
January 2020

2020 wow i'll be graduating soon and I'll have to break up with Nathan soon too next week is school 4 more days

Sierra is so mean she never uses her manners she always has to hurt my feelings right Nathan's right he can't help me with Sierra no one can I hate Sierra so much she always has to ruin my life I think its time for me to break up with Nathan but I think I need some advice from Jonathan first just got to chapter 5 in google docs on my laptop yay hopefully I can finish it tomorrow or saturday I have 10 pages to type up I can do 5 pages tomorrow and 5 pages saturday then I'll have to find time to write again I'm busy all this month 4 more days till I get my braces off yay

I went to care house yay 3 more days till I get my braces off and school I'm going to have so much homework this month boo I finished typing up chapter 5 yay

I can get my homework during lunch and I can ask my friends for the answers I got everything planned out I really don't have to worry about anything at all I'm good the only thing that I have to do is study for my government exam and then check my grades on my labtop yay still have a c- in government have to get that grade up overall everything is looking good so far yay

yay my last exams of the year finally no more exams for me haha Sierra you have exams and psats and sats good luck with those ones those are the real deal lil sister but I still have to help you study but I don't care at all I'm hungry

2 more days till I get my braces off yay

finally oh and theres school

Nathan emailed me but I'm done with his ass why am I saying that I love Nathan he just needs to pay more attention to me and I need more hugs I guess the only time I'll get hugs if I'm sad I sometimes think that I never shoulda said yes to him at all I need to be with someone that's my age and who actually cares about me my mom still is right I don't know what love is

Tomorrows school time for homework and tests and exams boo

I made it to chapter 6 in my story tat I should get mad with Nathan often just to get inspiration for my story I'm kidding I think I'll be typing up my story saturday night & sunday or maybe just sunday because I might have homework to do and a lot of studying to do also so I might be busy for the next couple weeks but I'll try to keep you updated with everything got to go see ya tomorrow

It's snowing why it's covering too wow Michigan weather am I right

Nathan got me a necklace with 3 butterflies on it it's so pretty

I broke up with Nathan yesterday

I broke up with Nathan Thursday my bad I did it during lunch

I'm happy that I did it he never really cared about me Christian wants to kiss me and Scott still likes me he even wants to kiss me I do too to be honest also it's really awkward when your friends locker is by your exes classes plus Sierra has that class with him and having the same lunch with your ex really awkward

I typed up more of my story story now its time to write more of my story

Getting ready for finals

I'm writing my story on Wattpad just started chapter 1 on it looks good so far

Concert was amazing yesterday Day 2 of the Musical All of the senior boys went yesterday Kylie & Kayla wet they got me flowers

Now that I think about it I don't want to go to prom at all I have no one to go with but its not untill May so I have time but I dont think that anyone will ask me to prom we'll find out though

Still in the process of writing my story I can't tell if it's good or not

I wrote random words down I need more ideas for my story

Also I think that I should start looking for Prom's dresses just in case if I do go to prom my mom keeps saying that I don't need to go to prom at all but I want to go I want to have some fun I mean it's my senior year at least let me have me have some fun with my friends

Elijah should be coming to my school soon yay I still need to give him a big ass hug when I see him I never gave him one the first time I seen him while I was dating Nathan

I just wanna date someone who loves me for me who actually cares about me and who will make me smile when I'm sad but no one cares about me at all I don't want to be with Scott because he just wants sex I don't know about Elijah but maybe being with him might make me happy if he comes to the school next week and doesn't go to jail at all then I could be with him and maybe he'll care about me than Nathan ever did GTG bye

Half days the rest of the week because of finals

Going back to Care House finally I have so much to tell my counselour what had happened in the last 2 or 3 weeks that I had seen her

Semester 2 begins next week

I just realized something I still have Nathan's phone number hopefully he didn't change it maybe when I get a phone I could prank call him now that would be funny

Oh and maybe next week Elijah is supposed to be coming to the school I just got to hope that he don't get put into jail before next week because I really want to see him

And why did Christian say that I looked nice today I was too tired to dress nice I mean my hair is in a messy bun how is that nice

It's so quiet in the house I have to get a job pretty soon I can't be lazy after I graduate I still have to do drivers training I need a phone plus go to college It's almost time for me to be an adult and be responsible for my own actions I just have to find a job that I actually like and will be easy for me It'll be better if I start looking for a job now so I can get started soon if I get a phone before I get a job that'll be good because then I can text mom about the days I'll be working on and when I have a day off oof I have to save up my money too I think I still owe mom and Lindsay for some things but I'm not so sure

I'm so bored right now I dont know what to do maybe I should get a job now so I don't be bored on half days it really sucks not having a phone

Also this pen is running out I wonder how much ink I have left I know it's not alot I just got to keep on writting about random shit oh I have this bookmark with stars a peace sign and its really colorful so I'm using it to mark my page in here like a book

I'm also really cold I should've kept my hoodie on but I did that around lunch time now my arms are cold and my hoodie is on my beanbag oh yeah Kylie wants me to sing with her at our senior brunch I'm still thinking about it but I have to make my decision before our next senoir meeting I'll probably have an answer by then but in the meantime I have plenty of time to think even if I did do it we'll have to practice the song then I'll be singing in front of every senior wow hopefully I don't forget the words when I sing that'll be embarrasing but I think I have faith in myself I have to be positive before I leave the school can't let anything get in my way that's negative only positive things I have to stay positive but some negative thoughts will come my way and I know it they always come I just got to ignore them and focus on what is in front of me and when is this pen gonna run out of ink I've only wirtten 5 pages come on ink leave the pen already I want to use my blue pen what else is there to write about oh yesterday all the senior boys went in to a single file line and went in to the commons at lunch and they just started to clap for no reason at all weird right almost finished with the ink yay almost done I'm still cold and bored I might draw after this is done I dont know bored cold Im cold and bored

yay all done with the black pen alright guys I'm going to draw bye bye

still cold

All done with my exams yes I'm so happy that I don't have to take semester 2 exams

I'm losing my voice

Day 2 yay

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