
Secondary characters

Hi guys this index of secondary characters has a lot of mistakes and will contain spoilers so read carefully, its actualized to chapter 280.

● Viking killed by Einar-save Daven- Ep.-14     

● Viking killed by Sven and finished off by the girl -saved Laura-Ep.14     

● Klas-Leader of the expedition- killed by a javelin thrown in the chest by Gerd.-Ep.-14     

● 3 monks who were leading in one of the Drakkars-are rescued by Einar-.Ep.-14     

● Bastard son of the King of Denmark-Trapped by Peder and flayed by Einar-.Ep.-15     

● Of the 30 warriors who managed to escape, they were caught and tortured by the old king, to find out where they had to go to avenge the death of their son-they were branded treacherous and cannibals-.Ep.-28     

● Guard who urinated and hit the last remaining warrior of the expedition of the bastard son of the king.-dies for Anders-. Ep.-28     

● Harald.-Ep.-63Old King-Torture the expedition-. Ep.-28 tortured and impaled by the queen in EP.-63 and 64,                 

● Anders- Berserker from the village, appears in the first episode of distant lands; torture, follow the king's orders is like his right hand. Ep.-28; sole Berserker leader of the kingdom. El.-63 ; betrayed by the queen and exiled. Ep.-64 He loses a left eye and stitches them after a fight against Sigurd, when he arms his first attack group after being exiled to fight the land of the Franks. Ep.-86 When they arrive at the camp of the Franks who attacked, Anders begins to have memories of his childhood and life when his best friend - the same one who saved him from the flames when he set fire to the deceased body of his mother -, killed to his wife and daughter because I ask Jesus, that's when he loses his sanity and becomes a true Berserker like his mother. Ep.-90 Can read Latin. Ep.-114 He runs out of group. Ep.-138 Anders manages to reach the walled port city of Bederkesa, dukedom of Duke Hippolyte, meets Nelda. ep.-139     

● Anders wants to build an army and a base in the city, Nelda creates a gigantic army that makes those Vikings shit when they see her. Ep. 280     

○ Russell- Boy who finds Anders in Dean's uncle's town Ep.-143, Anders Boy-Ep.- 139 His mother was raped and murdered the same day Anders gave him the silver coin.     

● Nelda-143. Captain of the ship and leader of the women's group Ep.-142, A merchant woman carrying Anders.- Ep.- 139     

○ You are pregnant with Anders. Ep.-177 (March 7 or 8, 831)     

○ Bastard daughter of the Duke of Norwich. Ep.-279       

○ Nelda has a canteen. Ep. 280     

○ Her father is a disgusting pedophile. Ep. 280     

● Family of the King's traitorous warrior, wife and children. Ep.-61     

● Mysterious woman with hood (Reyna) .Ep.-61 She loves to have sex even with the guards, a couple of times she has done it with Anders. EP.-63     

● Most of the Warriors of the reign, who went to fight with the Olson group, against the Franks on the wall of Danevirke to the south. Ep.-61     

● Olson-Group of warriors loyal to the old king.-Ep.-61     

● Henning-Warrior who burns his partner Sten, dies pierced by the sword of Anders. Ep.-61     

● Sten- killed by Henning. Ep.-61     

● Sten's family-killed by Anders. Ep.-61     

● Christian slave who spilled the King's Roman wine, killed by the king. Ep.-62     

● Warrior who reports the burning of the barn to the king and is sent by the tower guard to put out the fire. Ep.-62     

● Guard who goes to look for the king's wife and Anders, in addition to sending the warriors to protect part of the wall, since the king thought it was an external attack. Ep.-62 Killed by Anders. Ep.-63     

● Woman touching Anders by accident-killed by Anders. Ep.-62     

● People killed by Anders, children, women, etc.-Ep.-62     

● Malene-Wife of Harald, Queen of Norway since episode 65-Ep.64     

○ Although from before, she begins her appearances as the mysterious woman with a black hood.     

