
Chapter 103

She entered to the first sounds of music, the sweet symphony of a ballad she scarcely recognized, as the images swirled to recite an unfinished story.

“The song sounds so sad…”

“That’s because it is…”

“What does it mean?”

“It’s a story of a maiden that sat by the pillars of the Notre dame.

Years ago, she travelled in time as she touched the cracks of the Notre dame to Versailles before the Eiffel tower was ever built and the great walls shone with Aristocratic romance and endless money that flowed between their light knit gowns as their bosoms strained teasing their men into a lustful frenzy.

She stood there at the very edge of the water – bay, whose name she scarcely knew as the red waves rippled through the hollow cries of a girl standing the very abyss of the darkness, she had unleashed upon them. The maiden watched as the girl walked to the wall of Notre dame and write under the scribble that Hugo once found.



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