
Jin Vs Axel 1

This was what Axel was scared of. 'Stone empowerment' would increase the overall defense and attack of Tyranitar while 'Exo-skeleton' would increase the overall defense but decrease the speed of the Pokemon.

Decreasing its speed didn't really matter as Tyranitar was already very slow in its movements. The battle just got harder for Axel and Venusaur. Jin was now confident to win this battle as he had already seen the attack power of Venusaur. 

Jin was an idiot. He had much more to see and Axel was going to remind him about it.

"Tyranitar, use "Stone edge' and then use the move 'High horsepower'", said Jin with a smile. 

One of the problems with Tyranitar was that it was a physical attacker. However, since it was slow and due to 'Exo-skeleton', it was extra slow. So, it had to get closer to Venusaur to attack. That was why it used 'Stone edge' to create a distraction and then ran to use 'High horsepower' to attack at closer range. 

Axel immediately saw the strategy of Jin and Tyranitar. 

"Venusaur, use your 'Vine whip' to bind the stone from 'Stone edge' and then fly and then use 'Solar beam'", said Axel. 

Venusaur did exactly that. It used 2 of its vines to bind the stone that was coming out from the ground and like a swing, it went towards Tyranitar to use 'Solar beam'. 2 beams of yellow light hit Tyranitar right in the face but it took that attack and then used 'High horsepower' to Venusaur. 

'High horsepower' was a charge move and it did hit Venusaur. Both of them were slightly injured by these attacks. Tyranitar would have been more injured but due to it using defensive moves, it was able to take the hit and charge through it. 

Venusaur was not weak against ground type attack but the move was a powerful one. As of right now, Venusaur had multiple wounds on its body. From sand storm, 'Iron tail' and 'High horsepower'. It had taken some damage and since it was not as defensive as Tyranitar, these would affect in the later stage of the fight.

"Venusaur, it is time, use 'Synthesis'", said Axel.

Venusaur looked at the sun and then gave a low roar and bright green light surrounded it. Everybody could see that its wounds had started to heal and after a few seconds, it was back into full health. This was 'Synthesis' which would recover 50% of Venusaur's health and it could be used 2 times. 

Tyranitar was frustrated that all the damage that it had done was recovered and by the looks of its Venusaur was not even tired a bit. This was going to be a long battle. 

The battle went on for 7 more minutes. At this time, Tyranitar used many moves like 'Earthquake', 'Dark pulse', 'Rock throw', and 'Stone edge'. Some of them made contact while some of them were dodged. 

Venusaur also used moves like 'Razor leaf', 'Vine whip', 'Grass Pledge', and 'Wood thorns'. 

By now, Tyranitar, even with its high defense had incurred a lot of injuries while Venusaur had received even more injuries. Venusaur was dodging most of the moves but some of them still hit it. 

"Venusaur, use 'Synthesis', one more time", said Axel and it recovered 50% of its health again. It looked like Venusaur was now back in full health. 

Jin was now getting frustrated after seeing the battle. Tyranitar was clearly doing a lot of damage but Venusaur was healing them and getting ready to fight. Jin also noticed that Venusaur's stamina was very high compared to normal Pokemons.

One of the main advantages of a pseudo-legendary Pokemon was their high stamina. That was why Tyranitar was able to hold it till now but Venusaur was not a pseudo-legendary Pokemon but it was still holding on and it didn't even look out of breath. 

What Jin didn't know was that Venusaur had a passive move called 'Voice of the forest' that it learned from Celebi itself. This passive move would decrease the stamina required by 50% when it was using grass-type moves. That was why Venusaur was able to hold on for so long.

Jin also knew that it was time to get serious. At first, Jin wanted to tire out Venusaur by going easy but now it looked like he had to take a chance. 

"Tyranitar, use 'Sand storm'", said Jin.

With the urgency in his voice, Tyranitar knew what to do. It used its full power in using the move and created a very wild storm of sand. Now, the stadium was not very visible. 

Axel was ready for another 'Dig' but he and Venusaur saw the silhouette of Tyranitar in the sand. Axel told Venusaur to use 'Energy ball', in that silhouette which caused a huge explosion but Axel was still waiting if he was wrong in thinking that he had hit Tyranitar. 

And he was right to doubt himself. The ground shook below Venusaur. Realizing what had happened, it instantly tried to move and dodged the Tyranitar that was coming from the ground but Tyranitar used a different move this time. 

It jumped high in the air and slammed its foot on the ground. Since Venusaur had dodged the previous attack, it could not dodge this move again. This move was 'Volcanic eruption' as it hit Venusaur. 

There was no actual lava coming out but there was lava gas which was very lethal and had extreme temperature. Venusaur immediately used 'Aromatherapy' to get rid of the burnt marks and,

"Venusaur now use 'Wood thorns'"

Just where Tyranitar was standing, pointy woods came out and pierced its body.


Tyranitar was not ready for this. This wood also contained a hint of poison but it could not directly pierce its body. However, now after using the move for so long, the exo-skeleton that was covering its body had finally been undone. Its defense had taken a hit. 

