
Special Island ?

"How about Rageeee!!!", suggested Lance.

"Where did you get that from?", asked K

"You know, when Axel fought in the previous tide, he gave a moving speech and I though…"

"No, that is a lame name. We have to think of another name.

"Guys, we are discussing the team name for 2 hours. We don't need a team name. Why don't we talk about other important things?", asked Axel.

"Axel, being a leader, sometimes you have to let the little things go and it is fun.", said Lance.

Axel cannot believe that he was getting team leader advice from Lance. What the hell was happening all of a sudden?

"Ok, if I decide on a name, can we move on?", asked Axel.

Everyone looked at Axel to say the name.

"How about… 'Mavericks'?"

"What does that even mean?", asked Kate.

"I don't know but I think that it sounds cool.", said Axel.

The team started to think but none of them had any bad points about the name. 

"Then, it is decided, we will be called the Mavericks.

Now, coming to important questions. First, I need to know all about your Pokemons. Kate, how many king rank Pokemon do you have?", asked Axel.

"I have 2 of them."

"Cody, what about you and also tell me their tiers."

"I have 4 of them. 2 of them are tier 2 and 1 of them is tier 3."

"Good. I have 8 king rank Pokemons and 2 of them are in tier 2. Now these would be our best Pokemons. I also want to know the number of pseudo-king rank Pokemon that all of you have.", said Axel.

They started to discuss it and Axel got the following information.

1. Lance had 8 pseudo-king rank Pokemons.

2. Ryker had 6 pseudo-king rank Pokemons.

3. Kate had 5 pseudo-king rank Pokemons.

4. K had 6 pseudo-king rank Pokemons

5. Cody had 4 pseudo-king rank Pokemons

6. Frank didn't have any of them.


Axel didn't know the amount of danger that they were going to face but he knew that it would be very hard to keep all of them alive. Angela had strictly said that he needed a team of king-rank Pokemons to go to Aeus island but these trainers didn't even have a full team of king-rank Pokemons. Only he did.

What was he going to do about it?

Axel gathered all the data of their Pokemons. As a sign of trust, he also told them about his Pokemons. It was hard to trust your leader when your own leader was hiding something.

They talked about how they were going to have a formation for every situation and all and 3 days passed on the plane.

The majority of the time was spent on eating and sleeping. After their initial talk, they didn't need to talk much. 


"Ok, boys and girls, men and women. We have reached Aeus Island. Now, this is not a vacation. This is an exploration. There is a hotel, a stadium, and a marketplace right at the center of Aeus Island.

That is our safe zone. Then we have the 4 sides."

"What about the 4 sides?", asked one trainer.

"We have classified the 4 sides depending on their difficulty. Now, let me give you 101 on Aeus Island. As you people must know there is a mysterious and powerful energy on this island. We call it Aeus energy. 

This energy can help us and our Pokemons and if we are able to manipulate it well enough, we can help our Pokemons to create their own armors which we call Holowear. 

These armors have many uses. It could be used as offensive armor or agility armor or defensive armor. That would depend on you and your Pokemon. 

The problem with this Aeus energy is that is very powerful. Our Pokemons could handle it somehow but we humans cannot do it. So, we have to be accustomed to this energy. That is where the 4 sides come in.

The east side has the least amount of aeus energy. As you move towards the end of the side, the power of the aeus energy will increase. After the east side, there is the west side. Then the south side and finally the north side.

You would have at least reach towards the end of the south side if you want to create the Holowear for your Pokemons."

"How much time does it take to complete all the 4 sides?", asked Kate.

"That depends on you all. Some of them could never reach 4 sides in 4 months while some of them could do it in 4 months. All of it would depend on you and your Pokemons. Till now, 2 people from our Kanto region have completed all the 4 sides."

"Really only 2?"

"Yes, it is very hard to do it."

"Then why don't we increase the duration of stay?", asked one of the trainers.

"That is a good question. You see, just like how difficult it is to get accustomed to this environment, if we stay here long enough, it would be difficult for us to stay in the outside world too. So, after doing all these calculations, we came to the conclusion that a human could only stay here for 4 months and not have any side effects."

The group realized how difficult it was going to be on this island. 

"How dangerous is it on this island?", asked Axel.

"The danger is not too high. We have not sighted any Pokemon stronger than a king rank in this island but all the Pokemons are stronger than their normal counterparts. We believe that this is due to aeus energy too.", replied the middled aged man.

