
You can't back off now...

Elysia was taking turns in feeding him and eating her own food when suddenly Ivan asked, "Sia.. You remembered about the promise you made to me right? That you'll fulfil my one wish as I succeeded in your test… right?"

All of the scenes of that particular day started to appear in Elysia's mind and a satisfied smile etched on her lips as she remembered how he had stood for her when the whole world was pointing at her character.

"Yes.. I do remember. So, do you want to ask me to fulfil your wish right now?" Elysia asked sipping her coffee.

Ivan nodded his head and said, "But you have to promise that whatever it is you have to follow it no matter what."

Elysia sighed and replied, "Ivan.. You very well know that I have few moral values. And once I make a promise to someone I never break it unless it's harmful to other person. So don't beat around the bush more and tell me what do you want.

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