
Stay With Me Forever

Best day of life from both of us, although something urgently happened to me last night however he had a back-up plan to ask me out. And now, he has a surprise for me which I'm very nervous about. He doesn't even give me any hint where we will be going. 

My back touches the king sized bed, my eyes lock to the chandelier and sigh. "Why am I very nervous? As if something might happen," I whisper. 

I switch my position, staring at the wall. My heart suddenly thumps rapidly without reason. I don't know why I abruptly feel nervous, or more like scared when I enter into his life. 

I shake my head, striving to remove the unnecessary thoughts inside my head. "Nothing will happen." I murmur.

Currently, I'm waiting for Christian, who's taking a shower and it's been a half-hour since he steps inside the bathroom. Then, I saunter closer to the bathroom and carefully touch my fist on the door, and knock. 

"Yes?" He then asks.

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