
The Kids

"Here we are." The sector leader says as we enter a building they use as a gym.

I see a group of kids huddled in the corner shaking.

"What have you done to them!?" I ask. They look scared to death!

"Nothing, sir... they've been like this since we picked them up." He says.

I walk over to the kids and crouch down in front of them.

"I'm Brayden. People call be Bray... I'm gonna take care of you guys for a bit. Take you where people can help you." I say but they still shy away from me.

"Can you tell me your names?" I try to get them to calm down by speaking softly. Most don't even look up at me.

"I'm not gonna hurt you." I tell them and a little girl maybe 11 years old steps up.

"You're a pack wolf. Pack wolves are dangerous. They kill without warning. They hunt us! Why should we trust you?!" She asks.

"I am a pack wolf. But we aren't like that. We don't kill needlessly." I tell her.

"Have you ever killed a rouge?" She asks crossing her arms.

"Only in self defense." I answer.

"So you're a murderer. How do I know you didn't kill our parents?" She asks.

"Your parents told you to stay away from pack wolves and pack land, yes?" She nods. "Would they come on pack lands and attack pack wolves?" I ask.

"No! They're good people! They don't hurt people! They aren't like you! Ben's parents were omegas that ran because being rouge was better! Sam and Rose's parents always stay to take care of us! Tessa's dad has a missing leg. My parents hunt to give us food! None of them mess with." She sucks her teeth looking me up and down. "Pack wolves!"

"In that case no one in this pack hurt them. I can promise you that." I tell her. She glares at me. "I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna keep you safe. We have a place for all of you."

"What if we don't want your help?" She hisses.

"You are a strong girl but do you really think you can take care of all these kids? How many of you can even shift?" I ask. Her scowl doesn't lift as she turns away from me.

"Fine!" She growls. "Let's go!" All the kids jump up to follow her. A true leader. As I lead the kids out an amazing smell fills my sences.

"Seriously!? This is what they send!" A fiery woman runs over to us. "Four pups! Who would trust you with children!?"

"MATE! MATE! MATE!" my wolf chants.

"You're my..." I start to say.

"Shut up, pup! No way Alpha would send a bunch of... a bunch of immature pups to escort them! How can you even care for a child? You are a child!" She cuts me off.

"Can we speak privately, miss?" I push through gritted teeth.

"This way, pup." She spits and walks away. I follow her into the woods far enough away from the others to gain some privacy.

"What's your name?" I ask her.

"Not playing that, pup. Someone messed up! I can't have a child as a mate!" She growls.

"I'm not a PUP!" I roar. "I'm old enough to know you're my mate aren't I?"

"Not for long! I, Chelsey Andrew, reject you...." she pauses... she doesn't know my name.

"It's Brayden Sanders, Chelsey... but please I know what rejection does to people. Let me get the kids to safety then I'll come back and you can reject me. I don't want someone who doesn't want me." I propose.

"Fine... but I still don't think you're qualified to escort these kids. One of them is a baby. Have you ever changed a diaper?" She asks.

"Well... no, but I'll figure it out." I say.

"I won't allow you to torture these children, Brayden. You're so immature to think you could do this!" She says.

"Then come, miss perfect! You care for the baby till we get there then I'll take you back home and you can reject me!" I tell her.

"Fine, pup... but no one can know we're mates. NO ONE! We are nothing. I'll care for the pups and you get us there safely. Got it, PUP!" She says holding out her hand.

I shake her hand but pull away when sparks shoot up my arm. She turns away and heads back into the little town.

"And I'm not a pup." I grumble as I follow.

"Okay boys." I say as we meet up with my men who are standing outside with the pups. "Miss Chelsey has decided to join us on our trip to care for the baby. Treat her with respect. She's here to help us."

"Yes, Sir." They respond.

"A pleasure miss Chelsey." Eric says kissing her hand.

"Back up, Eric. She's not interested." I tell him then look at her. "We're just a bunch of pups right miss Chelsey?" She looks angry but nods.

"Let's just get going." She says picking up the baby.

I take the lead with Eric to my right, Kent to the left, and Trevor taking up the rear. Chelsey stays in the center with the pups as we make our way across the territory.

"I'm tired." A little boy whines.

"Shush Sammy. We have to keep going." The leader girl tries to quiet him.

I can't deal with having a little guy hurting. I stop and walk over to the pups.

"What are you..." Chelsey starts to complain but I just crouch down in front of the boy ignoring her.

"Hay lil' man. How about I give yo a lift for a bit? You can rest your legs." I say.

He looks uncertain but timidly nods. I pick the boy up spinning him around before placing him on my shoulders. He giggles and squirms until he is comfortably placed holding my hair for security.

"So it's nice to meet you Sam I'm Bray and I'll be your  ride for this part of our journey." I tell him and he laughs. We keep walking and I intentionally bounce as we go earning giggles and squeals of joy from my little passenger.

"Its getting late we should camp." Kent says and I nod.

We didn't get as far as I'd like this first day... this is gonna be a long trip.

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