
Human descendant who founded Kyo

Lucas' fangs piercing through the skin of the young lady's neck startled her. She never realised it was horribly painful. After all, she is an aristocrat whose lives were protected as much as possible from any unnecessary physical pains and injuries. But she mustered her courage and brave through the pain.

Bearing the pain until Sir Lucas stopped by himself would bring a great honour to her name. Being a member of aristocracy is one thing but to volunteer to give blood to the member of Kyo Institutions would elevate her status more.

The thick liquid filled up Lucas' mouth and glide down his oesophagus. It was delectable and flavoursome to his taste. Although he thoroughly enjoyed it, he cannot help but make a comparison with Sara. Hers was much more divine, heavenly and nectarous.

The more he thought of Sara's blood, the more he digs in deeper the young lady's throat to guzzle it down.

Time seemed to slow down for the young lady as the pain increases by the minute. She wondered whether other people share the same fate as hers.

Her fist clenched tightly with her fingernails digging into her palm, trying to transfer the pain from her neck. She tried to ignore the stabbing pain that is pulsating but tears were starting to form a line down her face as a reflex. The stinging sensation from her neck started to become unbearable, she began to see doubles of everything spinning around the room and before she knew it, she fainted.

Shiuh Wei, who started to notice the young lady's body went limp, immediately went to intervene.

"Er…Lucas. I think you should stop. I don't want to ruin my sister's wedding," he requested in a panic yet hushed tone.

In an instant, Davian, Jeremy and Muzhaffar build a human wall around Lucas to shield from prying eyes, understanding well of Shiuh Wei's position.

"Urghh…Lucas, please don't be the person that brings out her wrath. You know how long she holds her grudge," complained Davian and the rest agreed in unison.

Lucas retracted his fangs, looking so dazed out of satisfaction while Shiuh Wei rushed to check on the young lady's condition. She may be a volunteer to be their prey but no one should die, especially not on a happy occasion and she happened to be one of the nobles.

"Lucas! You bit down her artery!! What were you thinking?" exclaimed Shiuh Wei in anger.

Davian straightaway dialled up his sister Jean, while Muzhaffar tried to calm the furious Shiuh Wei and Jeremy, well he tried to make Lucas come back to earth.

"Jean, Lucas accidentally bit down someone's artery. The girl fainted at the moment, I'm not sure from the pain or….Yes, we are at Shiuh Xin's place. Okay, see you in a bit."

Davian went to check the young lady as instructed by Jean and the rest tried to persuade Shiuh Wei to bring them to a quieter place. Jeremy and Muzhaffar were dragging Lucas while Davian carried the young lady in his arms as Shiuh Wei led them through a quiet side entrance to a small room far from guests.

"I have already mentioned it so many times, I even reminded you all just this morning and you guys did the very thing I warned you about. Do not mess with my sister's wedding, simple. Very simple. Don't cause any trouble I say. Aaghh…I'm dead. I'm so dead," Shiuh Wei ranted on to anyone who bothered listening as he bolted the door.

"If you're dead, so are we," Davian stated as he put the young lady down on the bed.

"Okay, I admit we normally create trouble but do you honestly think we don't fear your sister? This is her wedding we are talking about. We'll do this together, don't worry," said Muzhaffar, hoping he would be able to sway him.

"Or…we could come clean and let Lucas deal with it?" Jeremy suggested with a happy tone.

The rest shot him a glance and Jeremy faced the wall to hide himself.

"Anyway," Davian started, "even if we let Lucas deal with it, nobody would believe he was the troublemaker this time." Lucas remained seated on the wooden stool with a look of ecstasy on his face. He was still in euphoria and no one managed to bring him back yet.

Three knocks landed on the door and the men instinctively kept quiet.

"It's me, Jean. Open up."

One of the men slowly opened the door to allow Jean to enter the room. She immediately walked in to check the young lady and her eyes twinkled in amusement.

"Do you boys even know who she is?" Jean inquired and the boys shook their head.

"Well boys, she is Lady Daphne – the human descendant who founded Kyo. How are you boys going to cover this up?"


"What? I thought Kyo was the only founder."

"No, there were two founder; Kyo and a human and Lady Daphne is the descendants."

"T-t-then why was s-s-s-she v-v-volunteering?" someone stammered.

"Who knows?"

"Is she even aware that she is not supposed to..." Muzhaffar wanted to ask but Shiuh Wei interjected him.

"Oh no!!! This is even serious! We have to come clean now." He never thought what was considered a big deal before all this revelation, was actually not worth mentioning. Turns out he is in a deeper trouble than he originally thought.

"You should. If you don't, how are you boys going to explain to our elders and her family that she is hospitalised while attending as a volunteer in our function?" asked Jean.

Now the four men ganged up on Lucas, Jeremy pulled Lucas' collars closer to him making Lucas to plunge forward.

"What have you done? Ah this idiot. He is not even aware of the situation. Even if we were to hit him, he would still be in cloud nine. Why has he not come to sense yet?"

Lucas was not showing any sign of his euphoria receding at all so Shiuh Wei gladly took up the challenge, pushed Jeremy aside and slapped Lucas' face.

"Wake up idiot!! We need to solve this!! You need to solve this."

"My advice is to come clean. Do it one way or the other but hurry. Because she needs to be treated right now," Jean proposed.

With a heavy heart, Shiuh Wei called his family and recounted what took place. With their help, Jean had managed to sneak Lady Daphne out for treatment.

The bride, Shiuh Xin, was seething. She wanted to pounce on each and every one of them and ripped their heads off. Even then she would not be satisfied. Her post-wedding gatherings are ruined. Everyone will remember and associate her post-wed event to the day Lady Daphne was bitten until she fainted.

'I will make sure to make them pay for this!" Shiuh Xin swore to make their life a living hell.

On the other hand, Shiuh Wei's parents gave them a disapproval and a disappointed look. The eggs had already hatched, what more could they do but to prioritise Lady Daphne's recovery treatment.

'If only we did not egg Lucas, he might not touch the untouchables,' Muzhaffar thought.

* * * * *

Lucas woke up with a throbbing headache and both of his cheeks were sore. He surveyed his surroundings and noticed he was not in his manor and he was not alone. He could not figure out where he was so he tried to wake Davian up.

Davian began to stir and Lucas asked of their whereabouts. It took Davian ten seconds to recall what happened the night before and swiftly went to grab his arms.

"You made enemies last night," he answered.

When Lucas looked puzzled and lost, Davian added "You drank blood from Lady Daphne and from her artery too."

"Yeah so? Who's Lady Daphne?" Lucas replied. This was his first time hearing that name.

Davian sighed as he explained, "Apart from Kyo, there was another person – a human – who founded KHCI and KEI and Lady Daphne is the human descendant who founded Kyo."

Lucas was downright astounded, "Then why was she part of the volunteer? Did she not know she is not supposed to partake in it?"

"I would like to ask you the same thing. Why did you not drink from her vein? Why her artery?"

"What do you mean?"

"Because of your doing she is now getting an immediate treatment from Jean and her team at the moment. You better pray for her recovery."

"Why? What happened to her?"

"Tsk! You're not supposed to touch her artery, or anyone for that matter! They changed the law five years ago, remember? It's too risky if there are too many deaths."

"But..But I drank from Sara's artery too during the Party and when I saw her on the third day, she looked fine."

"Well, let's hope you are right my friend. Because if she isn't, we are all going to be in a huge trouble."

We've gone far together people! Chapter 25!! Thank you for still reading all the way here. I'm so glad I only force you to read the first 10 chapters and you guys crawled all the way here by yourself. What an achievement!!

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