"So, what is our next plan of action?"

"Good, someone who knows how to talk. First, we will go to the hotel and then you will be invited for a presentation. There you would be given all the details of the island and the discoveries that we have done so far.

After that, we will create teams if you guys have not created one for yourself and then tomorrow all of you will start your journey."


Axel slammed himself on the bed to rest. The plane ride always made him sick and tired. He had been on the plane ride for 3 days and he just wanted to touch the land.

Axel also had a list of goals that he wanted to complete on this island. He was staying here for 4 months.

The first thing he wanted to do was to evolve his new Pokemons at least once. 

Then he wanted to train certain moves of Cloyster and wanted Slowpoke to reach tier 2 so that both of them could combine again.

Then he wanted Venusaur and Gyarados to rank up to king rank. This was a big ask but they were now very close to ranking up to king rank and he believed that they could do it.

He also wanted some of his Pokemons to rank up to tier 2 of king rank. Axel knew that it would take time for Charizard and Shedinja to rank up to tier 3 as the rank-up would start to get progressively harder every time. 

Finally, he also wanted to catch some Pokemon out here. The middle-aged man said that the Pokemon out here were more powerful than normal Pokemons in the outside world. He wanted to try his chance. 

However, he was going to find out that it would be a lot harder to catch a Pokemon here.


"We can't catch a Pokemon here. Why?", asked Axel.

They were now in the presentation that the middle-aged man talked about. The name of that man was Harry. 

"You see, just like us who have to leave this place in 4 months cause if we don't do it, we cannot survive in the outside environment, it is the same with the Pokemons."

"But you said that the Pokemon are not affected by it?"

"Yes, I did but staying here for too long would affect them too."

"So, how about young Pokemons who are not even 4 months old?"

"That is a good question. You see you can catch a Pokemon up to 6 months old but even they could not directly survive in the outside world. We believe that it is cause they were born here.

However, we have a solution. If you guys were to catch a Pokemon for up to 6 months, then we will let it get accustomed to the outside environment by using our new technology. But that would take around 15 days to complete and the technology is very pricey.

So, if you guys want, you can only catch one Pokemon that is not older than 6 months."

That was a bummer but he could at least catch 1 Pokemon out here. He already had 6 Pokemons for the Johto region, so he didn't need a whole lot of other Pokemons. One Pokemon was okay.

The presentation was long and they got to find out about a lot of things. Like, if you catch a Pokemon here, then there would be a competition at the end of 4 months in the stadium and the winner of the competition would get exciting prizes.

Also, if you discover something new and interesting, you can have a share in it and the rest of it would go to the Kanto league. If you come from a prominent family or organization, then you can have a big share.

They were also given a map and the map pointed out some danger zones that they should avoid. The island was very big. It might be the biggest island Axel had ever seen except for the Kanto League city.

Axel started to look at the map and found out that at the end of the south side, there was a mysterious place that could have fairy-type resources. This must be what Angela was talking about. He had to go there and get those resources for Togepi.

The presentation ended and they went to eat a luxurious dinner. The team met again and they started to discuss.

"Now, all of you. I have to ask something. Can you also tell me the reason for coming here except to get armor or catch a new Pokemon. Cause I want to include that in our schedule.", said Axel.

Kate was the first to speak. 

"Through our sources, we have found out that there might be a place here that holds a lot of fire-type resources. Me and Ryker want to find it and claim it too."

"That is the same of me for dragon-type resources.", said Lance.

"And that is also the same for me but for fairy-type resources.", said Axel.

After hearing all of them, everybody was surprised.

This island holds abundant fairy-type resources, fire-type resources, and dragon-type resources. That didn't make any sense. How can a single island hold so many types of resources? That was simply impossible.

"I think that could only mean 2 things. Either the island is super special where it has so many types of resources or we have been lied.", said Axel.

"But our sources are very authentic.", said Kate.

"So is mine and I believe that it is the same for Lance. So, why don't we do one thing? We have the map of all the sides. Why don't we point out where each of our possible resources are? That way we can be ascertain about it.", said Axel.

"Axel, I will be blunt here. We got that information after a lot of trouble. We don't want to share it with you. We want it to be a secret.", said Kate.

"And so do I. But we are a team and we all will be going there together. If you think that only you and Ryker can go there and come out alive, then you are very wrong. We don't even know anything about this place and you want to go there alone. You have heard about all the dangers of this island in the presentation right?"


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