
Ben the pyromancer

5 days left in the competition…

Ben walked into the strategic marketing classroom and felt grateful that he could start his morning with such a view; Professor Tremblay was organizing some papers at the front desk, bending over and displaying her cleavage...

Swallowing, Ben stood still in the middle of the walking lane. He'd be interrupting traffic if all the other males in the room weren't also frozen in place oggling…

Observing this, the girls in the class showed looks of disgust...

When the professor brushed her hand on the desk, knocking over a pen that rolled behind her, a collective gasp ensued... 

She turned around and bent down, exposing her backside that filled out her black skirt.

Knowing he was acting like a silly child, Ben rebuked himself… 'I was staring at her tits like a fool. One can never get too complacent. Now that I see that ass, I realize there's always a mountain behind every mountain…'

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