

"Then, when he socializes with other, he has an ulterior motive." Vil frowned.

Yuu nodded, "After the attack, the school was able to swiftly quell the commotion within a day. There were still questions thrown around and acting headmaster Trein is trying to calm the students, but, within less than a day, everyone was calmed down. This includes those from Savanaclaw who only listens to Leona and Pomefiore that has no dorm leader or vice-dorm leader."

"Is that really unusual?" Epel questioned in confusion.

"It is." Vil nodded with a frown, "Savanaclaw can be quelled by the teachers with their vice-dorm leader, but our dorm is missing both leading figures and there aren't more staff. How can they remain calm even during this time? With this much chaos, it should take around three days for everything to settle down, but it only took one. Following this train of thought, you are saying that it's possible that Lotus took this time to get in touch with various students from each dorm to listen to him when things turn south. Once the attack happened, he could get in touch with this line of intel and begin sending out the signal to act."

As it dawned on him, Vil noted curiously, "Huh, and I thought Scarabia students are more meticulous, but he might overshadow people in that dorm. Then, why is Lotus not here?"

Rook shook his head, "I can't say..."

"Again..." Vil frowned in dismay, "He's good at this..."

"I had no idea that Lotus was this mysterious..." Epel muttered in surprise.

"You should never let your guard down around others." Vil said with a frown, "When we return, we can start investigating him ourselves."

"If Yuu go ask the headmaster for his history, maybe we can get access to his registration?" Epel responded.

Yuu shook his head, "Lotus is very perceptive. Even if I try something behind his back, he'd know. Moreover, I just said Grim and I are like family to him, so I can't do this. I'd just betray his trust. Giving this much information is all I can do. However, you can try asking the other dorm leaders."

"The other dorm leaders?" Vil raised a brow.

Yuu nodded, "The other day Grim escaped his studies and I went all the way to the cafeteria to find him. Instead, I found Leona talking with the headmaster and heard them talking about Yuu. According to their words, I suspect that they had Lotus re-evaluated for magic but it didn't work again. Perhaps either the staff or Dormleader Leona persistently suspects that Lotus can actually use magic."

"He retook the evaluation from the Dark Mirror?!" Epel shouted in disbelief as the news stunned the others.

"I see." Vil nodded, "Then, we will start from there."

"But..." Epel frowned in confusion, "Why are we looking into Lotus's past?"

"Because I don't trust him." Vil confessed with a frown, "He's all smiles and acts sly around others, but, that day during the competition in his club, I noticed there was bandages wrapped around his stomach and under his gloves. I suspect his actions may get our school involved in something. Then, there is also the fact that he can't be held back his own dorm leader. If it was any ordinary students, we could leave it to the teachers and headmaster, however, even they are struggling to restrain him and now he showed that he is even capable of controlling our dorms with his own powers. What do you think about this, Yuu?"

Though pained that everyone was now suspicious of his younger sibling, Yuu shook his head, "Although he's mysterious, I trust that whatever he does doesn't mean to harm us and that he is more than capable of settling these things on his own. I only want him to be open when there are trouble that he can't take on without harming himself."

They could hear Yuu's reluctance in his voice as Vil sighed in exasperation, "I understand where you are coming from. However, it's clear that he isn't willing to tell us what is going on. How can you be sure what he is doing is safe or not? He's already injured too."

"This..." Yuu hesitated with a frown.

"We know you are trying to protect him, so we didn't say anything before. However, he is hurt and may be involved in something dangerous." Rook explained with a frown as he also agreed, "As a class student and a friend, I suggest you start looking into the matter for his well-being."

"I don't know." Epel shook his head hesitantly, "Everyone has their secrets and not all of them can be considered safe. Since He trusts us so much, I kind of don't wanna break that trust between us."

Vil nodded without rebuke and turned to Yuu, "Yuu? What about you?"

Hearing this, Yuu thought for a while in silence before he nodded, "I'll... take a look and see then."

Epel nodded with a bright smile, "If you need any help, let us know and don't forget to inform the teachers."

Vil nodded, "In this case, the teachers would know which course of action to take as well... As much as the headmaster does not seem like a dependable adult... And now for that cat..."

Vil smirked as he said, "When we return, we should make the list of items to be prepared. Raising a pet is no small feat, after all. Trimming their claws, creating a balance meal and cat-proofing the rooms require a lot of time, money and considerations. Once we return, we'll start by purchasing a nail clip for him."

With a sudden change of atmosphere growing light, Yuu laughed upon hearing this, "Then, let's do that and perhaps throw in a cat's toy for his teeth."

