

Chapter 25.

01.Reskeme sheepishly strolled down the street rubbing the back of his head. He had left the Messengers guildhall And entered the street. Hank had refused to let Reskeme decline to deliver the message and had threatened to reduce his pay. Reskeme grumbled to himself and smacked the hand of a pickpocket as he passed the other boy who clearly wasn't very skilled. Reskeme didn't bother to chase the boy who had just tried to rob him, This was of course common in alleys such as Reskeme was in. The boy had retreated from Reskeme as it was suicide to try again, once was like a greeting the boy thought a test of sorts a second time was an insult. These rules only applied to thieves of course and he was sure the boy was aware, based on the quick hand sign he made to him and the silver coin he tossed in the boy's direction.

02. Reskeme had been given directions to lord Martes manor, and Luckily for Reskeme, The guild master had given him 6 coppers for the trip across the city. This was after much prompting from Reskeme telling the guild master that it would make the trip much quicker as he could go through thieves guild territory and not get mugged. Reskeme knew how the thieves guilds worked, They demanded a toll to pass through their territory and anyone not paying it was subject to mugging and or death. Reskeme knew there were many exceptions, however, a lone traveller like himself was not an exception. Hence the reason why he had paid off the pickpocket a copper as it would prompt him not to signal the person on the roof to set up a trap.

03. He didn't look back at the boy who had caught the half silver, After all, reskeme understood how matters of the street were. Reskeme passed through the maze of alleys heading for the far side of the city. To Reskemes credit, the payoff had worked and he was able to pass through the alleys unharmed and without being mugged. Reskeme sighed with relief, that was always stressful as sometimes the pickpocket would signal he be liberated of his goods regardless of paying the tax. The boy only hoped that the pickpocket didn't realize that the coin Reskeme had given him was a copper. Reskeme smirked with glee, He had changed his 6 coppers into looking like the much more valuable silver coins. The coins were called half silvers as they were worth 50 coppers, They were the size of a copper, only the coins were usually made out of silver.

04. Reskeme was proud of himself for his plan, he thought it was truly genius. Reskeme knew that if one wanted to pass thief guild territory they would need to pay the price or the guild would make them pay the price. If one were to travel in a group then they wouldn't get robbed, generally, it was usually only people walking by themselves or people who looked weak or gullible. Reskeme anxiously looked over his shoulder as he speed-walked away. He knew he needed to get as far away as possible and not come back this way or the guild would definitely collect after his ruse. Reskeme smiled as they wouldn't recognize him with changing his hair as the pickpocket would tell of the boy's appearance. 20 minutes of walking and glancing over his shoulder so many times his neck hurt. Reskeme was able to relax a little as he made it out of the more savage of the thieves guild territory.

05. there were no visible lines for anyone to see, however, the building did change based on what they sold and this was where the other guilds who specialized in extortion worked. Reskeme had been told once the people who robbed merchants and the people who robbed normal passers buy were clearly different but Reskeme failed to see how. Reskeme strolled much more casually through this part of the city now much more relaxed. He knew he had nothing to fear as the thieves guild that robbed this part of the city didn't target the passers-by directly. Reskeme headed through the lines of shops that were not very rich looking just common people selling common things. This was the usual place most people went to buy stuff. Unlike the area by the messengers guild, this area was patroled nearly as heavily.

06. Reskeme wasn't heading to the slums he was merely passing through a poor part of the city to reach the other side without passing through all the guards that were always a pain in the ass. Reskeme was much more comfortable dealing with the slums and the backstabbing no good thieves. At least thieves and cutthroats were predictable and honest in their efforts to kill you unlike most of those fancily dressed nobles. Reskeme passed into a new area that seemed more run-down than the rest and began nervously looking down alleys. He kept glancing over his shoulder every time he heard one of the few people on the street make a noise. Reskeme knew once he paid the tax he would be safe but he was still nervous, Sometimes the thieves of this part of the city would get new management and the cutthroats and opportunists would come in during the struggle to get free money.

07. Reskeme didn't know what was going on, all he knew was that he needed to get through this part of the city without getting stabbed in the back or losing all of his money. He was cursing himself for giving the half silver even if it was an illusion. Word travelled fast and the stop that was surely coming would demand he pays more. Reskeme was just thinking maybe he would get through without paying anything when he heard someone step out behind him followed by a cloaked figure with a heavy-looking stick ahead of him. The cloaked figure in front of him said," what we got here boy, what ya be doing in a place like this.?" Reskeme could tell the man was a man of the slums as his speech wasn't like the normal classy people Reskeme had begun to be like. Reskeme said," I'm out for a stroll admiring the sunshine." The man smiled a set of perfectly straight teeth.

