
CHAPTER 87: no mercy

we travelled trough large open fields without a three in sight. It was just really tall grass. There was no snow here and large rocks poked out of the grasslands, aiming for the skies.

This was really troublesome. The few people that knew magic could erase the tracks in the snow, but it was a lot harder in the grass. The trails of the carriages would always remain visible, even if it required a trained eye to see it.

After a few days of traveling through the fields I sensed something that deeply worried me.

I checked a few times to know for sure that what I sensed was right.

There was another demon extremely close.

It couldn't have been here for long. Afterall I just noticed it. But if it were to remain here any longer it could cause a gigantic amount of damage and it could even tell other demons where we were.

This one was obviously a scout sent to find our current position. I could tell that this one was alone and quite weak, weaker than I was. It had probably volunteered for the job in an attempt to raise its status or temporarily escape the torment of the stronger demons.

If it were to succeed to report the other demons would have a good meal and if it were to fail it would probably never see the light of day again.

This also showed the objectives of the demons. They did not truly care for the humans that escaped, since they had already illuminated the majority of their forces. They were just really tasty piles of meat and souls that were just a waste to let go. But it was not tier final goal.

We had all been given the orders to spread as much corruption as possible to the worlds that we entered. Doing this would give us toys to play with and souls that could give us more power. but it would eventually spread to the physical world. I had seen that the corruption completely mutilated the bodies of those that suffered the most from it. Who said that it would stop just there, and that it would not continue to grow like a fungus? The thing that tempted us in spreading this wanted the worlds to be consumed by the fungus of corruption.

We were just toys in its eyes. Mere tools. Fully aware of that we were being used and okay with it because of the pleasure it provided us.

I ran towards the carriages where the demon resided. It was not trying to hide at al., so it was either setting a trap or completely distracted by something.

The guards tried to stop me when they saw that I was running towards the carriages. But I simply flew over them.

They shouted something and ran after me, but I did not care to listen. The smell of freshly spilled blood hung in the air. I was almost certain that the humans should be able to smell it too.

There was some muffled screaming. But it was not understandable.

I ripped the carriage open instead of taking my time to walk to the door.

On the inside I saw a terrible scene.

A small goat like demon sat in the corner of the carriage grinning at the carnage it created. Or rather the carnage it forced someone else to make.

Elisa stood motionless over the body of Yohan. Her hands soaked in blood that did not belong to her. She was completely under the control of the small demon but still fully aware of her surroundings.

She cried. Tears streamed down her face, yet she was unable to wipe them away on her own.

The small demon that seemed to have the time of its life suddenly looked up in horror. It saw my bared sharp teeth hand my glowing eyes that furiously stared at it.

The small demon tried to move further into the corner, but its back was already pressed against the wall.

"I-I'm sorry. I did not realise these were yours. There wasn't a mark on them you see. Please, spare me."

I let out a low growl as I closed in on the small demon in the corner. It had long since realised how big the difference in strength was between us.

It knew that it could no longer escape and that it solely relied on my mercy.

But I did not have mercy. Not for those that harmed what was mine!

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