
Chapter 6

Draco's POV

Harry was in pain... you could easily tell and not just physically but mentally too, he stayed in the infirmary for a week. Having nightmares every single night. They finally allowed him back to the Gryffindor common room yesterday.

But I won't be getting my revenge yet, like they say revenge is best served cold not to mention the kids that I want revenge on are all suspended so I'll wait for now I'm gonna focus my time on helping Harry and getting Blaise and Ron together.

      Blaise's POV

  I held his hand why did I do that... it felt so natural though and he held mine.  Maybe I should ask him out. It's been a week since we held hands and it's still all I can think of.  I seemed pretty chill about it but every time I'm alone it's all I can think about. I felt like a total girl the first night when I can back to my room.  I literally screamed in my pillow... Merlin what have I come too.

   Anyways I see Ron occasionally staring at me but, every time I catch him he snaps his head away and looks down. Maybe he's embarrassed by me.  I did hold his hand all the way back to his common room.

I have to get over this crush on Ron and the only way to do that is to confess to him.

  "Hey Gay Boy" I heard a voice behind me pulling me out of my thoughts.  I whip my head around ready to break their nose. "God Draco your one to talk" I say once I realize it's Draco he laughs before giving me a serious look. "You need to get over yourself and ask that Weasley out already" he says still staring in to my soul pointing a finger at me.

"I know and I'm going to today" I say glancing away while rubbing the back of my neck nervously "that's what I thought you would say but I don't care you will...." he starts rambling on then cuts himself off and stares at me with wide eyes "Did you say you would" he continues with his mouth wide open.

   I nod my head in response as he pats me on the back. "My little baby Blaise is all grown up" he say with a fake sniffle "Does your Harry know about you having a child" I answer rolling my eyes.

He rubs his chin before saying "I should probably tell him about my child... I will when we tell him about Ron and you dating" he says with a snort. 

  I just looked down feeling a wave of sadness hit me "all I'm doing is confessing my feelings he doesn't like me like that" I say with my voice dropping lower after every word. 

"Don't worry Blaise he likes you I can promise you that.... now let's go get my child a boyfriend"  I continue to roll my eyes as we walk through the halls attempting to find Ron "You know you have become very hyper lately"  I say looking in to his eyes "yeah I've always been hyper I just had to conceal it underneath all my gelled hair" he answers with a laugh.

  I couldn't help but chuckle which eventually turned into an outburst of laughter. He just totally roasted himself and I loved it I was so busy laughing and not paying attention I bumped into somebody.

  I straighten up as the person put a hand on my chest and there other hand on my shoulder "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention" I say as I look up from my feet to see Ron. As he noticed me his eyes widen and he immediately pulls his hands away.  I flinch at the lost of contact but he doesn't seem to notice.  I watch Draco shuffle away tiptoeing behind a pillar trying to secretly watch.

  I couldn't help but roll my eyes.  "Ron wassup my bro" what did I just say.  He looks at me with questioning eyes before bursting out in laughter "Merlin!.. I can't do this be ready because I'm about to run" I say while grabbing his shoulders firmly as he stares at me with confusion and his cheeks red.

  Great now I'm embarrassing him. I sigh "guess what Ron I like you a lot like more then friends.. well see you later" I'm basically spitting the words out as I hear Draco squeal from the corner.

I turn to run before I feel a hand grab mine and then it turns me around. Ron stares into my eyes before looking away "I l-like you too" he says with a face as red as his hair.

      Ron's POV

Merlin as soon as I said that he looked at me shocked this is probably a prank how could he play with my feelings like that.  Tear start to flood my eyes as he looks at me "Bloody Hell! I'm so stupid this is one big prank isn't it" I stare at him unable to tell if I'm more angered or heartbroken "What! This is not a prank Ron I've liked you since you started dating that Granger!"  Blaise said griping onto my shoulders again practically spitting when he said Granger while I just winced at the name.

  He must have noticed because he bent down a bit and kissed me on the forehead "I'm sorry but, I really do fancy you so if you wouldn't mind I would like to have you as my boyfriend" Blaise says being formal again giving me a grin

   I just kinda melted after he kissed my forehead and then he asked me out "Bloody hell of course"  I say jumping up onto him and wrapping my legs around his waist.

I start to fall but he places his hands on my butt hoisting me up.  Well this position is awkward. I look at Blaise as he stares into my eyes I had to force myself to look away. I hear clapping as I turn my head the other way.  "Took you long enough". Draco says with a smirk.  Blaise sets me down and snakes his arm around my waist pulling me close.

"Now let's go to Harry I have a prize to collect also we need to tell him about his child"  I stared at him with wide eyes as he laughs.  "Long story short Blaise is my child Harry doesn't know it yet and I betted with Harry that you guys would get together before the end of this month and Harry said your relationship wasn't going to happen anytime soon" he laughed as he started thinking "so really who's the better friend at least I believed in you" he added tapping a finger on his chin.

  "Well let's go visit Harry I believe he's in his room resting" I said tightening my grip on Blaise's hand it felt nice with the warmth of his hand.  It felt natural.

    "Hey Ron could you help me get revenge on the Gryffindors when they get back" he said scratching the back of his neck "don't have to ask me twice" I answer almost immediately "great" he said with an evil smirk slowly growing on his face as he tells Blaise and I the plan.

  As he finishes we walk into the gryffindor common room getting some looks from the remaining students in the common room. I mean there were two Slytherins in the common room and I was holding hands with one of them.

  We walk up the stairs toward Harry and I's room when we open the door to see Harry in gray sweatpants and no shirt on.  He notices us immediately and runs to get a shirt on muttering "sorry"

Draco's steps forward placing his hands on Harry's waist "no it's good you should keep the shirt off" Harry smacks him lightly in the head "you perv" he shouts Draco's just chuckles as Blaise's asks how his bruises are.

       Harry's POV

   Blaise, Draco, and Ron came to visit me and we talked for a few hours every time I tried to get a shirt on Draco would pull me into his lap as everybody was about to leave Draco stood up "I have an important announcement....  Blaise is our child and he has a boyfriend" Draco says with total seriousness in his voice "I don't remember having a child but ok and who's the boyfriend" I say joking around.  Ron stands up before saying "hi I'm the boyfriend" 

I shoot up in surprise before yelling "Nooooooo.... but that means he won" I pretend to fake cry.  As Draco starts to laugh "what exactly did he win"

Ron says with an eyebrow raised.  I sigh "his prize is I'm allowing him to sleep in the bed with me tonight" I begin pouting again as Draco's keeps laughing "what but that breaks so many rules" Ron starts shouting

   "Good thing I'm a Slytherin" Draco retorts.  "Now I'm kinda mad you guys are together" I groan in frustration

  Ron wiggles his eyebrows at me as he starts to walk Blaise to his dorm "I'll sleep on the couch in the common room" Ron said laughing "use protection dads" Blaise says in a sarcastic tone

As Draco and I throw pillows at them.  I was given my own room with Ron because of the bullying and so I wouldn't wake anybody with my night terrors.

  For Merlin's sake I'm not gonna be able to sleep with him in here with me.