
Layman's Film Analysis

February 23, 2012 – Thursday 5 pm – Ironstone, Ouigab

The Percussive Corrections arrived at their house after a day out. None of them actually went home for the school break, but stayed in Ouigab to focus on their vocal lessons or songwriting. When they entered the living room, they did not see Tayaw anywhere. "Hey. Is Tayaw still in his damn room?" Jenna asked her band members as she worriedly walked to the direction of Tayaw's room upstairs.

"Let me join you." Bay-an, Jenna's best friend in the band said. "Come on, he's been in there for what? Three days?" Bay-an asked Jenna. "Yeah. But he has to at least step out to eat. You know how much that guy can eat." Jenna replied.

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