
The arrival of the new members of the tribe

At night the two guards of the watchtower at the port, who were playing a game of chess.

Put their game aside when they could see in the distance numerous lights that seemed to come from the sea.

So with some fear one of them quickly rang the bell to indicate that they were possibly under attack due to the large number of lights that could be seen.

Einar, who was sleeping peacefully, upon hearing the bells, opened his eyes and very carefully got out of bed to avoid hurting his wives.

After this, he changed his clothes and put on his armor. After leaving the room, he met his father, who was also ready.

When they left the great hall, two warriors handed them crossbows and a quiver with crossbow bolts.

It was then that everyone began to prepare because they did not know that he was approaching the dock, but they had to be prepared for anything that might happen.


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