
Sabotage, Hacking, and Otome Boys on Strike!

"Abe-san, you rancorous old fart," Yoshida Saito spoke loudly looking at his image on the screen. Then he turned, turning his back on the provocation of the man who wanted to be his father-in-law a few moments ago.

'Oh, the photo must have a very important meaning for Saito-senpai. And should it remind him of his first… love? ' Haruki was conjecturing.

The mountaineer had boldly rebutted the compliment instead of accepting it, infuriating the billionaire. Haruki knew in his skin how vindictive the guys with some power could be. 'Will they boycott Saito-senpai?' he thought, worried about his confinement friend.

Saito stared at the men around him, for a moment. Lifting his left forearm, he showed the device, explaining,

"It's like a regular smartwatch. It has apps to interact with Okami, the AI ruling this environment. You can leave it offline."

"It's relieving to hear it, Saito-san. Well, the next one is me. I'll turn mine on now," Daisuke spoke between cheerful and fearful. His smartwatch was millennial pink.

Concern about what could happen to them made Haruki interrupt the influencer,

"Wait Daisuke-san," the singer asked. He could guess that Saito-senpai was behind the fact he was the official spokesman for the group, rather than Daisuke who was much more articulate. Anyway, when things got harsher, they came forward. Haruki felt slightly useless, but was humble enough to know he didn't possess their experience in negotiation.

"Guys, come with me. Don't worry, I'll make it quick," Haruki called the group, who ended up following him to his secret room.

"I propose to you a security alternative. So that no one could risk being forced to stay here to be Miyu-chan's company. " Haruki staring at them said,

"Let's declare ourselves gay!"

"...!" Jun and Saito made the same expression, holding their breaths and frowning.

'These two fools don't even know how much they look alike,' Haruki thought.

"Hahaha," Hinata was laughing at tears in her eyes, "Really, Haruki-senpai wants to make this inverted harem a fujoshi's paradise?" Hinata asked provocatively.

Haruki frowned, he didn't know what a fujoshi was.

"You see, with Miyu-chan we will act as established in the contract. But here, between us, with the smartwatch active, we will be acting. Just act like a little bit 'gay', playful, and stuff. On the light side, you know? Letting the analysts think we really are getting to know each other better. And let them think we like men better. Abe-san won't approve of any of us as his future son-in-law. So there will be no risk of us being stuck here forever at the mercy of Miyu-chan's whims."

"Haruki-san, Saito-san proposed new terms on our contracts to avoid it, so your... 'plan' is kind of useless, Haruki-san," explained the influencer as if talking to a small child.

"Oh yes? But look, guys: A) You are here because Miyu-chan has a crush on you; B) Here she is normal, healthy and will have a long life; C) the game is over in thirty days; D) Miyu-chan, who doesn't know the truth will accept to be, without her crush without a good, irrefutable reason?" The singer waited to see if anyone would respond.

"We need to tell her the truth," Hinata retorted.

"It won't do any good. Miyu-chan has already discovered she's Neona's Almighty Goddess," said Daisuke.

"So it's obvious what's going to happen, the 'Winner' stays with the 'Player' forever stuck here," the singer took the cue, "Unless everyone is convinced we're gay, even her."

Haruki chose to use these arguments. He imagined his comrades had understood as well as he did, that Saito would suffer retaliation for challenging the powerful Abe Hiroshi. Maybe they didn't know that Saito was gay, but that would eventually be revealed, and Haruki imagined that Abe-san would do it before everyone else, as soon as he thought it was convenient to punish Saito. But if they all turned out 'to be gay', the only alternative would be to let them out. And if everyone were at peace with the idea, no one would accept bullying against Saito. And Miyu-chan would have to accept the fact and forget about them.

"Haruki, this ..." Saito started to say but was surprised by Takashi's deep voice.

"Haruki-san is right, one of us will inevitably be Mr. Abe's son-in-law, with wonderful bonuses and perks, but the price is to live in this bubble, Neona. Saito-san, I found your answer bold and offensive at the time, but now I understand that it was your best move. So I accept your idea, Haruki-san." The artist extended his open hand to the middle of the group. Excited, Haruki covered it with his, which was covered by Daisuke's hand.

"Hahaha, this is going to be the prank of the century! Just be careful or you will fall in love with me," Hinata spoke bravely, placing his hand over Daisuke's. Jun and Saito stared at each other once again on that long day, before putting their hands together.

"Otome Boys Union on strike!" Haruki spoke excitedly.

Together they threw their hands up.


"Jun, look what you did, you ruined mine!" Haruki accused the baker of causing the defect in his smartwatch, deactivating it, and taking it off his wrist.

Jun had been watching everything Hinata was doing to activate his cyan color. Then the baker came to Haruki and insisted on fiddling with his smartwatch again.

"Haruki, I already told you. Yours is different from ours. Look at mine," Jun replied, handing his red one.

The singer took it and kept checking the devices, and accused,

"Jun you scratched mine!" he raised his yellow smartwatch to his friend's nose.

"It wasn't me!" he said defensively, "You can have mine," Jun offered.

"No need, I just want to know what you did," Haruki asked curiously.

"Do you remember when Honda-san showed the frame with his daughter's photo? At that moment the glass of the frame reflected a computer screen. I saw a number, and it looked like a password. And I inserted it in yours,"

Jun was now fiddling with his device, "But in mine, it's refused. It could be a one-time password." the baker showed Haruki. "Can I see what happened?" Jun wanted to see the device activated. And the singer put it back on his wrist and turned it on.











Gamekoi Property, All Rights Reserved







HONDA SATORU, the Nerd *

KAWANAMI YUTO, the Student

MAEDA RIKU, the Artist

MIYAKE TAKAO, the Athlete



"Wow !!! Cupcake, you can see the status of all characters!" Jun was elated to find out. "Let's see what we got here," Jun took Haruki's arm, and clicked on the CEO's character name.

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