
Intro to Alternative Marketing

|@therealnathanbarnes Hey Nathan. You should check out a film I saw in Sorrento. It won top awards too so it's coming to America soon. Maybe you'll learn what real acting really looks like.|

"I'm done, man! Everybody's gonna see I'm a f*ckin phony! I'm gonna f*ckin have that bastard whacked. Find him!" Nathan is at the verge of tears from Tayaw's comments.

This is not the first time someone criticized his acting and his music. It is also not the first time he was confronted by people in both the music and film/tv industries about his skills. This time however, is his first time to be publicly called out and humiliated like this. 

"Jesus Christ Nathan. Here, have a drink." The manager never saw Nathan like this so he just poured Nathan a drink.

"We'll have PR people handle this. I don't think a lot of people saw this anyway. You have faithful fans too, so calm down." The manager consoled Nathan. 

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