
Teacher final chaps

Chapter Five

Mom picked me up after classes. This time, I accepted the kiss she tried to give me when I got in the car. My hands flew to her blouse and I squeezed her breasts while she moaned into my mouth.

The more I did anything sexual with my mother, the more I was starting to see her as a mere sex object for my own needs, especially with her full lips on mine.

"Daddy," she groaned softly. "You're... squeezing me... too hard."

I ignored her, crushing those globes of pure sex in my palms, feeling wild with lust. Cindy gasped and I slipped my tongue through her lips, tasting her sweetness and sparring with her tongue.

When I was done, I let her go and leaned back in my seat, running my tongue over my lips and tasting the sweet residue she left on them.

"You can be so rough sometimes, Daddy," Cindy complained, kneading her breasts over her top.

Feeling sorry for the unneeded aggressiveness, I ran my knuckles over her cheek and she leaned into my touch, smiling. I had promised to take care of her, hadn't I? I shouldn't lose control and hurt her. Ms. Thompson... that was a different story, but I had to reign myself in around Mom. She deserved better.

"Sorry," I told her.

"It's okay, Daddy," she whispered, winking suggestively at me. "I like it hard, but not too hard."

I nodded and told her to drive us back home.

As we made the trip back, I looked at my new little sex kitten. Cindy's make up was on point and her luscious dark hair was perfectly styled as always. She was one smoking hot mother.

"How long have you been waiting for me?" I asked her. Mom had always picked me up late. Today was the first day where she was already waiting in the car park.

"An hour."

I frowned. "An hour? Did you leave the office early?"

"Yes." God, her little girl's voice was such a major turn on. "I just couldn't wait to leave work to see you. I have been thinking about you all day."

I raised a brow. "Really, now?"

I knew I shouldn't have done it since she was driving, but I leaned towards her and placed my hands on her thigh.

The result was immediate. Cindy's breaths grew heavier and her eyes widened.


My hands moved closer to the spot where she was rapidly growing wet. I gathered up her gray pencil skirt and slipped my hand under it, finding her already soaked panties.

"Daddy." The word parted from her lips in a breathless whisper, so low that I almost didn't catch it.

I looked up and realized her eyes were glazing over and her jaw was dropped slightly. Mom was breathing through her glossy red lips, and she looked like she was in a trance even though I hadn't even said her trigger word.

A horn blared from our right and I immediately retracted my hands from under her skirt, my fingertips soaked from her juices.

"I'm sorry," Cindy said, straightening back to attention. "I didn't notice the car."

I nodded and didn't do anything more to her, saving up my energy for when we got back home.


I leaned back on the couch, phone in the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed happily, talking into the phone.

"Second floor of apartment complex six, is that right?"

"Yes." The creamy voice of Ms. Thompson replied. "Are you coming soon?"

"Yeah. I will be there around six thirty."

"Good." I could hear the smile in her voice. "I prepared dinner for us and I can... Tom, are you alright?"

Shit. I composed myself and nodded. "Yeah."

"Are you sure? I thought I heard a moan."

I eyed Cindy kneeling between my thighs, bobbing her head up and down on my cock, deep-throating me. Using my free hand, I clutched the back of her head and slowed her down.

"No," I said. "I didn't moan."

"Oh. Maybe I'm just hearing things."

Mom made a small noise as she thrust her fingers in and out of her pussy, her cheeks hollowed and her tongue swirling around my base.

"Shh!" I mouthed to her.

Cindy nodded and I released my grip on her head. She fingered herself slower and pulled my cock out from her throat, now lapping and swirling her tongue around my tip as if it were a lollipop.

"Don't make me cum," I mouthed to my mother. She nodded, still engrossed in giving me the best head she could, both of her hands kneading my balls gently.

Closing my eyes and letting out an internal sigh, I switch back my attention to my phone. "Ah, that's exciting. What did you cook for us?"

This was my first time in a phone conversation with my teacher, and we were already talking to each other like we were in a committed relationship. The best part was I had only used the super drug on her once. What if I injected her four or five times? What would happen then? Would Karen be like my mother? So devoted and loyal towards me?

But that was because my mother already loved me. I had just manipulated that love and parts of her memories so that she would accept my suggestions easier. A week into her enslavement and I already broke her. I hoped Karen would be just as easy.

"Oh, it's a secret!" I heard her squeal. "But you're going to love it."

