
Complicated times create innovative solutions

At night, when Einar was in bed, he looked curiously at his hand.

"To think that I had to cut off the palm of my hand in order to make an advantageous deal with the southern Viking tribe."

Kassia, who is next to him, hugged him affectionately "It's part of being a leader, and I'm sure my mother had to do more horrible things to achieve her goals.

The only thing that worries me is that they will discover that the cost of manufacturing the salt and the honey liquor is not as expensive as they thought. "

Einar only showed a smile and stroked his wife's back "They will never do it as the process is safe on the tribal walls.

Perhaps in the future we will let them only be produced in the center of the island or in Greenland, away from any curious person who wants to steal the secret.

But even if we take many measures, one day the secret will be discovered, so we must take advantage of this source of income as much as we can. "


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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