
New Cards to Play

When Vanessa emerged from Edward's body, she couldn't access the system. She couldn't make sure that her enemies were dead or not by looking at the EXP notification that appeared once they died. If she could, she wouldn't have left such a blunder.

In the place where the fight between Vanessa and the two monsters happened just a moment ago, only destructions could be seen. Ashes of the burned G3 Tyrant was blown by the wind as it revealed a small eye the size of a ping pong ball, wriggling as it desperately formed a flesh to crawl with. It moved very slow like a snail, but nothing stood in its way as it moved closer... and closer... to the still burning flesh of Nemesis.

The fire might feel hot, but it didn't stop the small eyeball's crawling. And when it was close, it plunged itself into the fire...



Shouted Edward, waking up from his deep slumber with his hand reaching to the dark grey ceiling. The light from the bonfire flickered, waving the shadow of his hand on the wall nearby. It was unknown to whom that word was sent for.

"Where am I...?" he muttered.

He felt a piercing headache inside his head, and his body was so exhausted that he felt every part of his body too heavy to be moved.

"What happened...?"

Edward stood and tried to register his surrounding. He couldn't understand what led him to this place. He tried to remember what was the last thing he did. The last thing he did was... He didn't want to recall it. With his weakened mind, he opened the character status.

<Edward Kavka>

<Level 37 - Mercenary>

<Mental Power (MP) - –185/510

<Experience Points (EXP) - 4500/3.250.000>

<Strength (STR) - 30>

<Dexterity (DEX) - 29>

<Constitution (CON) - 29>

<Intelligent (INT) - 51>

<Unused stat points - 55>

"No wonder I felt a huge headache..." He muttered. However, his eyes moved down to the huge numbers below it. "Huh...? Did the system bugged during my sleep?"

[No, it didn't, Sir. The system's emergency procedure took over when you fainted.] interrupted, Regina. She then explained everything that happened, including the defeat of Nemesis and G3. However, she didn't mention anything about her emergence as Vanessa.

"So that's it? Is everything over now...?" somehow, his chest felt like it was crushed all over again. He felt useless, even the system did better when it controlled his body. So much that his effort during the past week felt like nothing compared to it.

[What do you want to do with the 55 points of stats, Sir] asked Regina. She realized that Edward was currently filled with self-loathing, and depression, so Regina tried to shift his focus to something else. At least, that was all she could do.

After shaking his head to get rid of the muddy thoughts, he said, "Get both of my Strength and Dexterity stats to 51 points. Put the rest in Constitution."

[Yes, Sir.]

The moment Regina's word came up, a chain of notifications appeared in front of him.

<Congratulations for reaching another breakthrough in Strength Stats. Rewarding A-Rank Special Abilities, Durability Negation.>

<Congratulations for reaching another breakthrough in Dexterity Stats. Rewarding A-Rank Special Abilities, Photographic Reflexes.>

Without wasting any time, Edward tapped both of the ability to read the explanation.

<Durability Negation - A Rank>


<Physical attack would ignore the durability or the armor of the target, delivering pure damage. The ability would take no effect if the user uses any kind of weapon to attack.>


<Photographic Reflexes - A Rank>


<Allow user to copy/duplicate any physical act or movement of the target.>

With this, Edward now had two extra cards to play in his hand. However, he still needs to find an effective way to use them. He didn't want to feel helpless anymore. Both skills were amazing in their own way, but there was no time to gawk at them.

After chugging a few mana potions and distributing the stat points, he could feel his energy coming back. He glanced at the Inventory page, only to see that there were only 9 MP potions left. After wiping off the dust on his clothes, he walks toward the edge of the room. He realized that the whole room was covered with a thin, transparent membrane, and the center of it was the bonfire in the middle of the room. He walked toward it and observed the fire for a moment before holding the sword that was engulfed within it. Soon, the transparent membrane collapsed and vanished.

Instead of a sword, in Edward's arm rested a bead the size of a ping pong. He didn't know how he got it, not even knowing how to use it. He didn't have any recollection of the item, but it wouldn't hurt if he just kept it in his spatial inventory for now.

His eyes moved toward the opened window in the room. As if calling for him, he could feel the cold night wind gently blew on his cheek. His step was slow and heavy, but he still walked toward the closed door with determination on his face.

But before he could take a step outside, Regina spoke, [May I recommend something, Sir?]


Somewhere in Raccoon City, Bill, Sammy, and Dean were scouring the path to go back to the Hotel. A trace of hurry and nervousness could be seen on their face. After the event in RPD's Police Department, The Continental's mercenary was accidentally split in half. The Cowboy and the Mexican duo were somewhere in the city as well, trying to survive.

Something happened a few hours ago in Saint Michael's Clock Tower, where the refugees were. It was attacked by a new mysterious monster, causing chaos and the collapse of their last bastion. No matter what they do, the monster was unstoppable, forcing old man Bill to decide to flee. They didn't know what happened after that. They didn't even know if anyone could survive against that.

