
Time's five

Everyone sat down as James told them to, the people there is what surprised Kira. First of all there was Mikasa, Eren, And Armin. Then there was Levi, Zoe, And one other That Kira didn't recognize. When they all sat down most of the looked at me, but it was Levi who spoke up about it.

"Captain, who is this" Levi

"Like i said i have someone important for you all to meet, everyone this is Kira, we met a while back, and he is our secret weapon against the armored titan" James said getting a few strange look's from the other's.

"No offense Captain but, how is this nobody going to help us" Eren

"This nobody, could take down everybody in this room in a matter of second's, so i'd watch my mouth if i was you" Kira stated, Eren snarled at Kira when he said this.

"Oh yeah, how about you prove it" Eren

"ENOUGH" James shouted, he was fed up with the two, he knew Eren was hot headed and would usually want to fight someone for claiming they was stronger then him, But James knew that Kira was right if he wanted to he could kill all of them with out breaking a sweat, and they could do nothing but be slaughter.

"He's telling the truth, if he wanted to he could kill all of us" James said getting a array of different reaction's from people.

"Oh yeah let's see how he does against a titan" Eren

"Once again you wouldn't stand a chance, he is also a Titan shiftier" James said knowing that Kira could go great ape if he wanted to.

"W-what but we already met all titan shiftier's" Armin

"You met all normal titan shiftier's, but Kira here is a special titan shiftier, like your's truly" James stated, this time it was Kira's turn to be the shocked one.

'What does he mean about special shiftier, Wait now that i think about it James did say he was also one but he never said which one, hmm maybe he wished for a unique titan form when he shifted, i'll have to ask him about that' Kira thought to himself. While Kira was thinking he was to busy to notice that everyone beside's James and himself was frozen in shock.

"What you mean there are more like you Captain, so what type of shiftier is he" Zoe

"I'll explain that" Kira said grabbing everyone's attention this time.

"I can shift into a titan that is some what similar to the Beast titan, but the difference is that my titan is much more powerful, and the longer it is out the more powerful it get's, but in exchange for power, i lose control of myself" Kira said making up some type of bullshit excuse, he knew that as long as he had the {Mind of a God} That he wouldn't lose control.

"Oh so you're titan form is similar to the Captain's, that's amazing can i see it" Zoe said making kira flinch.

"He can't" James said to Zoe's disappointment.

"Why not" Zoe

"Well in exchange for being able to transform into arguably one of the most powerful titan's, is that he can only do it on a full moon" James said, and in return Eren started laughing.

"What are you laughing at, titan or no titan i could still beat you're ass" Kira


"That's enough both of you, Captain if i do recall correctly there is a full moon in a couple of day's" Mikasa spoke for the first time since she walked in.

"Correct you are Mikasa, that's why i brought Kira here now and not sooner, he would have been no help back then" James

"Care to repeat that and see how fast you're through this table" Kira

"Hey don't talk to the Captain like that" Mikasa

"Oh yeah, why not he ain't my Captain he's you're's so i'll talk to him however i wan't" When Kira said that Mikasa threw a punch at him, in return Kira simply side stepped the blow, he then threw one of his own, the punch was so fast that it surprised everyone there When Kira's fist was suddenly just inches away Mikasa's face. The wind pressure more then enough to knock Mikasa off of her feet and on to her ass.

"Kira, please control yourself, and Mikasa please try and restrain you're self from angering him" James said, he then turned his head and said.

"That go's for all of you to, try you're best that he does not get angry, that is it, all of you are dismissed, you all will meet me here tomorrow at 07:00. Now all of you beside's Kira out" James stated

Eren proceeded to help up Mikasa everyone except Kira saluted James before they left. Kira looked at James and was about to say something when he heard a oh so familiar sound in his ear.


[New Mission: Help stop the armored titan from destroying the wall]


{50,000 EXP}

{Random skill book}



"Huh, that's new" Kira said, catching the attention of James.

"What's new?" James

"Oh, i got a new mission, but one of the reward's in nothing but question mark's which is new" Kira replied

"Huh, well anyway's good job improvising there, that whole thing about losing you're self, in exchange for power was a good touch" James

"Well i try" Kira

"Any way, i need you to promise me something" James

"Depend's on what it is" Kira

"I need you to promise me to not use any of you're Ki, that include's flying, i can't have you going around making people think you're some type of a god" James

"Seem's simple enough, oh yeah where will i be sleeping" Kira

"You're room is next door to mine, it's not the nicest but you'll get use to it, it's getting late come on i'll show you the way, And i will show you around the town tomorrow" James said walking past Kira to the door. Kira followed James back to the hallway he was in earlier, he continued to walk down the hallway until he walk past a opened door. Inside the room he saw Mikasa, Eren, Armin, all talking to each other. Mikasa saw Kira and glared at him as he continued walking until he was at the room next door.

"This is where you will be staying, i'm in the room to the left, while Mikasa is one you're right any question's" James

"Does this door have a lock on it" Was all Kira said

"Well of course but why?" James

"I'll tell you later, just make sure no one bother's me please" Kira said, he then got a nod from James, Kira proceeded to walk into his room and lock the door.

"Ayano i will like to like to make this room my temporally gravity chamber" Kira

[Are you sure Senpai] Ayano


"Yes" Kira said, the room then proceeded to glow. by the time it was done Kira couldn't feel any difference so he asked Ayano.

"Ayano why don't i feel any different" Kira

[That is because you have to activate it Senpai] Ayano

"Oh x2" Kira said immediately felt like he was getting dragged to the floor, but it wasn't that powerful.

[Senpai if you wan't i can explain how the gravity chamber work's] Ayano

"Yes please" Kira said as he started to workout by doing push up's


[Gravity chamber: The way this device work's is, it can be bonded to a room so that room will be turned into a Gravity chamber. The Gravity chamber only response to the owner, so that way no one else can use it, the chamber can also be picked up by host and changed to a different room, This item has infinite use's, but can only be placed in one room at a time.]


[Does that help you Senpai] Ayano

"Yes it does, thank you Ayano" Kira

'Hey are you going to explain to us where we are' Venom

'Yeah i was wondering too' Ban

"Yeah sure" Kira then went on to explain to them what happened.

'That's a lot to take in' Venom

[Senpai why didn't you tell me sooner] Ayano

"Because i didn't really think much of it" Kira

"Well i don't really care. x5" Kira said as he adjusted the gravity of the room. Kira then proceeded to train for most of the night. Once he spent about five hour's training he headed to bed, the reason he didn't take a shower was because he didn't have one in his room.


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 42,372]

[Stat point's: 0]

[Health: 760]

[Strength: 140]

[Agility: 100]

[Vitality: 100]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging:A} {Spider sense:SS} {Water bending} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart}]


Here y'all go, i hope you all enjoy.


MR_No1creators' thoughts
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