08. The man in the cloak said," You know the drill, the toll for passing has gone up, as we heard a little bird say someone were passin out shinies." Reskeme winced, it appeared he had been going slow and someone had run ahead to warn the next line to tax him as well. Reskeme pretended to be angry as giving away his money to easily would make it seem like he was rich. Reskeme Stomped around kicking the side of an old cartwheel and grumbling just loud enough to hear. "That stupid jerk, I only have 2 more of those half silvers and 2 coppers, if I lose everything I am not going to be able to eat." This whole time Reskeme pretended not to notice the man behind him as the man wouldn't attack unless he did something stupid like try to run away or attack.

09. The man blocking his way said," alright now hand em over, ill take the two shinies as a toll and you keep the two coppers for your dinner, seems fair?" Reskeme glaired at the man before huffing and turning, pretending as he had just noticed the big guy behind him. Reskeme turned back his face turning ashen that man was very scary looking and his rusty knife looked unpleasant. Reskeme didn't hide the look on his face, he showed all his terror before turning back towards the original person. In as shaky of a voice as he could manage Reskeme said, "Al Al all alright I will pay the fee just don't hurt me" the man in front of him smiled clearly pleased at Reskemes terror. Reskeme took a deep breath and slowly reached into his coat, He channelled his mana when he grabbed two of the four coppers and focused on a silver shine, wrapping it around the coins.

10.Reskeme opened his palm and presented the man with two half silvers, Which was double the standard toll rate. Reskeme tossed the two shinies as the man had called them to the hooded thief. Reskeme waited in tense silence while the thief examined the coins before he began singing a tune that would make most people blush and strolled back into his alley. Reskeme turned to watch the brute return to his alley before he made his way past the man in a cloak who smirked his oddly clean teeth. Reskeme was only able to sigh in relief when he had made it to the end of the road, as he was finally able to spot a gate in the distance that leads back to this end of the nobles district. Reskeme sighed and rubbed his head, his nerves had been in a bunch and he wasn't able to relax until he finally made it to the guards. There were 4 guards who were standing behind a barricade and looked like they were extremely wary as reskeme approached them.

11. Reskeme walked closer until one guard said," what in the hells is a messenger from the guild doing delivering messages through the slums.?" The guard was clearly baffled by this. Reskeme looked them over and was pleased these guards had much more practical gear on compared to the guards who generally guarded the noble's fancy areas. Reskeme said," oh I found it much easier to pay off the cutthroats than to pay off the tax collectors at the booths." The first guard looked shocked at his statement while the other three had smiles on their faces, they to clearly disliked those tax collectors. Reskeme said," At least the people of the slums say they are robbing you, they don't pretend like they are doing you a favour by taking your money." This gave the guards a hearty laugh, The one clearly in charge said, "Where are your papers?" Reskeme presents the seal, which the guard stared at for a moment before saying "common then" pass through your free to enter.

12. Reskeme smiled at the guards as he passed through the massive open gate, he always liked to make an effort to befriend the guards. Reskeme was finally able to relax as he reentered this area of the city with the merchants quarter, at the end of a long straight street clearly meant for easy driving by stagecoaches, Reskeme could see the even larger gates leading to where the nobles lived. Reskeme hadn't lied to the guards as he knew they also had tolls they just called them taxes and made everyone pay. Reskeme grumbled to himself while he strolled up the busy streets of the merchant quarter. He felt much refreshed and much more relaxed now that he felt somewhat safe. Reskeme was just contemplating that his little side trip had only taken him about 40 minutes when he came to a crashing halt. He looked around frantically before quickly entering an alley, as it appeared luck was on his side and Reskemes spells broke only a minute later.

13. Reskeme had felt something as his spells grew weaker it felt like they were beginning to fade, that must be what happens when mana begins breaking apart from his spells. Reskeme smiled He finally had a way to detect when his spells were beginning to fade away. No more of this guessing he thought, With a smile on his face Reskeme channelled as much mana as he could feel the rush of mana, Reskeme wrapped his spells around himself creating his skin his regular dark brown. Reskeme was so happy with his new discovery of how his spells work he completely forgot to change the colour of his hair. The fact that most people knew of the white-haired messenger by now didn't help and he passed by with only the occasional person giving him an od glance.

14. Reskeme strolled all the way up to the gate before asking the shiny and pointlessly decorated guards where he could find lord Martes manor. Reskeme of course presented the letter he was delivering in order to enter. When Reskeme arrived at the massive house, He wondered once again why Nobles would pointlessly put a huge sign showing where they lived out front but decided this was at least useful. Reskeme walked up the walkway staring at all the grass that was shaped to look like animals, he saw a pool and made his way over gleefully, It looked like a coin fountain he thought happily. Reskeme walked over to the fountain as he heard the door open, Reskeme didn't care and examined the coins at the bottom of the pool. Reskeme turned around to present the letter when a clearly angry young voice said," soo you are the commoner who dared attack my older brother." Reskeme was confused until he quickly turned around and looked at his reflection in the pool, only to realize with horror that his hair was white.

enjoy :P

Bearscholarcreators' thoughts
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