However, it wasn't the only reason that they escape. They had to bet out of the city tonight, or else they would be dead by tomorrow. Jack Daniels, the cowboy, and old man Bill overheard a radio announcement during their investigation on the little girl's whereabouts. It was an emergency broadcast from the government, saying that by tomorrow morning, at 6 AM, Raccoon City would be nuked by the Government to end the infections. The city was now declared as a major threat which the army couldn't do anything without proper equipment and number.

Bill had a few ideas about the escalating situation which make them take that desperate measure. It all started with Colonel Stryker, the leader of the deployed U.S. Army's force in Raccoon City.

With a constant drawback in the result and without seeing the end of it, Stryker was put under a pressure, forcing him to make orders upon orders. However, none of his plans yield any positive result, even his army was almost decimated by the numerous number of zombies and monsters. The intervention from the Hand and Umbrella's own forces also became a problem, not to mention a mysterious group that wore the SWAT armament.

Therefore, Stryker gave up on the city to salvage any pride he had as a Colonel of the U.S. Army, resulting in the Government's decision. However, is that all? Is that all they need as a reason to do it?

"Hey, Bill, I don't think that's the right way..." said Sammy, looking at Bill who seemed to be lost in thought.

"Ah... I'm sorry. I almost get us lost." apologized, Bill.

"Are you okay?" asked Sammy.

But suddenly, Dean, interrupted them, "Sshh... hey do you guys hear that?"

With a vein appearing on her forehead, Sammy reprimanded, "I swear, Dean. If it's another fart jokes—"

"No. I heard it as well," said Bill, interrupting her.

There were constant explosions and gunshots not far from them. And the sound keeps getting louder and louder. While knowing that curiosity could kill a cat, they couldn't just leave it alone, not when it was near the Hotel. Besides, they're not cats.

However, before they could even step any further, the ground started trembling heavily. They could feel something moving underground, something heavy and huge. Out of nowhere, the ground where they were standing collapsed, taking both Sammy and Dean. As they fell, Bill dashed held on Sammy's hand while Sammy held Dean's hand. Although the tremor eases a little bit, they were still in danger. Who knows how deep the hole was, and what was in it.

"Hold on!" shouted Bill. He was too old to hold a grown-up man and woman. His arm would give away at any moment. Of course, Sammy and Dean realized it as well, but nothing could be done.

That was when Dean saw something huge, squirming under his feet, inside the hole. His face paled, but he didn't show any sign of panic, even though It would be a matter of time until that thing took notice of them. He glanced upward, looking at the red face of Bill and sweat covered hand of his beloved woman. He made a decision. He loosens the grip on his hand, of course, Sammy knew what he was doing.

"Don't let go, you idiot!" reprimanded Sammy.

"It's okay, Samantha. Look at Bill, he can't take it anymore," said Dean.

As if insulted by his word, Bill shouted, "Shut up, you prick! I can do this all day!"

Bill started pulling them both, but no matter how hard he tried, it was too heavy for his old body to handle. Knowing that both of them would fall together if it keeps going on like this.

"Sammy..." called Dean.

"Stop talking!"

"You know that I love you, right?" And then he let go of her hand, falling into the deep dark tunnel. Feeling the sudden decrease in weight, Bill grit his teeth and pulled Sammy out of the hole.

"Wh... Where's Dean...?" muttered, Bill.

He keeps looking at both the hole and her. As he dropped on his butt, he watched over Sammy who was laying down on the ground, biting her lips while covering his teary eye. Bill didn't say anything, and just close his eyes, waiting for her.

However, their silence was interrupted by another earthquake. The ground fell apart, widening the previous hole even more. Sammy and Bill jumped away, trying to not fall for the second time. Suddenly from inside the hole, a huge worm-like creature appeared with a loud screech. Two figures could be seen dangling on its teeth, it was Dean, and the monster rookie, Killswitch, who was holding him by his neck.


Killswitch shot the double-barrel shotgun on his hand, blasting off the face off the Gravedigger's opened mouth. He jumped and then landed in front of them. Dean was unconscious, it was questionable if it was from his acceptance over his death or because of the arm that chokes him until he passed out.

As he threw the fainted Dean in front of the two, Killswitch said one word to them.


The ground keeps producing tremors upon tremors, shaking everything around them, as the same creatures keep spawning one by one before them, with their claw-like teeth trying to take a bite on the night sky. There were other creatures as well, ranging from normal zombies, Hunter type monsters, and Lickers. It was a whole pack of pandemonium gathered in one place.

Bill and Sammy's pale face was drenched in sweat as they watched a horde of monsters coming their way, while Killswitch turned his back to face all of them. With Dean on his back, Bill led Sammy to run far from them, he didn't want to get involved with whatever the rookie was planning to do.

Meanwhile, Edward glanced at the small bead on his hand. "It really is as useful as you said."

[Yes, Sir. The Bead of Harvest has two functions, the first one is to form a safe space while the other was to spread a scent to gather a mob of monsters.] explained, Regina.

"It seems this is the last one for tonight." muttered, Edward. All of his bullet in his inventory was depleted to their last. He continued, "How many we got this time?"

