
The Battle of the Three Armies

[Please read the Author's Thoughts for important news]


"I will rip the bones from your body and leave your skin to rot! But your skull I will give to the skull-god, and it will be one among the multitude."

- Skarbrand, The Exiled One


Each four Chaos Gods have their legion of daemons and traitor Space Marines under their flags to spread corruption on the galaxy. Among countless daemons, Greater Daemons are the most potent and living embodiment of their respected masters as each of them led command legion of Chaos to compete on the never-ending Great Game.

Nurgle's Greater Daemons are known as Great Unclean Ones. Massive and bloated disease carriers who could spread the Nurgle's gifts among mortals while laughing their guts out, literally. Their ability to spread plagues not only affects all living beings but could also devastate the environment itself, while their bloated bodies could take tons of damage, making them one of the most challenging daemons to kill in the lore and tabletop game.

Slaanesh's Greater Daemons are known as Keepers of Secrets. Huge and powerful creatures with the appearance of half male and half female bodies who could bring down the bravest warrior onto his knees due to corruption of pleasure and pain. Keepers of Secrets are known for their speed and crab-like claws that could shred metal plates and power armor, but the most powerful weapon is their warp sorcery which could bring down Imperial nobility into a Cult of Pleasure.

Lords of the Change are the Greater Daemons of the Tzeentch. These giant bird-like winged daemons are the masters of warp magic and are capable of limited foresight as they slaughter enemies in range. Lords of Change attempts mortals and corrupt them by offering knowledge and power of sorcery that only Tzeentch could grant. For this reason, Tzeentch's faction is full of Sorcerers and uses range tactics to destroy the enemy.

Lastly, Bloodthirsters are the Greater Daemons of the Khorne, the Blood God and Lord of Rage. Resembling close to classic demons of Christianity, their leathery wings, cloven hooves, and a gigantic body of pure muscle, Bloodthirsters exists to slaughter and spill an ocean of blood on the battlefield. Unlike other Greater Daemons, Bloodthirsters don't use warp magic as Khorne considers magic a weakness and not honorable. Because of this, Bloodthirsters are the masters of melee combat and walking manifestation of deaths.

Skarbrand the Exiled One is a Greater Daemon of the Khorne and so much more. Once, he was the greatest of all Khorne's daemons, and his power brought glorious victories among countless battles. In all the endless existence of Khrone, Skarbrand collected and piled more skulls for the Skull Throne than anyone and defended his master's realm against other Chaos factions at the same time. Skalbrand's two daemonic axes, known as Slaughter and Carnage was, imbued from the two exalted Bloodthirsters' spirits who challenged Skarbrand and failed.

Skarbrand is known as 'Exiled One' because he betrayed his master. Tzeentch, who recognized Skarbrand's prowess and favor to the Khorne, decided to goad him and turn his loyalty against Blood God. When Khorne's attention was elsewhere, Skarbrand attacked his master, powerful enough to destroy an army but only manage to chip a piece of Khorne's armor.

Angered by Skarbrand's actual backstabbing, not his betrayal, Khorne threw Skarbrand from the warp after striping his personality and leaving only his rage. Wondering now with nothing but tattered wings and mindless wrath, Skarbrand rampage in the Materium (Real world) and spill more Blood for the Blood God and collect a mountain of skulls for the Skull Throne in the current 40K universe.


"Yes! You are dead now fucker. I am saved. Keeper! Come and save me!" Makato yells his lungs out while William still has one foot on top of him with blank ability making Makato defenseless. With the reinforcement of Slaanesh and another legion of Chaos next to them, Makato, who is still lacking 40K lore, believes he will be saved. William turns his head down and faces Makato, who just realized something is off.

"I won't celebrate right away if I were you. I still have you under my grasp, and we are still quite distant away from the armies." With William, grab Makato's head with his free hand and lift him, facing him towards two Chaos legions.

"Wait, wait." Make protest with all his power, but it was pointless as William began to crush his skull as William focused his blank ability on his hand. The immense power generated from the terminator armor began being unbelievable pain as Makato's skull slowly made sounds, and his ears, nose, and eyes began to leak black goo.

"Keeper, I order you to come and save ME!" Makato gathered all his strength he could muster as William's blank ability made him weaker by the second. Still, the voice could be heard as both Greater Daemons turn around to face Makato. Crying and begged as his one eye began to bulge.

None of the Greater Daemons moved or showed any sign of consideration as they just stood and watched the slow execution of the Daemon Prince of Slaanesh. When the Keeper of Secret finally realized who was calling him, he smiled with delight and wickedness as he saw his prime target killing stain of human/daemon for him.

"Oh, how unfortunate, my dear Makato. Once again, you failed to subdue your target and disgraced the name of 'Prince of Pleasure.' Don't worry, my dear man toy, I will avenge your death and accomplish what you failed to do. After all, you don't send humans to do daemon's work." Keeper of Secret licks his massive pincer blade hand as he and his Legion of Excess watch as if it was entertainment.

