
The Lotus Lamp

"I once came across them back when I was seven years of age. It was by coincidence back then." Lotus responded, "My parents wanted my to learn social manners and etiquette with other humans of different regions and initially sent me to Kingdom of Heroes, but an incident happened and I made my way down to Pyroxene then based myself in the capital without my disguise. I did not expect to become acquainted with Vil and Jack, then. Nor, did I expect to meet them here."

"Jack?" Malleus mumbled in deep thoughts.

"The one chosen for the magift tournament. With wolf beastman from Savanclaw dorm." Lotus pointed out.

"Ah, that one…" Malleus looked to her rather curious, "Do they realize it yet?"

"No. At least not that I know off." Lotus shrugged, "After all, they don't realize who I am yet."

"Why did you choose not to reveal it to them? Aren't they your friends?" Malleus questioned curiously.

"Well, it's because we are friends that I don't want them to know even more. After all, knowing one of them, they just might end up ruining my fun. That would be annoying." Lotus stuck out her tongue and drew a devilish smirk.

Hearing this, Malleus mumbled to himself. Was it really fun? Since he came here, everything was between amusing to boring. Aside from the gargoyles, his studies and such, there really wasn't anything that fun. That was until the direbeast cat and Yuu came into their world. Things started to take an interesting turn. Then there was Peony who became close friend to their anti-social Ren whom even he struggled to make him come out of his shell. However, he didn't think that the princess would then also reach out to him of all people.

"By the way," Lotus began seeing the guy was mulling over something possibly trivial again, "I heard that Founding Day will be coming up soon. Why not come over to Ramshackle dorm for the party?"

"What?" Malleus looked to her in surprise.

"According to a friend, the founding day was the day Night Raven College was founded and was celebrated annually since then. I heard that the celebration would be at Ramshackle dorm this time. Although Yuu never said anything, it's easy to see that he's decided to invite Hornton." Lotus shook her head with a chuckle, "With a character like his, it's a surprise that he's decided to stay as a student of Night Raven College. Compassion and putting bonds first. In that place, you would need to have power to be able to have those things. Despite being in a world where he knows no one or a place to return to, you and the Heartslabyul boys ended up being closer friends to him than other students."

Him? Malleus was rather surprised to hear that coming from Peony. All he did was have a few conversations with the human a few times and a few minutes each time. Was that all it took to become close friends with one? Compared to someone else, he didn't think that he would become close friends with Yuu. He turned to her and opened his mouth, "What about you? Aren't you also close friends with that human too?"

"Hmm..." Lotus thought to herself curiously, "I don't know about that. He told me that he wanted me and him to be as close as siblings alongside Grim... To be honest, I might be able to say we're close but I don't know about other matters. After all, it was rather clear to me the reason he wanted us to have a familial bond rather than one of close friends and I'm afraid I cannot give him whatever he wanted regardless of how I see him as a sibling. Having seen that happen... You understand, don't you?"

"Because he's weak." Malleus stated bluntly, "But, what about the prophecy? Would that change anything?"

"The prophecy is the prophecy. Those words did not mention him gaining any abilities to protect himself. In my opinion, he is both open-minded and yet also stubborn. He has everyone in his mind and worries over their troubles when it clashes with their belief and trouble, yet he rarely thinks for his own troubles. After all, it's been months since he arrived in Twisted Wonderland, but he has yet to find a way to return to his world. If it hadn't been for Crowley promising to help him research a way home, he would have already faced criticisms on all sides for not having found anything by now."

Hearing this, Malleus huffed a laugh, "Though you say such words, is it not also you who threatened those students to keep their mouths shut?"

"Eh? I have no recollection of such things." Lotus shrugged, "All I did was lecture a few students who has too much time on their hands and sent them to find something more productive outside of school grounds. Who knew that they'd come back and become so productive on their own? Guess it was a good thing I recommended them a few activities."

Malleus frowned in annoyance as she boasted her achievements, "It would do you good to be a bit more reserved."

Lotus huffed, "Why should I do that? I see no benefit for me in doing that. Besides, I have the right to brag about my own work. What are you going to do about it?"

"Well… Unfortunately, my dorm might not have enough rooms, after all…" Malleus hummed with a sneer, "Perhaps I should let the human know about this?"

"So it seems you are not interested in the lotus lamp or the chronicles. That's unfortunate." Lotus hummed with a smirk as the expression on his face changed. Two could play this game!

