
A day with Ashraf 2/2

In the grass outside the greenhouse, Ashraf and his family enjoyed a picnic meal.

His children, once finished eating, started playing with a leather ball while Ashraf lay down on the grass with his wife.

"This place is too quiet. I hope it stays that way forever.

Although our destination is further south, when King Einar conquers all the islands, he will establish a trade with the Emirate of Cordoba.

I am sure that many scholars and students of Islam will be able to come to know the wonders that are civilization.

I would hate to have to compare but I believe that unlike the savage Christians in these places, the arts and science will be able to flourish in here.

Not to mention that here have freedom of worship, as in the emirate of Córdoba, so many will begin to emigrate to make their lives in the newly conquered lands.


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