
Three chapters mass release coming within 24 hours

"So all lies and hidden identities aside-" said Will as he sat down on the rocky shore with a slightly curious expression, "-what is the situation in the kingdom of light?"

"W-w-wait a minute!" Yelled Rina with a surprised look. "Sarah is a princess? And not just any princess but the princess of the kingdom of light?"

"Seventh princess of the kingdom of light, to be honest," answered Will honestly. "She used to be my ex-fiancé."


Seraphine gave Will a gloomy look. "Well now that you are alive, it should no longer be ex-fiancé. Besides, I never officially broke the tie between you and me."

"Damn, a widow at the young age of 15. How your country must've pitied you," said Will jokingly to which Seraphine rolled her eyes at.

"Ex-widow. My fiancé is still alive."

"I guess that's true," smirked Will before his expression became serious once more. "So answer the question. How bad is the situation?"

Seraphine sighed. "Well, the demons are relentlessly invading the southern border and a newly instated demon king has made defending the border many times harder. We are also experiencing a harsh drought which is causing a famine and the Freolibera Coalition is planning to invade as well."

"Ugh, the Freolibera Coalition again," said Will with a disgusted look. "They always have to mess everything up."

"Yes they do," agreed Seraphine. "It's causing my father a lot of stress."

"I could tell," said Will before letting out a frown. "Wait a minute, is the reason why you are here to collect water attributed mana stones because of the drought?"

"Yes," answered Seraphine without a moments hesitation. "We need a large amount of water and we need it fast."

"Why didn't you ask my father for it?" Asked Will with furrowed brows. "Is the alliance still going on?"

Seraphine gave Will a weird look. "Yes, the Alliance is still on but..."

"But what?" Asked Will.

"You see," answered Seraphine with a sad look. "Ever since you died, you father, the king of water, started to change. He became more cold, more indifferent, and more cruel. And, ever since your death, the Freolibera Coalition and the kingdom of lighting started harassing the kingdom of water and every chance they could find. To make matters even worse, the kingdom of fire officially declared a holy war against the water kingdom."

"Those fucking arsonists," cursed Will.

"Yeah.... that was about a year ago. so anyways, the water kingdom is in no situation aid the kingdom of light and I seriously doubt that they would even provide assistance if that weren't the case."

"Ok," said Will with a deep frown. "That explains the lack of aid from my kingdom to yours. My next question is, why are you here?"

"Didn't I explain multiple times already? To get water attributed mana stones."

"No, I mean why did they send you instead of some knights? Is the situation at the border really that bad that you can't afford to have one high tier knight hunt for you?"

Seraphine let out a grim nod. "The situation is that bad. In fact, all my other sisters and brothers were sent to collect water attributed mana stones or gain aid from our allies using any possible means available. My first sister is defending the border from the demons invasion. My third brother is trying to court your sister for more support from the kingdom of water. My fourth, fifth, and sixth sisters were married off for more soldiers and supplies."

Will let out a cringe. "The situation must be that terrible if your soncon and daughtercon of a father allowed for your siblings to perform such deeds in an effort to gain support."

"We can hold out for another week or so but I'm afraid that if we don't get a steady supply of water soon, most of the regular citizens will soon be dead."

"Don't the Freolibera Coalition usually send a date and location for when and where they will invade?" Asked Will. "Did you receive a date and location?"

Seraphine gave Will a grim nod. "Yes. The date is 2 months and 9 days from now and the location is the center of the northern border."

"You have to give it to the Freolibera Coalition," muttered Will with a dark look. "They may be a pain in the ass and as sly as a fox, but at least they still have morals."

"Yes indeed."

Will let out a sigh before going deep into thought. A few seconds later, Will gave Seraphine a deep look. "Based on your unbiased opinion, which kingdom is currently worse off? The kingdom of water or the kingdom of light?"

"Kingdom of Light," responded Seraphine as fast as a ray of light. "Although the Kingdom of Water is currently in a bad situation due to having to deal with harassment and battles against three kingdoms, the kingdom of Light is facing impending doom and very fast."

Will sighed. "Just as I expected. It seems that my little vacation from my responsibilities has come to an end."

Seraphine's eyes started to grow wide. "Does that mean that you will finally reveal the status of your survival to the world?"

Will gave a shrug. "In the first place, the only reason why I was executed was to prevent the Freolibera coalition from earning an excuse to wage war against our country. But now that it seems that they are hell bent to harass the kingdom of water and invade the kingdom of light, I see no need for me to remain hidden, and I see no reason why my survival would change a thing in the current status quo."

"I see I see," nodded Seraphine with a gaze that slowly filled with comprehension. "So what will you do first? Go back to your home in the capital city of the kingdom of water?"

Will shook his head. "Didn't you say that the kingdom of light was in more trouble? That's our first destination. The kingdom of Light."

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