Meanwhile, Skarbrand and his Blood Legion remain silent as their twisted code of honor of duel prevented them from attacking William. Skarbrand even put his two axes down blade first and sat on a burning house to witness the mortal duel beneath him. It is a very unusual scene as two very different and hated factions simply stand and watch as Daemon Prince is about to be killed in front of them.

Mankato, who just realized what was happening, completely lost his last hope as his vision became cloudy with blackness coming from his black Blood. His body could only twitch his limbs due to pain and listen to a cracking skull coming from his head. The terminator armor put Makao's head close to his while maintaining the direction towards the two Chaos factions.

"You miss calculated, my fellow Earthling. You should have stayed dead within the realm of Slaanesh. Now you die for real." With that last word, William completely crushes Makato's daemon head as his massive metal hand is drenched with black goo as pieces of brain matter and skull explode in his hand. William wasn't done just yet. After dropping the headless body of the Daemon Prince, William stepped forward and caved the chest, crushing the twisted heart and other organs that used to be human.



You killed your fellow Isekai character who turned against humanity and delivered justice on to him. Since his soul is completely destroyed and no way of returning to any Divine Realm, his reborn gift (Cheat) will be given to the nearest Isekai character.

Congratulation. You received 'Mastery of All Tools'

[Master of All Tools (Passive): A person with this ability instantly masters any tools the moment he or she touches them and brings forth the full potential of the item. From simple frying pan to weapon of war, you will be able to utilize them without prior knowledge or experience. Note: The gift depends on the item and its use, as the effect will differ. For example, you won't be able to shoot down a dragon from the sky by flicking a needle with your finger. On the other hand, if you fire an armor-piercing arrow at the dragon, your arrow will be able to penetrate the dragon's scale and kill it from the sky.]


Note: Following the rule of the summons and since the current player is a Chapter Master of his Chapter. MC can summon Space Marines from the Legion of Blacksouls under his command.

By slaying Makato the Daemon Prince, you receive:

[Drop Pod of Legion of Blacksouls x10: Each pod contains 10 Space Marines from the Legion of Blacksouls, also simply known as Blacksouls or Null Marines. Following the Chapter battle doctrine of their own, Blacksouls use the blank ability to fullness as each pod also contains Librarians who are gifted with warp neutralizing ability of blank.]

[Drop Pod of Blacksouls Dreadnought x3: Each drop pod contains wounded Space Marine of the Blacksouls who received a second chance to join his brothers on the battlefield. Equipped with a near-indestructible battle walker and powerful weapons of destruction, these dreadnoughts can devastate the enemies of Mankind with heavy support weapons. Thanks to the Chapter's STC forge factory, each dreadnought is also equipped with an advanced frequency range emitter attached to the back of the dreadnought, which helps expand beyond the normal range of the Chapter Librarians' blank ability.]


William pulls out his second melee weapon and dual-wields them both as he activates his golden halberd and power hammer with his free hand. The golden blade of the halberd lit with bright golden light, and the power hammer began to hum as blue energy surrounded the hammer with blue lighting striking the ground and corpse. Witnessing how his weapons are acting beyond their capacity, William points his halberd towards two Chaos Legions and shouts his voice out.

"Now, who wants to taste the might of the Imperium and bane of Chaos Gods?" William announces his declaration of war and prepares his armor to go maximum power. Hearing this, Keeper of Secret screech in a high pitch as his army prepares themselves to fight the enemy who they came to collect his soul.

Meanwhile, Skarbrand picks up his two iconic battle axes and roars to signal his army for battle. With a duel between two mortals over and doesn't care who the victor is, Skarbrand's priority now is to flow the Blood and collect the skull for his master, who he betrayed long ago. The two Chaos armies aren't just facing William but also facing each other to fight since Khorne and Slaanesh don't like each other. For this reason, both two Chaos Legions won't mind killing each other while fighting William at the same time.

Just as Keeper and Skalbrand pump themselves to an all-out fight, William activates his new reward summons. A moment later, a booming sound of sound barrier-breaking can be heard, and multiple Drop Pods appeared in the sky. Lands behind a few yards away from William, the door to the pod opened as 90 Astartes of Blacksouls, 10 Librarians, and 3 Blacksouls Dreadnoughts emerge to position themselves behind their Chapter Master. William amplifies his voice through his armor and shouts his Chapter's warcry with his Chapter troops behind him.

"Run, hide, scream, or fight! It matters not, for true death has come for you!" The moment William finishes his warcry, he and his 10 Librarians activate their blank ability while three Dreadnoughts power up to extend the range beyond city square. The battle of the three armies began as the sounds of bolters, chainswords, hooves, and metal feet charged each other.

Note: New warcry provided by Danny_Garcia_3164. Thank you for the improved warcry for Blacksouls.

Hello readers.

I want to apologize for the late update as I'm a day late for the new chapter update. Unfortunately, the grime dark I mentioned a few chapters ago (Ch 67) finally happened and one of my family members passed away. Because of this, I will be pausing my webnovel for the unforeseeable future and don't know if I will come back to continue my story.

I'm sorry to give you this bad news and I hope you understand what I'm going through. Please pray for me and my family and I hope I can see you all in the future.

Thank you and stay safe.

From: ElJonson

ElJonsoncreators' thoughts
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