn't have lungs or mouth to exhale the air.

"Send the Lychguards and Immortals to face the intruder for now. I will personally handle this matter once and for all." Double checking his Tesseract Labyrinths (Both filled and empty), Overlord grabs his staff, Empathic Obliterator.

"I have no need for the rest of the ships." The last order from the Overlord seal the fate of the second wave as the captain of the tomb ship is given the order to use all weapons to destroy the enemy ships.

"As you command." Necron captain replied to Overlord before he left the bridge. When Trazyn left the command bridge, the Necron captain follow the order and redirect the tomb ship to engage the rest of the enemy ships.

"Prepare the Sepulchre and Lighting Arc Batteries. Bring out fear and death."


The second wave of Black Legion ships was taken out in a matter of two days. All 14 ships of the Chaos Marines and cultists face off against Trazyn's tomb ship and unfortunately for them, the ship's secret weapon, the Sepulchre created a psychic vision of horror and made everyone living fight each other on a rampage.

Once the enemy forces surrounded the tomb ship and believed that they have the advantage, The Necron captain fired the weapon, sending a wave of vision beyond humanity's understanding of technology. Immediately, all enemy ships went into a panic as they weren't able to protect themselves from the psychic attack.

Every ship's crew, cultists, slaves, and traitor Space Marines went on a rampage as they saw nightmares of their own unable to recognize what was real and what wasn't. Ultimately, ships fire upon each other while the tomb ship blasts an arc of lighting which wipes multiple enemy vessels at once. Unable to protect themselves or bother to raise the void shield, the remaining second wave of the Black Legion ships explodes in space without making a sound for others to know they were there.

When Trazyn reached the first group of intruders, Lychguards managed to kill them all by destroying the blue power armor. Realizing there are multiple kill teams spread all over the ship, Trazyn sends out more troops but is unable to track them down due to their unnatural magic.

'Clear each floor and room one by one if you have to. I will not have my plan delayed by some magic wizards full of ashes.' Trazyn sends out his messages to every Necrons on the ship and orders Lychguards and Immortals to follow him, following damaged hallways to find the next kill team of Thousand Sons.

By the time Trazyn was done with intruders, the ship received heavy damages from within and require a large amount of time to repair before operating in minimum capabilities. It took him two weeks and even though his ship doesn't have air or atmosphere, somehow the Chaos Space Marines from the Thousand Sons managed to stay alive without the need for air or food.

"Continue the repairs and report back to me. I will track down the two escaped enemy ships using Night Scythe." An order was given to the Necron captain and the Overlord took a handful of elite troops with him and descend to the New World. Tracking traitor Chaos Marines and discovering a new development from Emperor's Champion.


Present Time,

'Damn that walking metal skeleton. He pulls a petty trick on me just like how he did with Orikan the Diviner.' William thought to himself and activate his terminator armor lights to scan the area around him. After looking around for a few minutes, William realized that he was inside some kind of animal's stomach as the interior of the walls are covered with living organisms and slimes.

"Chapter Master!" A voice called behind William and when he turned around, he saw a group of Blacksouls Honour Guards approaching him with weapons out and scanning the area just in case.

"Report captain, is this everyone?"

"Yes, Chapter Master. All 20 Honour Guards are here." The captain of the Honour Guard, Archilaus Auguste said to William while others expand the area to secure the perimeter. By the looks of it, the Honour guards are well adjusted to sudden changes in the environment and didn't show any concern whatsoever. William could guess, they are more excited to do something instead of standing around, looking tough and fearsome.

"That is good. We don't game of looking for others while stranded in unknown places. Do we have any clue where we are?"

"I believe we are inside of the enemy Battle Barge. I recommend tactically sabotaging the ship's critical system and escaping to regroup with the rest of the army."

"No, we will take the command bridge and take it to orbit before setting it to self-destruction. We can't risk putting down the Battle Barge and risk the spread of the plague in the air, contaminating half of the globe." William explains his reasoning and checks his load of combi range weapons under his power fist wrists.

Having his ammo inventory to his combi-bolter and combi-plasma, William didn't have to worry about reloading or running out of ammo in the middle of combat. At this point, he is walking fortress with enough firepower and defense to take out the army all by himself.

"Double check your weapons and be ready to roll out. We are going on a hunt and I'm taking the lead." William said to his Honour Guards and readied his terminator armor to expand his blank ability.

Just like in the Battle of Three Armies, William's terminator armor can expand the range of the blank signal beyond his natural range, but this time is different as Honour Guards have the same features builtin in their power armor.

Honour Guards aren't Liberians and can't generate their own blank ability but if there is one blank among their party, they can boost the range of the signal, making them unstoppable when facing Chaos enemy units.

"Truth death has come for you, Death Guard." William activates his blank ability which immediately wipes the taint of the Chaos corruption while Honour Guards' power armors and the chapter symbol begins to glow bright silver (Number zero with the letter I in the middle and symbol of Power Hammer behind the number zero with hammerhead engraved with Aquila of the Imperium of Man).

With each step they took, the corruption cleared and a few of the Honour Guards burn the living organisms with white flames from their wrist flamers. The vanguard of the Blacksouls and an elite among the elite advance further into the belly of the beast while unknown to them, the beast prepares the welcoming party as traitor legion elites advance from the opporsite sides.

Enjoy the new update (Chapter 100)!

Please write reviews and comments for it gives me enough energy to survive the work week.

Thank you and stay safe.

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts
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