[30 Gravediggers, 36 Hunter Beta, 25 Hunter Gamma, 230 Lickers, and over three thousand zombies.] said Regina.

A light flickered and an M134 Minigun appeared in his hands. It weighed 40kg, which was pretty light for him. It had a high fire rate, up to 2400 rounds/minute, that was 4 round/0.4second. He wondered why Leon would carry such a thing with him.

"Anyway, let's make it count, we only had 2000 bullets left," muttered Edward. "Reinforce."

<M134 Minigun>

<Grants Moderate improvement on impact damage, penetrating force, fire rate, and recoil.>

<Grants Item Abilities: Focus Fire (Active), Aim-Assist (Passive), Curve Bullets (Passive).>

Wheeeeng... Ratatatatatatatatata...

The first impact drew a line of blood. Everything that stood in front of the six rotating barrels was blown to pieces. One bullet would penetrate through its target, then another, and another, until it stops by itself in a place unknown. As if parted by Moses's staff, the wave of monsters split in half.

Edward didn't stop, and he started turning the Minigun, aiming for the others. The Item's ability, Aim-Assist, and Curved Bullet worked wonders with each other, taking more of the zombies and monsters than it was supposed to. Sometime, it would curve to the left, and hit more than 10 zombies or Hunters, and sometimes to the left, hitting the Gravediggers and blasting the Lickers.

Even the building surrounding them was not spared, huge holes were drilled on their walls, some of them also collapsed from the massive damages. More tremors erupted in front of Edward, but it was not from the incoming monsters, but from those that fell.

Experience keeps on filling the now empty bar, and one minute later, along with the last Gravedigger's fall, he heard the sound of a crisp jingle, signing his level up.

[Congratulations to finally reach level 39, Sir. Do you want me to put all the stats to Constitution?] said, Regina.


A new notification came up in front of his face.

<Congratulations for reaching another breakthrough in Constitution Stats. Rewarding A-Rank Special Abilities, Toxin and Disease Immunity.>

Just like the name itself, the description didn't mention anything much.

<Immune against poison, drugs, and diseases.>

"Does it also protect me from being infected from the virus?" asked Edward.

[Yes, Sir.]

"Good, because I'm out of ammo. And they're still coming," said Edward after storing the Minigun back to his inventory, and pulling out two Katanas. More zombies were coming toward him, the previous commotion was too loud to be ignored. Now, he could go all out without worrying about anything.


Meanwhile, somewhere in the city. A group of people was running through the underground tunnel. It was Chris, Leon, and also Claire who was holding an unconscious Sherry on her back. They were led by the Wolfpack, to find Umbrella's NEST facility.

"Keep on running! He's coming again!" shouted LUPO, while holding an M16 in her hand, aiming toward the incoming threat. The ground was shaking in interval manners, something was running toward them. "BELTWAY! Are you done yet?"

"3... No! Just 1 more minute is enough," shouted BELTWAY, who was setting the C4s on the tunnel's wall.

"SPECTRE, FOUR EYES, RAVEN, form a line with me!" ordered, LUPO.

"We'll help too," said Chris, who was running in front of them.

"No! Keep on running! It's nearby, BERTHA will take you there," said LUPO, after glancing at her surrounding.

With the four of them holding that monster back, LUPO was sure they could give more time for BELTWAY to set the bomb. "BELTWAY, activate the C4 once you're done. No matter what."

BELTWAY just nodded, understanding the meaning of the order that was given to him.

"On my marks!"

As the line formed, LUPO could hear herself gulping from the heavy tension. At any moment now, from the dark tunnel before her, a four-legged and four-armed monster will appear. They have set several bombs along the way and moved circularly so that when the bomb exploded, it would make sure that the monster will be trapped underground. Well... she hoped so.

She glanced at the still running back of Claire, with Sherry on her back.

"Found... you..."


Suddenly, a roaring howl blasted their eardrums. The four of them, including BELTWAY, was stunned by it. The huge tremors started to increase in intensity, and the first thing they saw was two huge yellow eyeballs that produced light on their own.



They emptied magazines over magazines, trying to hold it away. But, the huge monster just went through the rain of bullets without flinching. Once it was close, it smashed its huge arms toward VECTOR, but he rolled away and turned invisible.

The Wolfpack spread away, trying to use the narrow tunnel effectively, but the monster didn't care and just smash his way to chase after BERTHA's group.

"Shit!" grumbled, LUPO. Feeling that she and her team were being ignored by the monster, she felt like she was just a pebble on the road, and she didn't like it one bit.

However, a huge arm came on her way, smashing LUPO to the wall.

"Motherwolf!" shrieked FOUR EYES, after witnessing her flailing body.

The team clearly couldn't hold the monster even for a few more seconds. The monster held LUPO'S body with one of his huge arms, it wanted to squeeze her.

"Found you..."


Both of LUPO and the Hand fell on the ground while Edward landed between them with both katana in hands.

"I'm done!!" shouted BELTWAY, taking out the remote to detonate the bomb.

VECTOR appeared from the thin air as he tried to stop him from pressing the button. "BELTWAY! STOP!"

However, it was too late.


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