
Aura and Mana (1)

"Well I'm not so sure of it myself since there is little knowledge available to the non-arcane, but from what I understand Aura is energy that comes from oneself and can be controlled by the caster and the caster alone. While Mana is energy found within the world and is absorbed by the caster into themselves before being cast out."

Celine explained clearly with a studious air about her.

"Ah thank you Celine that clears a lot of things up for me." Jack punctually replied while in actuality his mind was churning.

(Alright it sounds like I can use Aura, but it also possible that I am collecting the worlds energy subconsciously and then pull it out from within my stores. But that wouldn't explain why I felt tired after using my powers)

Seeing Jack becoming deep in thought Celine clenched and unclenched her fists and swallowed nervously before asking "Um.. If you don't mind could you help me with something else today? You see I need to find a relic of the Zultein empire before this weekend."

Celine was clearly omitting some information, but Jack was to lost within his thoughts to notice and simply replied.

"Of course I can help you find one but I am a bit busy today"

"That's fine there's 3 days before the weekend arrives you don't have to accompany me right now. But if you don't mind can I ask what you are busy with?"

"Ah well you see although I am a scholar of the arcane I am also a scholar of social standings and humanities. So sorry to have lied to you yesterday but I have not actually lost my prestige I was simply acting as a beggar to get a better feel for what the lower class is going through."

Jack spun up an excuse fluently.

"Today I am visiting Young Mr. Cast as he is the one sponsoring my studies 'or at least he's about to be' and I am returning to him to report my findings."

Celine looked him up and down suspiciously, then giving his words a second thought she lowered her scrutinzation.

(That would explain why he was looking like that yesterday, and it would also make sense that he ran into drunks yesterday if he was studying bar culture. And his disciplined way of speaking and knowledge he has matches up to having a wealthy backer.)

Celine pondered for a few seconds finding no flaws within his explanation she decided to believe him.

"I see, so you're visiting Young Mr. Cast during the merchants fair today?"

(There's a merchants fair?) Jack thought in a stunned fashion

"Yes, that's exactly it, I would hate to show up late for my report to him, so I have to bid you ado Miss Celine, farewell."

"Wait!" Celine blurted out.


"How can I contact you for help in my studies?"

Jack thought for a second before replying

"My next study will be as an acolyte of the church of Mayaht, so you will be able to find me at the temple"

"Ah.. okay thank y-"

But Jack had already disappeared from her sight. Celine was left there on the walkway blinking to herself stunned.


Meanwhile Jack quickly turned away from where he was initially heading, instead he mad his way over to a book store. Walking in he bought a notebook and pen, upon leaving he found a mostly empty restaurant and sat in a dim corner.

-I have decided to make a journal of my experiences within this world. My name is Jack Axter and I'm writing this not only for anyone else who may have transmittigated , but also for myself. Remember Jack who you are and why you're here. Don't lose yourself to power-

Jack wrote everything down in English, seeing as no one would be able to decipher it unless he taught them or they too transmittigated.

Ordering his food he proceeded to write down his experiences and thoughts over the last 2 days into the journal. Then promptly closing it he turned to his food and began eating.

"Hmm.. the bread needs to be cooked for longer and the fish is unseasoned. Maybe I should've gone with soup again then I might have a divination."

Jack stood up tucked his journal and pen into his jacket, paid for his meal and left heading for a nearby park.

When he arrived he looked around before slipping away into the woods to look for a secluded clearing that would be away from prying eyes. After about 15 minutes of searching he found a small clearing, no more than 10 meters (33 ft) in diameter. It had a large maple tree at the center with a small creek running near the edge of it.

(Perfect this is a great chance to test out some of my abilities and see if I can gain a better understanding of Aura and Mana.)

Jack stood in place and closed his eyes as he focused on finding the source within himself. After 20 or so seconds of searching he found it, but instead of pulling upon it he first decided to study it closer. He was looking to see if he could find the core of his source to see what the source of his source was.

On closer inspection of his core he realized something there was a bit more of it than there was before in any of his other attempts. Searching deeper within the source he found that it was stagnate and there was no changes to it.

