
Beedrill's last stand (Edited)

"I have a question." Asked Renee.

Axel nodded his head.

"I can't possibly see you winning this gym battle. But why do you look so confident?"

Venusaur was the best of the 3 starter Pokemons if it was raised well. It had 2 abilities, Chlorophyll and Overgrow.

Overgrow would increase the damage of grass-type moves if the health points of the user fall below a third of their maximum. It was like a berserker ability. The attack power of Venusaur would increase with every decrease in its Health points. If this ability was mastered fully, it could cause some serious damage.

Chlorophyll like any Chlorophyll ability of any other Pokemon would increase the speed of the Pokemon in sunlight. However, for Venusaur, Chlorophyll provides another function. It makes Venusaur resistant to fire-type attacks. If mastered fully, 50% of the fire damage would be blocked by this ability. This was what makes Venusaur the best of the 3 starter Pokemons. (This additional function has been inserted by the author so it does not exist in games or anime)

"You have not seen how fierce my Beedrill is. You will know about it soon" said Axel and a light started to surround Beedrill. After a short while, Beedrill looked to be in a better condition than before.


Shouted Beedrill with excitement.

That was 'Roost'. If mastered fully, Roost would increase the user's hp and stamina by 50% and would have minimal side effects. However, as of right now, Beedrill could only increase its hp and stamina by 10% and would be severally affected after 5 minutes.

'Even with this, I can't see him winning against my Venusaur. Why is he so confident? Is it just to play with my mind?' thought Renee.

"Beedrill, 'String Shot'"

"Venusaur, use 'Sunny day'"

The effect of 'Sunny day' disappeared after Vileplume fainted. However, it appeared again with Venusaur.

"Venusaur, now use 'Razor leaf'"

"Beedrill, dodge it and then use 'Bug bite'"

Beedrill was fast, so it could dodge the 'Razor leaf' but 'Bug bite' could not be connected as it was wrapped by 'Vine whip' and then pinned to the ground.


Beedrill still stood up, Slowly but steadily.

In the stadium,


"What does this kid make his Pokemon eat to have such good defense? If it was a normal Beedrill, the fight would have been over" said a guy from Toise family.

"But it is not a normal Beedrill, is it? It is 10 feet tall for Arceus shake" replied another.

The crowd was going crazy. One-half of them was positive that Axel would not win this gym battle. While the other half hoped that Axel would surprise them once again. But Axel didn't care about any of that. He also knew that he was in a pinch.


Beedrill was the worst match for Venusaur.

First, it was very tired and almost on its last legs. Second, all of its moves were physical type and Venusaur would not let it deal any damage due to its 'Vinewhip'. And lastly, except for 'Drill Run' all of its attacking moves were poison or bug type which hardly did any damage to Venusaur. 'Electro web' was not mastered very well, so it was useless in this battle. Even if Beedrill had leveled up its 'Electroweb' move, it would not have made any difference cause Venusaur was resistant to electric type move.

The only move that would make any difference was 'Drill run'. But Beedrill could not use it right now. 'Drill run' was a stamina-consuming move. Beedrill had already used it 3 times against Vileplume and now its stamina was very low. Axel knew that if Beedrill used 'Drill run' now, it would completely deplete its stamina and the game would be over.

So, Axel did the only thing that he could do in this situation and that was 'String shot'

Beedrill started to use 'String shot' all over the place and try to dodge Venusaur 'Razor leaf' and 'Vine whip'. So, far it has been successful to do it. For Renee, 'String Shot' didn't make any difference to Venusaur. Venusaur was a big and bulky Pokemon. It never fought using speed. It would just spam 'Razor leaf' and 'Solar beam' and control its opponents with 'Vine whip'.

Finally, 'Razor leaf' made contact and Beedrill was hit. It was flown out of the ground. But everybody could see that it had still not fainted and had started to rise up.

Beedrill had finished up Exeggutor. It had also gone through a lot with Vileplume and its 'Solar beam'. It had also been trashed by 'Vine whip' and 'Razor leaf' of Venusaur. It was in its last legs but it was still not willing to give up.

Suddenly everyone in the stadium including Renee felt a warmth of respect for the Pokemon. Everyone thought that Beedrill and this trainer had a close relationship.

However, Axel knew that that was not the case. Sure, Beedrill had nothing but respect for Axel cause he had saved Beedrill when it was a Weedle but Beedrill and also Nidorino was not giving up on their fight for only 1 reason. And that was Oak's Pokemons.

The group had never won against Oak's Pokemons. For them, the sky was now even higher. So, they had internally vowed to get stronger.

Venusaur could be seen ready to blast 'Solar Beam'. Out of respect, Renee had told the Pokemon to not use its full power. She didn't want to hurt the Pokemon. But everyone knew that the battle was going to be over now.

Due to 'Sunny day', 'Solar beam' didn't need to be charged and Beedrill tried its best to dodge the attack. However, the beam hit on Beedrill's injured arm (where Vileplume's 'Solar beam' had hit) and it was flown away and crashed to the ground. Beedrill had fainted.

"Beedrill is unable to battle. Venusaur wins."

The crowd cheered. The battle was exciting and motivating. Everyone was surprised by the potential of this trainer. It had not been a year of his journey and he could give the gym leader a run for his money. But at last, it was the gym leader that had won. Or has she?

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