The doorbell rang and Cindy stopped blowing me. Absentmindedly, I waved her off, gesturing that she should get the door. Mom obeyed and I smiled as my teacher asked me what I was doing now.

Oh, nothing much. Just receiving an amazing blowjob from my mother while she fingers herself.

"Nothing much," I said. "Just chilling."

"I heard the doorbell ringing." A pause. "You got visitors?"

"No. We don't get visitors very often. It's more likely the delivery man because I ordered something from Amazon a couple of da—" I jerked up on the couch.


"Tom? What's wrong?"

"I will talk to you once I'm at your place. Bye."

Ms. Thompson started to say something, but I ended the call. Standing up, I called out to my mother, my voice rushed and wild.


No reply.


I dropped my phone, put on some pants, and rushed to the door.

My fears came to life as I saw my mother, completely naked, standing in front of the opened door, the delivery man's face a picture of shock and lust.

Mom was talking to the delivery man in her normal tone. "I'll ask Tom to sign it. Let me get him." She turned and smiled when she saw me standing behind her, frozen on the spot.

"Oh, there you are, Daddy." Her tone grew high pitched and girly. She giggled. "He needs your signature."

The delivery man looked between mom and me, his gaze finally settling on her shaved and swollen pussy. I can see it from his eyes that he knew she had been freshly fucked. He probably thought I was the luckiest man in the world—or the richest.

I walked forward, took the clipboard from the staring delivery man, signed it, and handed it back to him. Cindy came behind me and began feeling me up, trailing hot kisses along my neck and rubbing her sex against me. I had really overdone it when I made her constantly horny for me. I wasn't complaining, but when she was doing it in front of other people, it was a completely different matter.

Slamming the door shut and locking it, I took my pet's hand and dragged her back towards the living room.

I really didn't want to inject more drugs into her, so I tried for an easier alternative. "Cindy," I started. "I don't want you to be naked in front of strangers. Next time, put some clothes on before you open the door.

Her smile dropped. "What? Why?"

Why? She really was too far gone if she couldn't see how wrong it was. But that was my fault. I wasn't thinking properly when I programmed her to feel comfortable bare. I just wanted to see my own mother naked, and I didn't think of any future consequences.

"I just don't like it."

"Well, I hate clothes and I like to show off my body." She put her hands on her hips. "What's wrong with that?"

"Next time somebody rings the doorbell, I want you to put on some clothes," I repeated. "That's an order."

She pushed her bottom lips out and crossed her arms over her teardrop breasts. They jiggled a little. "No."

I sighed. So this wasn't going to be as easy as I thought it would be. I thought she would be more accepting of my orders. Maybe she wasn't as broken as I had thought. She still had some free will left that I needed to destroy.

"Sleep time, Mom."

Catching her as she went limp, I laid her on the couch and retrieved a syringe. Cindy gasped as the needle penetrated her skin, the drug entering her system and opening her mind up to me.

I ran my knuckles over her cheeks as I waited for her to calm down from her high.

"Cindy, can you hear me?"


"Who am I to you?"

She smiled, showing her pearly whites. "My Daddy."

"And who are you to me?"

"Your little girl."

"What else?"

"Your pet."

My cock throbbed. "What else?"

"Your slave. Your slut."

My cock twitched. "Shouldn't a slut listen to her Daddy?"


"Why didn't you listen to my orders, then?"

Her smile faded, and her lips drew to a thin line. "I want to show off my body. I'm proud of it."

"Yes, but only to your Daddy. Other men don't matter."

"Showing off my body makes me feel good." Her voice lowered, and her monotone changed to a purr. "It makes me feel sexy."

So, that was the problem. Time to fix the loose screw.

"Cindy," I started. "Only your Daddy makes you feel sexy."

She took a few seconds to process that, her eyes glassy and staring through me. "Only my Daddy?"

I twirled her hair as I talked. "Yes. From now on, the only pleasure you get is when you please me, your Daddy. You'll derive no pleasure from any other sources except me. You don't feel pleasure when you show off your body to other people. You don't get pleasure from other people at all. You'll always feel numb, empty."

"Numb, empty," my slut mouthed, her full lips wet with saliva.

"Yes. But when you please me by obeying me, having sex with me, or making me happy, you'll feel pleasure. You'll feel happy and satisfied. I'm your sole source of happiness, Cindy. Do you understand?"

Doing this might be harsh, maybe too harsh. But I already was way past the point of morality. I lost it when I fucked my own mother. I knew there was no going back, so why not push in deeper? Besides, if I was the only source of her happiness, then I was confident I would make her happy.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Daddy."

