
Ch. 70. Giovanni vs Ares (4/4)


With both pokemon out on the field, Ares had to think of a plan on how to continue. While Pidgeot was immune to ground attacks as long as he remained in the air, he couldn't deal enough damage to Dugtrio to defeat it.

Chances were, Dugtrio would have a counter attack for flying type pokemon as well, making it a lot more difficult to really form a decent strategy. If anything, it would most likely end up as hit and run long distance attacks.

"Pidgeot, keep your distance."

With the temporary strategy worked out, Ares got to work.

Pidgeot increased the distance, keeping a close eye on Dugtrio, who was popping up and down in different locations. It seems like it was already preparing the battlefield for further encounters of Ares's other pokemon.

Was the Dugtrio looking down on Pidgeot?

Glancing at Pidgeot, Ares's expression turned wry. It seems like Pidgeot had the same thought as well, as its hostile gaze intensified. Yet it remained calm, in a way at least, as Pidgeot kept his disatance, having enough patience to not attack right away.

Using the little psychic powers he had trained up with Mew, Ares gave a short explanation on what tactics Pidgeot should use, keeping Giovanni in the dark of the moves Pidgeot would use.

As soon as Pidgeot made a move, Dugtrio began to act as well.

While Pidgeot was flying above ground, attacking every hole with Air cutters, Dugtrio was once more setting the playing field. Rocks hovered above the ground, impeding the smooth flight of Pidgeot.

Stealth Rock, an annoying move that would continue for the rest of the battle.

Another headache followed soon after.

While Pidgeotto landed multiple hits with Air Cutter, Dugtrio had finished preparing its own move as well. Along with the big rocks from the Stealth Rock, a Sandstorm had begun to spread around the battlefield as well.

With everything set up to its liking, Dugtrio disappeared into the ground, hidden in one of the many holes that riddled the battlefield. From multiple angles, rocks were shot from the ground, a whitish glow surrounding them.

Recognising the move immediately as Ancient Power, Ares didn't hesitate to stall any longer. Ancient Power was a hellish move that would power up not only one aspect such as speed, it would increase every aspect from attack to defense. The odds of it happening was small, but it could and surely would happen nonetheless.

Seeing the severity of the situation as well, despite his current predicament of incurring constant damage, Pidgeot prepared a massive attack that would allow him to target all except a single hole in the ground, forcing Dugtrio out of ground.

With his move prepared, Pidgeot whipped up one of his strongest Hurricanes, blowing the sandstorm and the Stealth Rock temporarily from his vicinity. With the area closest to him temporarily cleared, Pidgeot started his attack on the holes.

With nowhere to escape to, Dugtrio emerged from the ground, avoiding most of the damage. While it was still hit, it had prepared a counter attack as well, as a Stone Edge was launched towards Pidgeot in the form of countless rock pillars shooting up from the ground.

With a certain defeat in front and around him, Pidgeot started his last ditch effort, as a massive burst of energy formed around him as he sped towards Dugtrio, smashing through the Stone Edges while still incurring the damage from the move.

Crashing down a weakened yet still powerful Brave Bird, Pidgeot skidded across the ground, no longer capable of moving at all.

While Ares returned Pidgeot to his pokeball, he noticed Dugtrio had received plenty of damage as well. Pidgeot did his job well, paving a smoother path for the others to contest against the remaining pokemon.

With three of his pokemon defeated and his opponent with two pokemon left, Ares picked his next pokemon, hoping to end this battle with her.

Appearing on the battlefield was his pokemon that disliked battling the most, Clefable.

Looking around, Clefable scrunched her eyes, already knowing what was expected. Fortunately she had made a compromise with her trainer, who took her feelings into consideration. With only some occasional battles, Clefable became a lot more motivated to 'work'.

Looking at the innjured Dugtrio in front of her, she made up her mind to stop dawdling and finish it quickly.

On her tail, a bracelet with a Life Orb was attached.

With the permitted use of items these days, it always paid out to match the abillity with a good item.

In this case the item was a Life Orb Ares had received from Leaf after his training was complete. She had used it in her days of traveling, now handing it down to him.

A perfect fit for his Clefable, as she had the Magic Guard ability.

Pinpointing Dugtrio's location with her sensitive ears, Clefable prepared her move, Calm Mind, increasing her attack power even more. With none of the moves such a Sandstorm and Stealth Rock inflicting any damage on her, Clefable accurately grasped Dugtrio's form and with a simple Psychic pulled it towards her, an Ice Beam powered by the Calm Mind and Life Orb taking shape in front of her. It thrummed with power, as the energy put into it was nothing to scoff at. While Dugtrio was literally dragged towards her, Clefable unleashed the Ice beam.

Dugtrio was rudely pulled towards Clefable and thrown into the Ice Beams trajectory, freezing it solid as it became an ice popsicle sticking from the ground.

Not letting up, Clefable finished her turn with a strong Meteor Mash, smashing the ice Dugtrio was encased in and slamming it firmly to the ground.

Dugtrio would not come out of this attack unharmed, as all Clefables moves were empowered by her Life Orb. This made her super effective moves even deadlier when faced head on.

Giovanni understood this as well, as he returned Dugtrio to its pokeball, already knowing the the end result without even seeing it.

With her battle finished, Clefable glanced at Ares who immediately returned her to her pokeball. He would ask her help again if he needed it, but he still had his other ace pokemon as well. Her battle should be done for today.

Giovanni looked at Dugtrio's pokeball. Ares expected him to be on guard, but all Ares could see was a smirk. A confident one, that meant the last fight would be difficult.

"Your pokemon are strong. But you will fall before my last pokemon. Many have challenged it, but none have prevailed. Do you think you will be any different?"

Giovanni spoke with pride, as the wall behind him slid into the ground, revealing his last pokemon.

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