
Merchant of Death

Not long after Neo and Roman had escaped STRQ and Amber started waking up.

"What was she shouting it felt like I was hit by a truck," Raven was the first to wake up.

"I know I was hit by a truck there is no way such a short girl should be able to hit that hard," Qrow the next to wake up put his two cents in.

"Yes she is a truck in disguise or she was a snake Faunus she is super flexible and hits hard," Taiyang laugh.

"Damn it I thought that would work and her gun hit so hard," Summer wines well holding her chest.

"He was really good he easily beat me with magic effortlessly," Amber just lays there.

"He was skilled but I don't think he is very practiced fighting multiple elite Huntsman and Huntresses, now he did say before he left that this was not his fault what was that about," Ozpin asks drinking some of his hot cocoa.

"We were walking down the street when suddenly everyone vanished then we saw them they were very surprised to see us Roman said something about how the magic he left on me allowed me and my team to get in here, Amber showed up a second later we thought she had been dragged here after we moved to protect her he talked about how he didn't want trouble with Ozma or Ozpin so we could leave if we want, we didn't leave and that lead us to hear," Summer explains to the teachers.

"He said Ozma, how would he know that name, did she get to him no he would have had his partner would just have killed everyone and his partner would have become the Fall Maiden, how strange a new piece on the board that no one controls," Ozpin stars muttering to himself.

"How did we get in here if he didn't want us in here," Qrow asks Ozpin.

"Magic do you fore remember what I told you about the rune put on Summer this space must have felt the magic and let her in," Ozpin responds.

"But Summers is the only one with magic why where the rest of us brought here," Qrow asks once more.

"For that question, I have no answer now let us get out of here," Ozpin says with the sound of shattering glass they are back on the street all of the battle damage fixed.

"What an interesting ability," Ozpin whispers to himself as they head back to Beacon.

Neo and Roman focus |im going to start putting focus now instead of pov because I never really did the first-person bit right|


{Why did we run we could have taken them} Neo types with puffed up cheeks.

"We could have but that would be exposing all of our cards and no reason to do that we already got a skill and 10 stat points from that I would call that a win," Roman smiles and talks well he is fiddling with something.

{I'm getting tired of being told hold back and not kill stuff I know it's for a good reason but it's not fun, you made these weapons of death and destruction and we can't even use them properly,} Neo types well laying down on a crate looking at him upside down.

"I know we have a good stock of weapons and I made some Flashlights to sell you can stab people that are trying to cheat and steal from us," Roman responds well he finishes putting together the Lasgun.

{Why do you call those things Flashlights they are deadly enough,} Neo flipping off the crate she lands on the ground walking over to a crate she picks up one of the blocky rifles.

"Not nearly as deadly as the plasma weapons, the bolters, and the hundreds of other weapons floating around my head although they are decent compared to Remnants weapons," Roman picks up the new Lasgun placing the power pack into it.

{Are you sure these are the best weapon to be selling,} Neo asks.

"They are only a bit more powerful then what is out there now, the battery packs no one else will know how to charge, supper hard to break even if you go beating people to death with them, and the battery packs are super easy to charge."

{Really then how will people not figure out how to charge them if they are so easy to charge?}

"Would you throw a weapons magazine into a fire?"

{No it would explode.}

"Well, Lasgun battery packs can be recharged by tossing them into the fire for a bit or left out in the sun, not in the rifle."

{You are right no one will even attempt putting them in a fire, they might find out about the sun method tho.}

"Well not if I put a cover over them or advertise them as temp sensitive."

{Ok I whatever not really my problem I almost hope someone will cause trouble so I can test out the upgrades you did to Hush,} Popping the top blade out of Hush which then starts glowing pinkish.

"You had a chance to test it today," Roman replies well putting a lid on the box of Lasguns. "Let's be ready Mr. Xiong is sending some goons to pick up some weapons look at this are very first arms deal."

They move two crates near the open warehouse door soon a van approaches pulling into the warehouse two very tall people step out of the van both of them wearing a white dress shirt, back vest and slacks, and a red tie, then some minions wearing a black suit with a matching hat and shoes, red sunglasses, and a red tie. This was the Xiong gang their front is a night club Mr. Xiong was Junior's father and current leader of the gang, the gang mostly works gathering information and selling it and that sort of business makes enemies.

"Mr. Xiong how are you doing this fine evening, and who is this one he looks just like you let me guess your son," Roman greats them with a big smile.

"A good evening to you as well Roman and your guess is spot on this is my son Junior he will take over the family business sooner or later figured he should get some experience in now let us see what this new weapon that you are trying to sell is," Mr. Xiong responds with a smile.

"But of course Neo if you please," Gesturing to Neo who is holding a crowbar she pries the lid off of the crate of weapons.

Mr. Xiong walks over and picks one of the Lasguns up looking it over feeling its weight and how sturdy it is.

"I have to say it doesn't look like much," Mr. Xiong remarks well holding the Lasgun.

"Yes, of course seeing is believing, after all, Neo if you would. I had heard about another gang giving you trouble and so in the spirit of cooperation I peasant to you our test dummies," Roman finishes the speech just as Neo pulls out a line of people blindfolded and tied together with rope.

"My o my, if it isn't the Leaches' leader and upper echelons they are all ex Huntsmen how did you capture them all," Mr. Xiong asks in astonishment.

"Let me just say, my companion is very persuasive when she needs to be," Roman tells them well he fishes out a battery pack.

"That pipsqueak no way is she a threat, tell us how you really did it," Junior demands.

"Don't kill him Neo," Roman almost yells out.

Junior suddenly grunts in pain as Neo appears in front of him putting Hush's blade thru his foot.

"You deserve that son, my apologies Ms….." Mr. Xiong gave a laugh the asks Neo

"Her name is Neo she can't talk but she can kick your ass if you piss her off," Roman replies for her handing Mr. Xiong a battery pack for the Lasgun. "Now if you would shoot one of these dummies so you can see how well they work."

Mr. Xiong loads the Lasgun and presses down on the trigger aiming for one of the people that thru out this entire time have not moved or struggled. After about 6 or so shots the target finally dies the Lasrifle taring him apart after his aura broke.

"Now that bit of the demonstration is over Junior take this and beat one of them to death with it," Roman tells Junior handing him a Lasrifle.

Junior looks at his father how just nods, Junior hobbles over to one of the test dummies and proceeded to beat him to death holding the Lasrifles barrel. He returns the weapon to Roman who just wipes the blood off it loads it and fires it into the body of the man that had beaten to death with it.

"As you can see this weapon is incredibly sturdy and will be hard to break, its magazine holds enough energy for 200 shots, you interested," Roman looks at them with a confident smirk.

"Yes, I'm interested," Mr. Xiong replies with a smile.

[Title gained

Merchant of Death]

This would have come out 5 or 6 hours earlier but I passed out so enjoy.

Will00creators' thoughts
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