"Who are you to me?"

"Your little girl, Daddy."

I inserted a finger into her sex, finding ample wetness. She moaned loudly. "Will you disobey me again?"

"Never again, Daddy."

I leaned down and claimed her lips. "Good girl."


"Tom." My teacher's smile widened. "Please come in."

I kicked off my sandals and walked into her apartment, examining the interior. The place was clean and tidy. It was really cozy and warm too, a small fireplace lighting up the living room.

"Please, sit." Ms. Thompson pointed to her leather couch. "I will make you some tea."

She turned around and walked into her kitchen while my gaze automatically went to her juicy swaying ass. She was wearing a pair of tiny jogging shorts with an elastic band, and a gray T-shirt with "Jesus Saves" on the front that didn't quite hang down to her navel. Her hair was done up and held with a pin. My pet looked devastatingly beautiful tonight.

A moment later, she appeared from the kitchen with two cups in hand. I thanked her when she handed me one, but I was disappointed when she sat on a different couch, the one directly opposite mine.

Things were silent as we sip on our cups, the only sound coming from the fireplace crackling in the corner of the room.

"Traffic jam?" Ms. Thompson enquired suddenly.

I smiled at her. "No, I had a... hold up at home. Sorry for being a little late."

She returned my smile, her dimples showing. "It's fine."

"So, what's the secret dinner you had cooked up?" I asked her, changing the subject. The 'hold up' was being buried deep inside my mother, fucking her anally until I came inside her twice. I didn't want to fuck Cindy again, but when my mother came out from the trance I had put her under, she came out extremely horny. It was a side effect from being under the influence of the mind control drug.

Her smile widened. "Oh, right. Wait here." She stood up and made her way back towards the kitchen. Just like moments ago, my gaze automatically fell onto her ass.

I stood up and adjusted my crotch area. My cock was sore from fucking my mother, but if taking Karen's virginity tonight was an option, then sore or not, it didn't matter.

My teacher came back with two plates piled high with steaming pasta.

"Carbonara," she explained, her wide smile still in place. "The pasta and sauce are homemade."

I took the plate and utensils from her, thanked her, and began digging in.

"It's delicious," I said, my eyes lighting up as the pasta melted in my mouth.

"Thanks. I try my best. Cooking is one of my hobbies."

That was good to know. Having two personal chefs in my house was going to make my life so much easier.

After we finished dinner, Ms. Thompson offered to clear up the plates, then quickly returned. This time, she sat on the couch with me, our thighs practically touching as we talked.

Conversation shifted to relationships.

"I broke up with my boyfriend, Dom," she said, her smile disappearing.

Fuck yeah.

"Oh, why did you break it off with him?"

"I don't know." Ms. Thompson looked away, her eyes clouded with sadness. "I loved him, or at least I thought I did, but all of a sudden he just seemed so boring. He would call me and talk endlessly about school, helping troubled kids, and what diocese they'll be sending him to, blah, blah, blah when all I want to do is fuck." She turned a deep crimson. "I can't believe I just said that word. In front of a student too."

I reached forward and ran a hand along her thigh. Ms. Thompson inhaled sharply and looked at me. "Tom..."

"Yes?" My hand reached her crotch area and she stopped me by gripping my wrist.

"Tom, I..." She struggled with her words. "We can't do this. This is so wrong. I—we really shouldn't be doing this."

"I think you are sexually frustrated, Ms. Thompson. You—"

"Karen. Please call me Karen when we are alone."

"Karen." I offered her a warm smile, hoping to disperse the tension. "You're sexually frustrated and confused. I can help you with that."

Her voice lowered to barely a whisper. "We can't do this."


"You're my student and I..." She looked away. "I can't—I won't have sex until marriage. Especially not with a student"

"Sex feels good though." I pulled my hand back and she released her grip. Stroking her thigh again, I continued, "It feels amazing, Karen. Having an orgasm is probably the best feeling in the world. You feel as if you are floating in pure ecstasy."

"Really?" She looked back at me, her green eyes studying mine. "You had sex before? Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not exactly."

"Oh, okay. But, I..." She shook her head. "I can't do this, Tom. I'm sorry."

I tried to convince her one last time. I could have just said her trigger words to bring her under a trance and make my life so much easier, but I enjoyed toying with her. "Sex isn't a sin, Karen. Trust me when I say it isn't. Sex is nothing to be ashamed about."