"Venusaur, use 'Wood thorns' again and then cover its body and then use 'Solar beam' to it.", said Axel.

Immediately, 'Wood thorns' came out of the ground and covered its body, and then Venusaur released a powerful 'Solar beam' to the place where it was covered.

Due to the huge storm that was covering the stadium and the dust and smoke from the explosion of 'Solar beam' nothing could be seen but Venusaur was still very vigilant. 

As it was trying to look around, it was blasted by a powerful white beam as it was flown away. It crashed to the ground. 

Axel could see that Tyranitar was standing on the left side of Venusaur. It looked hurt and there were multiple wounds on its body. But it was still going strong. 

Everyone looked at Venusaur who was injured from the beam and from the earlier attack. Both of them were starting to get tired. It must be known that both of them had used stamina-consuming moves for 15 minutes now and that was why they were starting to lose stamina. 

Even for a king-rank Pokemon, fighting by using stamina-consuming moves for 15 minutes was an impossible task. It was cause Tyranitar was a pseudo-legendary Pokemon and Venusaur had 'Voice of the forest', that they could fight for so long. 

"Venusaur, it is time. Use 'Restore'", said Axel.

When Axel said it, Venusaur gave a low roar and then a green aura enveloped it slowly mending its wounds and after a few seconds, it looked like it only had a few scratches on its body. 

This was 'Restore'. A move that it had learned many months ago and finally its had used it. Since it had so many healing-type moves, it didn't need to use this move but this time, the situation was very different. 

Jin was now panicking a lot. Venusaur seemed to have a lot of healing-type moves and its health was not going down even a little bit. Yes, it had lost some stamina and now it was looking a bit tired but Tyranitar was tired too and Tyranitar had also incurred some injuries now. 

"Venusaur, now use 'Deep forest emergence'", shouted Axel in a high-pitched voice. He was really excited to see the face of Jin when Venusaur used this attack.

Venusaur gave a huge roar and the trees started to come from the ground. The grass of 'Grassy terrain' looked like it was revived and it became even more green and stronger. The trees covered an area of 20 meters around the stadium, also covering Tyranitar. 

Some of the trees had flower buds and when Axel gave the command to do it, those flowers began to bloom and then released a different type of powder that covered the surrounding.

Some of those powders were purple in color while some of them were yellow in color. These were poison powder and sleeping powder. 

Poison powder and sleeping powder may not have been able to affect Tyranitar before but now it was tired and its stamina was very low. Before Jin could say anything, Axel said,

"Now use 'Frenzy plant' and then bind Tyranitar. Use 'Vine whip' and suck its health. Also use 'Leech seed to suck more of its health.", said Axel.

4 tree branches came out of the ground and they bound Tyranitar. Due to 'Grassy terrain', 'Sunny day', and 'Deep forest emergence', the power of this move was very high. 


Frenzy Plant (Venusaur): (Level 40): Don't need to recharge for next turn. However, the power is massively reduced.

 (Level 45): Don't need to recharge for the next turn. However, the power is reduced.

 (Level 50): The attacking branch have multiple blades on the sides and it could bind the target.

 (Level 55): Instead of 1 branch, there are 4 branches that would bind the target.

Vine whip (Venusaur): (Level 40): It could not use 6 vines to attack and manipulate. Before it could only use 2 vines.

 (Level 45): Can use the move independent from its body. Vine whip could now come from the grounds too. However, only 2 vines could be used for this method.

 (Level 50): Can use the move independent from its body. Vine whip could now come from the grounds too. However, only 4 vines could be used for this method.

 (Level 55): These whips have the power to suck the health of the enemy and then transfer that health to the user but could only activate during pre-domain move.


Venusaur then used 'Vine whip' as 4 whips came out of its body and started to suck the health points of Tyranitar. Then 'Leech seed' was used to suck even more health from the poor Pokemon. 

It looked like all was over as Tyranitar could not get out of the binding. While it was being hit by poison powder and sleeping powder, it was starting to get sleepy and it was now already poisoned. 'Vine whip' and 'Leech seed' was taking its health and even the health was being sucked at a low rate, it was still affecting Tyranitar as it had low stamina now. 

Jin didn't know what to do right now. Then he came up with a solution but it would be a last stand of Tyranitar but he didn't have any choice. 

"Tyranitar, use 'Thrash' and combine it with 'Giga impact'", said Jin. 

This was the most powerful move combination of Tyranitar but the move required so much stamina, that it was almost wasteful to use it. But at this time, this was the ideal move. 

While using 'Trash' and 'Giga impact', Tyranitar would be very angry, and it would not feel sleepy while those moves gave it tremendous power. 'Giga impact' would increase the power to a very high rate while 'Trash' would help Tyranitar to charge. Tyranitar had trained this move for a very long time and it was now proficient to use both of the moves at the same time.

Tyranitar gave a huge roar as its whole body started to shine in white light. It released a huge amount of energy as all the binding from 'Frenzy plant' and 'Vine whip' were disconnected from its body. 

Looking at the power that it was releasing, Axel knew that Venusaur could not dodge this attack and it might not be able to take this attack head-on.

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