


I paced around our campsite, trying to find something to do, something to keep me busy. Rachel and Lucian sat on a log, talking in low tones. Ever since Jason died, Lucian turned solemn and somber, often distancing himself from the group. The only person who could get him to return to a hint of his old self was Rachel. Her patient, calm demeanor brought him a sense of peace, and I often found them hanging out together, either talking or simply enjoying the quiet presence of each other.

Finally, I got tired of walking and sat down on a large rock. Picking up a stick from the forest floor, I began to draw random patterns into the dirt. With only three of us left, the camp was so much quieter—and lonelier. I missed the way our entire group hung out and laughed together. I miss the times we sat around a campfire and chatted late into the night, all seven of us. I missed how Lucian and Jason's antics, although exasperating, were always so endearing. I missed the philosophical discussions we'd get into, or how we'd tell stories of our past in the Academy.

I thought about all that had happened so far. We had been on the run ever since we first set foot outside of the Academy. We've been attacked by Evils at least three times. I thought about how Lord Victor managed to find us at Northbell, then at Strongfair, and then Goldhedge, not to mention in the woods and forests. People died because of us, because they believed that by helping us, they were helping the world defeat Lord Victor.

Once, I had believed that we could defeat Lord Victor. I once relished the thrill of adventure and would have loved to go beyond the Academy on a quest. Now, I envied my classmates that stayed behind, all those people who got to go home every day and eat dinner with their families. I envied the normal peasant children, who could run around the fields without worrying about saving the world. Once upon a time I wished to be a hero, and to achieve fame. Now I wanted nothing more than to be an unknown student at the Academy.

"Indigo, let's eat lunch." Rachel's voice brought me back from my thoughts. I dropped the stick and smoothed my feet over the upturned soil.

"Okay. What do we have?" I knew that our food stash was dwindling steadily.

Rachel was rifling through her bag. "I have a couple packs of cookies and some canned food. I know Ashley magically refrigerated a lot of foods, so I think we should check her bag."

Sure enough, I found a lot of food in Ashley's bag, which would have all spoiled if she hadn't used magic to keep it "refrigerated". I took out a stack of sandwiches and gave them to Rachel. "This should be enough for the three of us, right?"

"Yes, I think so. Thanks Indigo." Rachel set the sandwiches down on a paper plate. Lucian got up from the log and wandered over, grabbing a sandwich.

"How long has it been since they left?" I asked.

"About four hours," Rachel said after consulting her pocket watch. "Hopefully they'll be back tonight."

Lucian and I nodded, agreeing. The campsite lapsed into silence as we ate. I was used to the casual chatter during mealtimes, but now that only three of us were left, there didn't seem like much to talk about. Looking back, I noticed how it was mostly Aaron or Jason who started the conversations and kept them going. I wanted to break the silence, but what do I say?

"So…um…" I tried to think about something to talk about, to lighten the solemn mood, but my words failed me. Rachel and Lucian looked at me expectantly. I racked my brain for a topic. "What are we going to eat for dinner?" I finally blurted out.

"Dinner?" Rachel furrowed her brows. "We barely finished lunch, Indigo."

"We should plan ahead of time so we're not scrambling for food at the last moment." I was pulling this reasoning out of my butt. "Maybe we can eat something other than canned corn tonight."

"No offense Rachel, but I am kind of sick of eating preserved food." Lucian said.

"Then what do you want to eat?" Rachel asked. "It's not like I can pull out steak and roast duck from my bag."

"We can go hunting. I'm sure we can catch a rabbit in these woods," Lucian said, brightening. He seemed excited for the first time in days. "What do you say, Indigo? I really would like to eat some meat."

"Sure, why not? It's not like we have anything better to do," I agreed.

"But there could be Evils or Lord Victor's soldiers lurking in the forest," Rachel argued. "Besides, do you even know how to hunt?"

"Psh, Lord Victor wouldn't send his soldiers that far into the forest." Lucian dismissed Rachel's worry. "Hunting can't be that hard. I've gone on a few hunting trips with my dad. You do have a bow and arrows, right?"

"But…" Rachel still seemed unconvinced. Lucian placed his arm around her shoulders and patted her reassuringly.

"Don't worry, Rachel. It'll be okay. Don't you want to taste meat again?"

"I guess meat for dinner does sound nice." Rachel finally relented. "We can't all go, though. There has to be someone here at the camp."

"I'll stay," I volunteered. "I'll watch the camp."

"Looks like we're hunting buddies," Lucian nudged Rachel with his elbow. "Let's set out soon, so we can actually be back in time for dinner."

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