
Conquest of the baronies of Dungannon and Ardee 1/2

Dreide who was in charge of the sniper tower assembly watched with pride as the soldiers worked hard.

"I have to admit that this is a quick way to be able to lay siege to castles, but how fast is it compared to the Christian kingdoms, Einar"

Einar who was sitting reviewing a map that he had drawn smiled "Our methods are fast because in general a traditional siege must take months or years.

When we conquer the kingdoms of Scotland and reach the area controlled by the Anglo-Saxons, you will realize that it will take longer to besiege.

Well, unlike this place, its cities and castles will have much higher walls and many soldiers.

I am almost certain that, unlike Irish kings, Anglo-Saxon nobles will defend all their property to the death.

This is because unlike in this region the nobility system has been progressing much better in those places.

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