After searching thoroughly finding nothing wrong Jack was at a loss. Pondering for a moment he shrugged and pulled from the source and attempted to cycle it through his body. Opening his eyes his vision and changed slightly. He was able to see faint colors and what could only be explained and energy within the world around him. He could see the bunny hiding within a bush nearby, and the fish swimming around in the creek. Focusing more of the source into his eyes the affect increased to being able to se the insects flying around and the grass blades searching for sun light. It was almost as if he was using thermal vision goggles but instead of heat he was seeing these creatures sources.

(Interesting I don't see any energy coming off of the rocks or the dirt, so I can assume only living beings have this kind of energy. Based of off Celine's explanation I would assume that is Aura. Since I don't see of feel any external energy entering me I believe that I can rule out Mana.)

Looking around for a little while longer with what he decided to call Aura Vision he started cycling his source through his body again. Keenly noticing that the amount had decreased again.

(Okay let's attempt to do some magic with this)

Holding out his palm toward a rock jutting out of the nearby creek he focused the energy within his hand and imagined a ball of fire and shouted "FIRE BALL!"




Nothing happened. Scratching the back of his head sheepishly Jack laughed awkwardly to himself mumbling.

"Thank god no one saw that I would have been labeled as a crazy person. Phew- okay lets try something different."

Jack focused his source through his entire body making sure to cover everything opening his eyes he focused on the ground nearby the maple tree he imagined himself standing there instead of where he was. Suddenly Jack found himself underneath the maple tree.

"Yes!" Jack jumped in the air throwing his fist up in the air.


A breeze blew and Jack shivered, looking down he realized that he was naked.

(Okay next time focus your energy through your clothes too.) Jack thought to himself as walked over to put his clothes back on.

This time Jack focused his source through his body AND clothes and tried to teleport again. Sure enough he ended up standing under the maple tree. Before suddenly seeing double and collapsing onto the ground unconscious.

Waking up Jack brushes the dirt and leaves off his body and groaned.

(Note to self don't over use your source.)

Standing up Jack wobbled for a second before staggering to sit directly at the base of the maple tree.

"Hmm, I don't want to try to access my source for a while to let it recover, Celine said that Mana was external energy that we took and then used. Maybe I can try that through my source."

Propping his back against the tree Jack sat in a meditative pose and searched for his source. Finding it he realized it was small and shrunken slowly growing into the ball it was before. Cycling it through his body again he opened his eyes and attempted to pull energy from his surroundings, achieving no success.

"Hmm Celine said 'within the world' not from other living beings maybe I am doing this wrong."

Returning to cycling his source he attempted to feel through the ground to see if there was anything, only to again find nothing.

Frowning Jack didn't stop cycling his source and instead tried to fall into a deep trace, almost hypnotizing himself, and open his body to 'except' external influence. After sitting in this meditative state of about half an hour he felt something a comforting energy entered his body and flowed through him. Jack let go his focus from cycling his own source and attempted to cycle this new energy instead.

It was easier said then done the energy seemed to want to just freely explore his body instead of listen to him. So instead of trying to force the energy to go where he wanted it to he 'guided' the energy throughout his body. If the energy wanted to flow into his hand he would simply 'recommend' for it to flow through each of his fingers before exiting.

Doing this for several hours he started to get a better control of this new energy source as it was becoming more susceptible to his influence. But he had to stop releasing the new energy from his body as he slumped back against the trunk of the Maple.

(It turns out that using mana is not only taxing on your mind but also your body) Jack bemoaned inwardly.

Jack was covered in sweat, apparently inviting a different energy source into your body was taxing on it. Especially when it was malnourished from years of the beggar life. He was both mentally exhausted from 'guiding' the energy, and physically from containing it. Laying back down on the ground he looked up towards the sky, watching the ,off white almost grey even, clouds as the sun was buried behind them.

Taking deep ragged breaths he slowly sat up and took out his journal.

Hello guys bit of a longer chapter today I wanted to make sure to get through his testing of magic. Again this is my first time writing a story so please if you have any recommendations let me know, I am still a green horn so any thoughts would be helpful. Thanks!

Lanzxzcreators' thoughts
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