Seeing the light mood suddenly settle in and Vil recommending products and practices to Yuu, Epel whispered to Rook in bewilderment, "Who knew that Lotus had such a dangerous side to him... Do you think they'll be all right?"

Rook laughed as he replied, "Don't worry about this. Let's rest before the spear finishes recharging."



"Me?" The boy raised a brow in bewilderment, "But, I thought everyone knew who I am."

"Seriously?" Peony huffed in disdain, "That's like bragging your popularity when you say it like that. So, you're a braggart?"

"No, I'm not." The boy shook his head, "It's just every time I go around, people recognize who I am everywhere I go, even if I don't want to be recognized."

Peony tilted her head in confusion, "But, isn't it okay? Since you are so strong, no one could try to hurt you if they are your enemies."

"Why would I have enemies?"

Peony sighed, "I remember my big sister would tell me a long time ago that life always brings a lot of good things and bad things. This is as natural as there being space and time. If you have family and friends, then you are also bound to have enemies, no matter how weak or small they may be. Since you have such elegant horns, then you must be from the Briar Valley's royal family. But, I don't know who you are."

"My name is Malleus Draconia." He replied after some thoughts, "And you?"

So he IS Malleus! But, why was he here? Could it be that they were drawn to the same place?Thinking this and the fact that this is just another dream, she decided that it may be all right to talk more openly with him.

"My name is Peony Xue." She replied.

"Xue?" Malleus raised a brow, "That sounds familiar. Are you related to Lotus?"

"Lotus?" Peony shook her head as she raised a brow, "I know of him, but I'm not related to him. Because he didn't have a last name, I let him use mine as part of a deal. I wanted to know what life at a school is like."

"You've never been to school before?"

Peony shook her head, "No. Even if I do, everyone will just stare at my hair or just make it difficult for me to interact with other students."

"Well, your hair color is unique." Malleus noted curiously at the fiery red and crimson hair that reached to her shoulder. It was like fire but nothing like the Shroud brothers.

Peony shook her head again and sighed, "What's unique to us is special for others. Even back home, everyone either likes my hair or they hate it. Only father does not care to like or dislike my hair. But, my mother is so obsessed with it that she does not allow me to cut even one inch of it. It did not matter if it would get in the way while I was practicing dance. She always said it would be a shame for me to cut it when it's already this short or when it is already so long."

"I see." Malleus raised a brow and hummed in deep thoughts.

Peony frowned, "Let's forget about that. Did Lotus do something? He seemed to be doing pretty well in school and made friends with others around him."

"Not really. I just happened to know him through a friend." Malleus responded, "But I've never heard of the Xue family before. Are you an immigrant from the other countries?"

"Hm? Sort of." Peony responded, "Normally, I come to Briar Valley to visit Granny in the castle in secret. She's always working in the castle day and night. Especially, as of late. I worry what would happen if I stopped visiting her. She seemed to have forgotten to take her meals on occasions too. One time, she mistook me for her grandson and wanted me to stay over for dinner. She misses him very much."

"Her grandson? But, aren't you her granddaughter? Or is gender the problem?"

Peony shook her head, "I'm not biologically related to her or recorded in her family registry. When I was six, Granny sent someone to help me and my parents. Then, when I received a marriage engagement proposal from out of the country, she helped give me a chance to decline it on my own. So, basically, I'm indebted to her. As someone from a smaller neighboring kingdom, there is little I can do to help her, so visiting her on occasions is the most I can do for her. It's unfortunate that, due to our origins, I can not get too involved with her affairs."

"Where are you from?"

"Faeland." Peony responded, "My mother found me right before the entrance changed places and brought me home. If not for her, I would've died to the magic wolves."

"Faeland? Then, you're adopted." Malleus looked to her in surprise.

Peony nodded, "There was a situation at the orphanage and I left before things got worse."

"By yourself?"

Peony nodded again, "Nobody wanted to bring me along or believed me, so I left on my own. That was also the day mother found me. A year later, granny helped me punish those who harmed us. However..."

"However..." Malleus raised a brow.

"As expected..." Peony sighed, "There was a child there who was with me. He wasn't an orphan but a child of one of the staffs. Because his parents were from Royal Sword Academy and, supposedly, took care of orphans, he always said that he would become a hero for others too and punish the bad guys after graduating from the Academy. In the end, he ended up witnessing the atrocity his parents took part in with full knowledge that it was bad. Last I heard, he ended up not going to Royal Sword Academy and left home even though his father was released after a few years. In the end, not all good things exists without bad things."

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