

When Kira had woken up Ruby was already awake, so Kira decided to go cook breakfast for the two of them, after they ate they went their separate way's, Arriving back at his room Kira decided that he would grind a couple dungeons before he had to get ready for the dance that was tonight.

"ID Create Rwby AU" Kira said as he was transported to what seems like a foot of a mountain

"Where are we" Ban asked as he and the other's appeared in a shine of blue light

"Don't know, it seems we go where ever the dungeon boss belongs" Kira

"Hmm, this mountain is familiar" Blake (G)

"How do you mean?" Kira

"It's just a hunch, but if the boss is who i think it is, well we might have a problem" Blake

"Really? ok then, well everyone split into team's of two, Ruby (G) you go with Weiss (G), Yang (G) go with Blake (G), Erza go with Ban, Itachi you're with Yami" Kira

"What about you?" Ban

"No need to worry, i got Pikachu" Kira said pointing to the yellow mouse that appeared on his shoulder

"Pika!" Pikachu said excitedly

"Well then everyone, divide and conquer, if you need assistance contact everyone telepathically Alright?" Kira

"Yeah" Everyone said in unison as everyone went their separate way's

Kira had been walking around looking for Grimm for around Five minute's now, which confused Kira because usually there would be Grimm everywhere, just then Kira heard a voice in his head

"Uhh, Kira we have a problem" Ban's voice sounded out inside of Kira's head

"What's the matter, do you need help" Kira

"Yeah i think we could use some help" Ban

"Alright be right over" Kira said as he used {Transtep} And teleported right infront of Ban

"WATCH OUT" Ban shouted towards Kira causing him to sense a projectile coming at his back, quickly grabbing ahold of Pikachu, Kira did a twisting flip barley avoiding the giant sword that stuck in the ground where he just stood, looking up Kira seen a giant six headed Hydra, on top of it was a humanoid looking Grimm

"OI, watch where you're throwing shit!" Kira said as he held onto Pikachu who was shaken up

"RRRAAAAGGGHHH" The Hydra let out a roar that shook the entire mountain and all the surrounding area's, the Humanoid looking Grimm jumped off of the back of the Hydra, creating a crater where he landed

"Ban, take Pikachu" Kira said handing Pikachu over to Ban who nodded in response, Kira noticed that the Humanoid Grimm seems to be emitting a dark aura, which confused Kira as Grimm's aren't able to obtain an aura since they have no soul's

"Alright then, which one of you want's to die first" As soon as Kira spoke them word's the humanoid Grimm charged towards him grabbing his sword out of the ground as he passed it, the Grimm had gotten a couple feet away from Kira as it raised it's sword to attack him, Kira hadn't moved at all which Ban was wondering what the hell he was doing until he seen the look on Kira's face, Ban had never seen Kira so calm, it immediately sent a chill up Ban's spine, just then the humanoid Grimm was pushed to the ground by an invisible force. Kira had just used {Will of the Gods} for the first time, he used the skill to put an unimaginable amount of pressure on the Grimm slamming it onto the ground

"You almost hurt my Pikachu, for that, you're life will be forfeited" Kira said walking closer to the grounded Grimm, he then heard the Hydra roar, looking at the Hydra Kira seen that it started to breath a black flame out of everyone of it's mouth's. Kira seeing the flames coming the Hydra used {Telumkinesis} which Kira summoned a giant sword above the hydra, he then sent the sword down piercing through the Hydra's body slamming it to the ground

"RRRRRAAAGGGGHHHH" The Hydra screeched while it kept struggling to try and get up

"Kira" Itachi said as he and the other's arrived as soon as the Hydra stopped his screech

"Ban, are you alright" Itachi asked him, but Ban didn't respond as he just stared at Kira's back, seeing this Itachi turned his head only to see Kira start walking towards the Humanoid Grimm, squatting down infront of the Grimm's face Kira looked into it's eye's through it's helmet. peering into the Grimm's nonexistent soul Kira began to smile as he once again used his {Telumkinesis} skill to create over one hundred sword which he then drove them into the Grimm's back, Kira could see the life draining out of the Grimm's eye's. Looking over at the Hydra that was still struggling to get up, Kira's smile became more sinister as he looked back at the Humanoid Grimm.

"Arise" Kira said as he stood up from his squatting position, the Humanoid Grimm to regenerate as soon as Kira ordered it to, soon after the Humanoid Grimm was kneeling infront of Kira

[Pick a Name]

"I'll name you Helies, and you're first order is to kill the Hydra" Kira said shocking everyone there, Helies didn't even think twice as he walked over to the Hydra, he then proceeded to stab what Kira thought to be the heart of the Hydra, killing it. Kira then walked over to the hydra

"Arise" Kira. and in the next minute the Hydra was standing in front of Kira once again

[Pick a Name]

"You'll be Vallen" Kira said causing the Hydra to let out a roar


"Well then, now what" Ban

"Well, it seems that they were the only Grimm in the dungeon so i don't know" Kira

"I don't know about that" Blake (G)

"What do you mean" Kira

"Well i think that they were only the front line" Blake (G), as soon as she said that Kira sensed a enormous group of Grimm swiftly approaching them, sensing the size of the group, Kira quickly destroyed the surrounding tree's and mountain clearing the area making it a suitable fighting ground, it took the group of Grimm around two minute's to arrive, there were around fifty thousand of them there.

"So this is where you four went" Said a man who walked out of the group of Grimm

"ADAM!?" Blake screamed causing her and the other's to get into their fighting stances

"Adam huh?, well then i guess i was worried for nothing" Kira

"Oh? and who might you be, to act as if you're going to leave here alive" Adam

"Hehehe, oh please there isn't anyone here who could harm me, let alone kill me" Kira

"That's big talk coming from the one who's out numbered" Adam

"Hahahah, i could change that" Kira

"Oh, and how's that?" Adam

"Hehehe, three word's, {Hell's Gates: Open}" The moment Kira said them word's, the ground began to shake and split open, then thousand's of demons began to pour out of the cracks, after about a minute the landscape behind Kira looked like hell itself, with fire and destruction every where

"So does this suffice as an expectable answer" Kira said as he lifted his arm's up beside him

"ALL HAIL THE DEMON KING!!!!! KIRA!!!!!" The army of demons yelled out behind him, Kira then entered his {True Demon King: Stage One} Form, causing his red and black wing's to explode out of his shirt, his eye's were now dark red as well.

"Well then, let's began shall we" Kira said as he stared Adam in his eye's


(A/N) Ok so i'm sorry about the cliff hanger, but this is all i'm going to be able to write for now, school's been a bitch, i would have had this chapter up yesterday but there was a storm out at my house so the power was out, also this is probably going to be the last dungeon for about five chapter's at the least because i'm going to be focusing on the plot of the show more.

Well any way, i'll try and have the next chapter up as soon as i can, but there's no telling when i'll be able to. Well any way just wanted to let you all know i'm sorry about the lack of new chapter's recently.


Sincerely MR_No1

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