"Tom," She stood up. "I just wanted to bring you here to tell you this. We can't be having those... moments... in school again. We can be friends, but nothing more. Is that clear?"

Damn it.

"Sleep time little Karen."

Karen fell forward, and I caught her. Laying her down on the couch, I got up and retrieved a syringe from my bag.

My teacher gasped loudly and her eyes fluttered open as I injected her with the superdrug.

Like mom, I waited for her to calm down from her high before speaking.

"Karen, can you hear me?"

A monotone response. "Yes."

"Karen," I started, stroking her head. "You're not ashamed of your urges. In fact, you are eager and hungry to explore your sexuality, but with only one person, Karen. Me. Your erotic fantasies will start to center around me. You will dream every night of me: serving me, pleasuring me, fucking me. You want to make me happy, Karen. You want to please me. You want to serve me. You are only happy when you surrender yourself to me. My will is your will. You live to please me. You want to submit to me, Karen, body and soul."

As I spoke, she became visibly aroused. Her eyes hooded, and one hand stole to her left breast and stroked. A low moan escaped her lips and my cock became harder when I was sure it was already at its limits. I stood up and slid down my pants and underwear to relieve the strain and discomfort. My hard cock sprang free, and I stroked it as I talked to her.

"Are you ashamed of your sexual urges, Karen?"


"Karen," I said, feeling my confidence growing. I masturbated faster. "Who do you want to fuck?"


"Who do you want to surrender yourself to?"


"Good girl." I slowed down my pumps because I didn't want to orgasm right then. I planned to release my load inside her. "You feel submissive around Tom. You want him to take control. You want him to lead you."

"Yes." She shivered, and my name fell from her lips in a breathy whisper. "Tom."

My heart pounded in my ears as I looked at her. I was going to do this. I was going to finally take her virginity.

"Karen, when I count to three, you will wake up. You will feel the horniest you have ever been in your life. Do you understand?"


In truth, I didn't need to implement that thought in her mind. Being under the influence of the drug, she was already going to be extremely horny, but I wanted the certainty that I was going to be laid tonight. I was not taking any chances when it comes to having sex with my teacher.

I counted to three and Karen's eyes flew open. She sat up and used one hand to rub her temples, the other going under her pants and began pumping in and out.

"Tom?" She shook her head and blinked at me as if she had forgotten I was there.


She blinked several more times again before a smile appeared on her beautiful features. "Tom..." She blinked again, her fingers pumping faster. She glanced at my erect cock I was still stroking. "Tom, what were we talking about?"

"About sex."

"Oh, yes." Her smile grew. She was still staring at my cock. "Is that how a penis looks like?"


"Can I touch it?"

"Of course." I sat beside her and she gingerly reached out and ran her fingers along my length. She gasped when my cock twitched, and I suppressed a groan.

Holy shit.

She pulled her hand away and looked at me, her emerald eyes glinting. "Tom, do you think I'm pretty?"

'"Baby, you're the sexiest woman I have ever seen."

"Do you really think so?"

"I'm not blind."

She giggled then thrust her tits out at me. "Do you like my breasts?"

"Call them tits, honey."

"Tits." She giggled again, jiggling them. "Do you like my tits?"

"They would look better if nothing was covering them."

She paused for a second before she retreated her wet fingers. Karen stood up and began undressing. I did too, and soon, we were both nude.

She sat back down and touched my cock again. "Tom, I'm nervous."

"Don't be," I told her even though I was as, if not, more nervous than her.

I was going to fuck my teacher. What the fuck. I was going to have sex with the hottest lecturer in the world. Something that every guy in my school had fantasized about.

Cupping her cheeks, I leaned forward and claimed her lips.

This was my second time kissing her, and I suspect it was her second time kissing anybody at all. I pushed my tongue past her lips, finding and stroking hers. She tasted sweet, like mom, and I moaned as her hands started stroking my cock from root to tip.

Breaking the kiss, I shoved her onto her back where she squealed, clearly excited at what was about to come.

"Are you ready to lose your virginity, Karen?" My voice was raspy and deep, and I was sure my eyes were wide and filled with lust.

This was happening.

Karen gasped as I laid on top of her, my cock lining up against her soaked pussy. I was so turned on, cum was dripping from my tip and onto her.

"Fuck me, Tom," my teacher said, gripping my ass and pulling me closer to her sex "Please. I need you so bad."

I didn't need any more convincing. Accepting her invitation, I thrust in with a grunt.