● Klaus-Ep.-65 Bastard, son of Queen Malene. True father Anders; 5 years (Ep.-65) .-     

○ Prince of Denmark, he is currently 5 years old, his mother will reign until he turns 15.Ep.-65     

○ His false father Harald.Ep.-65     

● Breton slave, horse of the prince. Ep.-65     

● Warriors who ask the prince for his borrowed animal-Slave-.Ep.-65     

● Godi Mats.-Ep.-65     

● Group of farmers who attacked the wall of Dannevirke, all die by Anders.-Ep.-85     

● Dannevirke Wall Guard urinating on dead Anders. Ep.-85     

● Guard who runs to see what Andersa did his partner during his guard on the wall of Danevirke, dead. Ep.-85     

● Monks hanging in the tree where Anders spends the night, one of them takes the fat out of his stomach and it is with him that he talks during his hallucination. Ep.-85     

● Warrior who bet Anders would not be dead. Ep.-85     

● Warriors who bet on which Anders would not survive. Ep.-85     

● Warrior who gives Anders spit beer, with the team that takes him to the pigsty. Ep.-86     

● Warrior Sigurd, who challenges Anders for being against his new leader, dies in battle but manages to leave Anders without his left eye. Ep.-86     

● Godi, who killed an entire family because Odin ordered it, is the one who officiates the battle between Anders and Sigurd.Ep.-91 fought against the Franks that Charlemagne commanded.     

● Martin, lumberjack from the Frankish village of Dithmarschen attacked by Anders' group.Ep.-87     

● Aalais caretaker of the house in the village of Dithmarschen.Ep.-87     

● Man who was sent by Malene to collect taxes from the town of Henning. Ep.-88     

● Thorben guards Malene's room. Ep.-88     

● Christian monk who is washed by slaves, raped and killed by the queen. Ep.-88     

● Guards who speculate what the queen will do with the monk, also talking about the prince's slave. Ep.-88     

● Fenrir- white wolf cub. Found and adopted by Anders.Ep.-90     

● Aldous is the chief knight who managed to escape from Anders' group together with Duke Bogdan. Ep.-90 He eats fresh human meat for the first time. Ep.-114     

● Aldous's horse that dies upon reaching the village. Ep.-90     

● Guards leading Aldous and his companion to the village priest. Ep.-90 Dead Ep .-, 109     

● Priest of the Levant people (ep.-91). Ep.-90 Dead. Ep .-, 109     

● Duke Bogdan.Ep.-90 Dead. Ep .-, 109     

● Head of the village where Duke Bogdan and Aldous arrive. Ep.-90 Dead.     

● A messenger from the village is sent to the capital with the Fiefdom to notify the duke of the situation and to send reinforcements. Ep.-90     

● Friend of Anders who saves him from being burned and his king who was baptized; this same one goes crazy believing to be the command of Jesus, disembowels Anders's wife and kills her daughter. Ep.-90 When he and Anders were children, he forced Anders to learn to read it, since he was obsessed with the Christian bible. Ep.-144     

● Anders's mother killed by a stray arrow in the field outside the town. EP.-90     

● Fritz, Anders team guard, is riding on the only horse they have, marking the villages that can attack with red dots.Ep.-91     

● Dean- son of the Duke; He is truly the son of the bishop. Ep.-110     

● Prisco-bishop. Ep.-110     

● Father of the dukes: Duke Bogdan -who was killed by Anders-, Dean's father and the other dukes. Ep.-110     

○ He is killed by bishop and buried. Ep.- 112     

● Brothers of Dean and sons of the Father of the Dukes - killed by the bishop's poison, though they make it look like it was from a stab in the chest (while drunk) by pagan slaves.Ep.-110     

● Dean's mother. Ep.- 112     

○ Abused by the bishop multiple times by the bishop. Ep.- 112     

○ Lives in the Duchy of Westphalia, and his family is in Soest     

● Son of his father's stable master (Son of Alous), dies for not accepting the deal from Dean, his wife-raped by the city guard barracks-; sons were sold as slaves. Ep.-112     

● Adrien-messenger sent by the bishop to give a message to the emperor,     

● Kaleby-One of the Viking guards who accompanies Adrien to leave the message to the emperor in exchange for his freedom, Aders cuts off his arm and tells his team to kill him. Ep.-144     

● Jens-One of the Viking guards who accompanies Adrien to leave the message to the emperor in exchange for his freedom. Killed by Anders. Ep.-114     

● Travis-King's Knight who urinates on the face of one of Anders's warriors who was hidden in the bush. Ep.-115 He was covered by a large metal armor that only revealed his eyes. Ep.-115     

● Ludovico Pío better known as Luis I-Emperor of the Franks -He wears a purple cape and a gold crown. Ep.-115; he wore armor embroidered with gold and silver, along with a sword that had a large gem on the hilt. Ep.-115 The fear that Anders made him feel was very similar to the one that his father Charlemagne once beat him for having raped the daughter of a bishop. Ep.-116 Green eyes. Ep.-116 Ander cut off his ear, arm and some fingers from his right hand. Ep.-116 He made a necklace with his 5 fingers. Ep.-116     

