

A soft wonderful sound rang through the air causing the air to gently hum. It's calm and beautiful melody seemed to sorrowfully sing into the sky and plead for mercy.

It was a type of music that even the heavens couldn't help but weep to.

"Th- the sky! It's raining for a single song!" Mumbled Katrina as if her whole world was starting to crumble apart, which was to be fair reasonable as it wasn't everyday that one saw a miracle gift coming from nature. Her two subordinate knights had also become stone statues in all but reality.

"Rain is a weird one," Rina admitted with a nod as she stared at the sky that was slowly darkening. "She always had a heart that was easily moved. You should've seen that one time Will got hurt and it started raining until the wound healed."

"This is amazing," said Seraphine as she stared at Will from afar with sparkling eyes. "As expected from my fiancé."

Will continued to play his song with closed eyes and a small sad smile while strumming a watery blue guitar in his hands. Each round of music would cause the falling rains drops around him to ripple mid air before falling to the earth.

Perhaps the rain would stop if Will had ceased his lyric less song but they would never know as Will never stopped playing and the rain never stopped falling.

This continued all the way for many hours until they had reached the capital city of the kingdom of light. It was only until after the sky Ark stopped moving and was safely docked onto the sky port that-

(A/N: Is it just me or did my book take a different turn while I wasn't looking.... hmmmm.)

- Will stop playing his instrument. Immediately the water guitar dissolved from its previous form and became a rather large puddle when Will placed it on the floor of the deck.

"That rain should last about twelve hours," muttered Will to himself as he put on his mask. "Remind me to play again in the morning, got it Rina?"

"Got it!"

Will gave Rina a small pat on the head, which was received with great joy, before he turned around to give Seraphine and Katrina a raised eyebrow stare. "So what's our plan? I've made it rain and we have arrived at the capital of the kingdom of light."

Katrina shrugged. "Lay low for a couple of days? Observe and react?"

"We should go meet my father." Said Seraphine with bright eyes. "He would want to meet and thank you for your assistance."

Will shrugged. "Sure but make it so that you introduce me as Phantom first. I'll reveal to him my true identity when we are alone."

"Why is that?"

"If my identity is revealed, it might cause the Freolibera Coalition to launch a premature attack. It's better to keep my existence a secret, thus," said Will as he adjusted his mask to fit perfectly.

"Now let's go meet the king."

(A/N: I know it's a short chapter but I dunno how to continue it without using fillers)

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