
Ch 4: Dancing in the fire

Merida yawned loudly ... and then again, even louder, in case someone didn't hear the first one. She was bored and angry. After her last argument with mother, the queen was forcing her to attend every diplomatic event and act like a true princess.

"King Fergus, as a chief, I can assure you that a union between my clan and your kingdom will be very beneficial."

"Lord Hjalmar" said queen Elinor "I am sure that you and your clan of warriors will be a great ally.'

"Of course they will!" Fergus grinned "Your ax and my sword will defeat any kind of enemy."

"However" the queen added, glancing angrily at her husband "We could discuss a few things before signing the papers" ...


When the meeting was over, Merida rushed to the stable.

"Angus you won't believe on what tortures my mother has put me up to!" she said brushing her horse's mane. "That chief Hjalmar is quite cool, though. They say that once he cut the tree with only one hit. Amazing!"

After she was done with her four-legged companion, she grabbed her stuff and was about to head out to the shooting range when she overheard a quite interesting conversation.

"C'mon Clair! You've to show up on today's party." said a bulky guy

"I-I dunno Arthur." his friend replied shyly "I should spend some time with (y/n). I guess she's mad after what happened on a boat three days ago."

"My dear, I expected better from you. I invited you on a trip, gave you a gift and that's how you repay me. ''

''Okay! Okay! I will be there for you. ''


"Very good!" said Merida "You're getting better and better at this."

"I have a great teacher." (Y/n) lowered her bow

Everyday Merida was sneaking out and meeting her friend in the training field. Today (y/n)'d almost hit the middle of a target.

"Wanna take a break?" Asked Merida

"Sure. Can you give me water ?"

"On my way here I saw two people from your clan." The red-haired girl handed her friend a jug "They were talking about a party tonight."

(Y/n) took her time to quench her thirst and then answered "Yeah, we're having a party. Arthur got the owner's permission, so the tavern is ours tonight. We're gonna have some fun and the tavern will get new customers...and their money."

"The guy that I saw was named Arthur."

"Did he look like a big pile of meat?"

"He was large ... and quite handsome."

"Oh no! Don't you even thing like that. He may look good but he's a huge jerk, trust me."

"Okay, I'll stay away from him. But I'm pretty sure that he's popular."

"Haha...oh yes. He's so popular that there's even a club founded by his ex-girlfriends. It's so funny because two years ago they were meeting up in a small tent and now there's so many of them that they need an actual building."

"How many members they have?"

"24 girls ... and that weird guy named Toby."

"You shouldn't call him weird just because he's in that club."

"No, you get me all wrong. I don't care about the club nor whatever he likes or not. I ain't that kind of person. Look, when I was 10 I saw him eating an entire egg."

"Wow" said Merida sarcastically "What a psycho."

"He took the whole egg with a shell...and swallowed it."

"...okay, you got me here. He's weird as hell."

"Anyway" (y/n) shook her head trying to forget the traumatizing experience with an egg "if you want, you can come as well."

"I'm definitely coming, I've never been at this kind of party."

"I'm happy to hear that. You won't regret it. A friend told me that they'd taken instruments from our village so you'll hear the music from my world. ''

''Sounds fantastic! ''

''Be there after sunset, then. ''


*1 hour before sunset*

''Merida! '' the queen scolded her daughter ''Manners! ''

''Oh My God, mum! I was acting 'like a true princess' all day so why I can't even eat our supper normally?! ''

''Good manners and behavior are the essence of being a princess and later... a queen. That's why you will now take that weapon from the table and sit like a lady! ''

The girl took a deep breath. She was annoyed but deep inside she really wanted to improve their relationship. Moreover, Merida knew that if she wanted to sneak out that night, she had to make her mother happy or else they'd be arguing till late night.

"Sorry, mom."

"It's all right honey." said a bit surprised queen "Let's eat our supper, together."


It took her a while but finally she managed to quietly leave the castle. The sun had already set. She headed to the town where the tavern 'Drunken Unicorn' was. When she finally reached the building her jaw dropped. Everything was beautifully illuminated with colorful lanterns. The whole tavern seemed to dance to the catchy tune. Merida couldn't wait to enter the party.

At the entrance, the girl saw a familiar face.

"Finally" (y/n) grinned "I thought you wouldn't show up."

"Hi! Were you waiting here for me?"

"I mean kinda..." (y/n) hid a blush with a sleeve "I needed some fresh air anyway so I decided to wait here and see if you find the way."

"How could I miss something that amazing?!"

"...and loud. Yeah, our parties are pretty great. Let's go."

The tavern was very crowded. There were mostly people from the foreign land but Merida noticed a few of her clan's members too. In the middle, a very enthusiastic band was playing on bagpipes, flute, and drums.

"Who are they?" Merida pointed the group

"Fellows from my village. They're pretty good, aren't they? ''

''This is so cool!''

''I'm glad that you like it. You wanna have a drink or-''

''Let's dance! ''

''Y'know, to this song you dance in pairs so you may like to take one of the guys-''

''Naw, I want you. ''

''Are you sure? I'm not the best dancer.''

''You think too much. '' Merida grabbed (y/n) hand and pulled her into the crowd.

(Y/n) was impressed how good Merida was at dancing, even though that tune was completely new to her.

(Y/n) took Merida's hand. She spun her around. Merida's red hair waved in the air and gently tickled (y/n)'s face.

"She looks like a fire flame...dancing on the wind" thought (y/n) and second later she also felt like being on fire.

It sure was something magical in that Scottish girl's moves.


*2 hours later*

"Cheers" Merida raised up her glass and drank the whole thing. "I'm exhausted!"

"Yeah, me too. It was a pleasure to dance with you, tho."

"It was super fun!"

"It's very hot in here." (Y/n) complained

"Sorry, it's my fault." Merida chuckled "Should I stand further from you?"

"I mean, it's stuffy." (Y/n) gently elbowed her "Maybe we could go and sit outside to get some fresh air. Earlier I saw there's a nice spot."

"Sure.After you."

The girls went outside and sat on a big hay pile.

"Perfect." Nodded (y/n) "Pretty comfortable place, fresh air, beautiful stars above and no one sees us."

Merida lay down and they both went silent for a while.

"Thank you for telling me about the party." Finally said Merida "I really had fun."

"Thanks for coming. You have no idea how much I enjoyed your company."

"And you have no idea how much I needed yours." Merida slowly moved to put her head on (y/n)'s shoulder and her arm on the girl's chest. "Does it bothers you?" She asked

"No...no at all."


(Y/n) glanced at the red-haired girl. Her blue eyes looked so amazing in the moonlight. And her hair, red like flames, were melting (y/n)'s heart.

"When I first saw you, I thought you were a nymph."

"A nymph? Like that creature from legends."

"Yes. You seemed so beautiful that I was questioning myself if you were even real. I mean, you still look beautiful...just feels more real now."




"What would you do if I kissed you right now?"

"Well...it's an honor to get that kind of blessing for a nymph."

"I'm serious. Would you be happy?"


Merida changed her position slowly and stroked (y/n)'s cheek.

"I could drown in that eyes of yours." Merida whispered and moved her head closer to (y/n)'s.

Then they kissed. It wasn't the longest one but for sure done with passion.

"Wow, it- it was amazing." (Y/n) said just before Merida kissed her again...and again...and again.

It was a very long night.

Thank you for reading!

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