Holy. Shit. She was so damn tight. Way tighter than mom, and mom wasn't lacking in that department.

Karen gasped as I penetrated her, and when I dug deeper, burying my cock, her gasps turned to screams.

I was hurting her, but I couldn't care less at that moment. She felt fucking amazing, and with the added knowledge that I was the first who had ever entered her made me feel more primal, more animalistic. I was the first to ever fuck her, and I was going to make certain that I was also going to be her last.

Her inner walls tightened and squeezed around my cock as I shoved my cock into her further until I physically couldn't anymore.

"Tom." Tears leaked from her eyes. "Tom... Ah—shit!"

I pulled out halfway and began fucking her properly. My balls slapped against her skin as I began a rhythm, slow at first, then gaining tempo quickly. Soon enough, I was thrusting in and out of her, feeling my orgasm rising quickly.

I couldn't believe it. I was fucking my teacher. All of my dreams, all of my fantasies. Everything. It was becoming a reality. Thank god for that drug.

Karen's moans and groans filled the entire room. She was louder than mom, and that was saying something. Her hips started moving against mine in erotic sways. Karen pushed past the initial pain, her screams fading and turning to moans and short cries. She was beginning to enjoy this.

"Tom!" My name fell from her lips in a loud groan. "Harder! Fuck me harder!"

What the hell? She wanted me to go harder?

Well, wish granted.

I quickened my tempo, slamming my cock into her over and over.

"Yes!" She screamed. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

Her eyes flew open and zeroed in on me. "Oh, fuck!"

That was it. The moment she went over the edge and experienced her first orgasm in her entire life.

Karen threw her head back and her eyes rolled to the top of her head, showing whites. She screamed as her orgasm took hold of her. Her inner walls clamped shut, squeezing my cock even tighter, and I felt every muscle in my entire body stiffen. Holy shit, this was it. I cried out as my cock jerked inside her, then I released everything.

I was shooting hot ropes of cum into her as she took it all with ear-splitting screams. Karen's hips slammed into me harder and faster as she milked my cock for what seemed like hours. She milked me until I physically couldn't produce any more cum.

The beautiful moment passed. I fell limp on top of her sweating body, feeling her breasts rising and falling rapidly against my chest. Karen was drained, but I wasn't. Having sex constantly with mom should have made me exhausted and sapped, but fucking my teacher seemed to have re-energized me. My cock was still rock hard inside her. I wanted to fuck her again.

"Tom..." She whispered against my skin. "You were right. Sex feels fucking amazing."

Hearing her say 'fucking' was so damn hot since she practically never swears.

"Round two?" I asked the panting woman below me. I pulled out of her and gazed into her green eyes. In truth, she didn't have much of a choice. I was fucking her again whether she liked it or not. If she declined, I had another syringe in my bag.

Karen gave me a tired smile and nodded. The suggestion to make her a submissive was clearly working. Helping her up to a sitting position, I turned her around and guided her to all fours. Sweat was dripping down her entire body, and her hair was a complete mess. It didn't matter, I thought as I lined up my cock against her swollen sex. I was going to take my little pet again.

Doggy style.


After blowing my load into Karen once more, she was too tired to continue. She had passed out on the couch, snuggling with me.

Carefully, I pried her hands off me and rolled off the couch. She groaned and shifted, but was still deep in sleep. Giving her a long look, I tucked a few messy strands of hair behind her ear and ran my thumb along her cheekbone. Karen was devastatingly beautiful, and soon, she would be completely mine. Tonight was just the first step in her enslavement.

I walked to the other couch where I had dumped my bag and fished out the hypnotic recordings.

Inserting the earbuds into her ear, I pressed 'play'. Karen groaned again and ran her tongue along her bottom lips before rolling to her side.

I kissed her cheek, got dressed, and gave my beauty one last long look, studying her perfect nude body. Feeling satisfied and sated, I left her apartment.

I wondered how much things would have changed now between me and her. I had taken her virginity and made her more submissive. Would she break early like mom? Or would she put up a good fight?

Only time would tell.

Karen's tape:

I love Tom

Tom is sexy

Tom is wonderful

Tom is everything

I want to fuck Tom

I feel horny all the time

I want Tom's cock

I want to taste Tom's cum

I am a fuck toy

I love to fuck Tom

Tom is my Master

I want to serve Tom

I want Tom to think for me

I am Tom's slave

Tom is good to me

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

Tom is my Master

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