● Adelaide- "Woman Knight", bastard daughter of Emperor Ludovico; sole survivor of his father's ambush. Ep.- 117 Long blond hair, fine features. Ep.-117     

○ Her grandfather calls her Iris, only people close to her faithful circle knew this. Ep.-126     

● Gautier-Commander, Duke, father of Paul.Ep.-117-Duke.- Ep.-140     

● Paul- went to look for the duke with 4 thousand troops, and now he is in charge of ensuring that no living person leaves the town of Dithmarschen. Ep.-118     

● Amis- Chaplain young, fat, will be the one who plunges into the tunnels of the city muddy waters of the tunnels under the city to Westphalia; homosexual, takes advantage of slaves and acabio gives rites to their families.ep.-119     

● Cornelius-his companions drowned in caves, accompanying the Duke and Amis. ep.-119     

● young soldier who goes to recruit Cornelius and gives him the message from the Duke and the Bishop.ep.-119     

● Travis.- ep.- 121 Priests mentioned by Amis to bury the corpses they find in the collapsed tunnel.     

● Guido-ep.126-Head of the city of Soest-ep.-125 Catch Duke Dean and his chaplain Amis, deliver them to Adelaide.     

○ He learned theater as a child, which helped him pretend to catch the treacherous.     

○ A loyal member of the Emperor Charlemagne's Praetorian Guard, however Adelein's father drove them away with the death of his grandfather. Trace the town where his late wife came from, his children also died (the cause is not clarified). You know that a siege was made in the duchy of Dithmarschen. On his neck he has a necklace that is a ring covered with diamonds inside it contained some descriptions in Latin.     

● Luis - son of the Emperor Ludovico who rises up against his father. Germanic. Ep.-148 Died in episode 267, August 10-11, 831 at dawn.     

● Gisela -Daughter, recognized by the emperor, lives in the capital of the empire in Parissi.Ep.-148     

● Aubin -Second son of Gauthier.Ep.-148     

● Anna - Cook of the ship. Ep.-150     

● Ashraf Ibn Owu Abu Yousri Ibn Samr Al-Hikmah ibn Othmane Al-Ibadan - leader of a group of 15 people, dark skin tone and belonging to the Umayyad group, stands on the red pier. His father is Owu and brother Yousri. Ep.-151     

○ He has a wife and 2 children, the oldest a girl and the youngest a boy. Ep.-277     

○ Amira - Ashraf's wife. Ep.-278     

● Bruno -Bastard son of a count, dedicated to being a merchant. Ep.- 150 Dead in episode179     

● Jack- guard who is in charge of delivering the rewards in the same place as Ashraf. Ep.-164     

● Acke - the queen's trusted warrior. Ep.-165     

● Viking- Viking who attacks Nelda's ship and tries to kill Anna, but dies in the same chapter. Ep.-179     

● Bruno- one of the leaders of Nelda's ships, dies in the episode and leaves Serían behind. Ep.-179     

● Derian- new captain of Bruno's boat .Ep.-180     

● Germánico - son of Ludovico. Ep.-181     

● Claude - his brother is killed by Bastian. Ep.-182     

● Bastian - leader of troops serving Ludovico. Ep.-182     

● Man who kills and tortures Germánico because he raped his wife and daughters. EP.-185     

● Bennu -25 years old woman, is of Egyptian descent, well proportioned body, wheat skin, black hair, green eyes, very beautiful. He lives in the port of Theodosius, Constantinople, his business is at the Jewish gate. In charge of a centuries-old sect that completes works for coins. She was hired by Gauthier and Guido to find Kassia Ep.-226     

● Keratsa- Bennu's servant, Mosi's slave. Ep.-227     

● Mosi- a tall man with big muscles and brown skin. Husband of Bennu. Not much talk, belongs to the order of the eye of Horus Ep.-227     

● Basilio teofilo. -Augusteon Square, Chalke Gates, Important Person. Imperial Palace. Ep.-228 Emperor     

● Akisgran - Gauthier's wife. Ep.-228     

● Oleg -In charge of guiding the expedition of Kassia from Thrace, he accompanies Guido, Gauthier. He is a Viking who converted to Christianity and serves Basil of Theophilus. Ep.-241     

● Sigrid is the leader of the Vikings. Ep.-258     

● Nicetas-Ep.-258     

● Sigurd Ring- expedition leader to burn and loot ships. Ep.-168     

● Alphonse- person who helps Griselda. Ep.-269     

● Alden, Duke. It does not appear persi sends Anders to punish the rebellious town of Arfunga. Ep.-279   

In future i will update, Ty for reading the character index

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