Hearing this, Malleus was surprised. A human with the audacity to challenge a fae? Could her confidence stem from her power, connections, or perhaps her own belief? Whatever the cause, she wasn't wrong to say that she has the knowledge and, after her brief recovery, it is unknown how much mana she has regained in that short amount of time. Yet, she is more than confident that she can just challenge him without hesitation. There aren't many who can do this.

"I'm heading over to the campsite now! See ya!" She smiled wide before disappearing into the brushes.

Watching her leave, Malleus realized that he had tried to catch her but his legs wouldn't hurry after her as he had instinctively wanted. Strange, why would he suddenly be unable to control his own actions just now? Did he have any reason to follow her? There was none that he knew of. So… Why did he try to do so?


After Vargas tallied up the number of badges each got, Lotus returned to the science club and finished the cooking. Once it was over, she left them to their meals and made her way back to her and Yuu's own tents when she noticed that Yuu's tent was rather bright. She opened the entrance to find that Yuu and Grim was chatting with the octavinelle group, kalim, and Ren. Alongside their group was a few freshmen from other clubs as well.

"Now this is a surprise." Lotus noted curiously upon seeing the group arrangements, "I was sure that Trey and the others would not allow this to occur. Hehe, well, what they don't know can't always hurt them, perhaps. Why's there suddenly so many people?"

"We were just talking about today's activities. Nothing to be wary of." Azul smiled harmlessly.

"That's true." Grim nodded confirming the details, "We kinda got curious on the story that you told us since those were especially cool!"

"Hm? Just from talking about stories? Though it's not like you are in a cultural heritage club or such. Guess someone wanted the recipe to the smoked fish." Lotus pointed out bluntly, "I had thought for sure that Jade would share the recipe with Azul."

"Well, if that is all, then all I used was wood to build the smoker and smoked the fish. There really wasn't anything fancy to it." Jade smirked a chuckle.

Seeing Azul's annoyed expression, Lotus was amused as well, but she opened her mouth, "Enough. It's fine if Azul wanted the recipe in my opinion. Still, I'm not the owner of the recipe. Moreover, I don't recommend doing as Jade says without confirmation."

"Why's that?" A Pomefiore student from the Movie Club questioned in confusion.

"Because wood of unknown origin can be dangerous to burn. In the woods, there are woods that can release fragrant smoke making them usable for smoking meat. However, there are also ones that can release a poisonous fume unknown to those who smell it. Even just one twig could make you feel nauseous or even pass out. Some can cause rashes and others hallucinations. Unless you are certain of the wood and leaves you use, do not just go and burn them. Luckily for us, those around the camp and lake aren't harmful, but I can't say the same for the forest or swamp." Lotus glanced over to Azul, "Unless I am around, do not just start making a smoker without my knowledge."

"I recall hearing about this from Alchemy class recently. That there are some trees that are poisonous starting from the roots up to the leaves. I didn't think that burning them would be just as harmful." Azul noted as he recalled that time.

"At worst, there can be death." Lotus nodded, "But those around Dwarf's mine doesn't have such a deadly tree species to my knowledge. The worst you'd get is feeling weak and ill for a few days after inhaling the smoke. If it's like that... Well, I guess a few flasks of a pain-numbing potion would be in order for the next few days."

"U-Uh, w-we will be careful." Ren responded with a shudder, "Regardless I'm curious about the tales you shared with everyone. Are those based on the teachings of the East?"

"The East?" Lotus hummed, "Those were teachings from ancient eras. Some of which holder lesser meaning know unless the individual hold the weight of the teachings differently. One example is how I have a strong family relation with my adoptive family and am considered their child much like one with a biological connection. Yet, those from the ancient era rarely go as far as to give the adoptive child inheritance from their family lineage. In the end, they would still be considered outsiders and would be kicked out of the family once the guardians have passed on unless the other members of the family think otherwise. However, I was raised valuing emotional bonds rather than valuing the significance of biological connections. While I can still accept scientific facts, I still hold the value of emotional bonds and beliefs stronger than scientific facts. That being said this is only towards the subjects of connections with others. When it comes to actions and deeds, facts are still facts sadly or not. That said there are some instances where certain people uphold facts and laws over the bonds of family and those... can become complicated."

"Was there such an incident?" Kalim noted in surprise, "People who uphold laws and facts over their bond as a family."

"Well... It was bad enough that we have a few demigod stories." Lotus hummed in deep thoughts, "This is a perfect time for that, isn't it?"

"For what?" Ren looked to her curiously.

She looked to them and opened her mouth, "Have you ever heard of the tale of The Lotus Lamp?"

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