
Chapter 161 - Riots

The cave was cold and damp. They all huddled together in front of the fire to keep themselves warm.

"What's next," chaos glanced her way.

"No clue," Reya murmured softly. In actually she did not plan ahead of time at all. All she was thinking about at that time was to save her parents and escape this. But now they were stuck in a cold dark cave in the middle of nowhere on earth.

Sighing loudly she peered into the flames. Watching how the log mesmerizingly burned it into char.

"I have no clue what to do next..... I have no clue how we are going to survive..." she peered at chaos. "It was selfish of me to bring you here without a concrete plan. For that I have to apologize. It was never my intentions to..."

"It's okay," chaos chuckled loudly. "It's okay not to have a plan at all. Let's just live u day by day. Besides I've always wanted to experience being human," he said curiously glancing at the bunch of humans around him.

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