
10. I LIVE!

Well I'm back after debating on not coming back, I'm disappointed that I haven't got a comment or something saying "Hey random thanks for the idea, writers block is a bitch. I hope you like what I did with it but I'm sure about some parts and would love your input

Love (someone's username here)" .....now that I write that I sound somewhat mad...Well never mind that I have a new idea (plus I really wanna make a story with someone else but I'm worried that I may push my ideas more where it should be a team effort not just mine getting sidetracked back to the idea)

As you all know I'm bad with naming my character could never pick one but that's where it changes with this story/idea I was reading a different book and a different app and it hit me

The MC is a spartan form halo but this is where shit gets weird one of his missions he is to take out some covenant who stumbled on some forerunner technology, he gets the job done but he misses one grant which shoots him with a "gun" that transport him to a different universe.

Now I know what you're thinking "that's not possible if they had that tech wouldn't they just send themselves into it" which I would respond "I don't give a fuck even if they made a flying pig named Jerry" this is a idea plus if I made halo I would have added female elites in reach! I'm not sure why but fuck it I'm getting sidetracked again.

Back to the idea the name of the spartan is Drumroll please...Freedom but everyone calls him Stone because of his Slate colored armor which is a EVA 1 helmet and ODST shoulder pads and recon chest and legs if I had MMC downloaded I would make him and show you the link but I don't....plus infinite is coming out soon so I'll try to make him there (yes Slate is a color and a rock and my name but back to the story/idea) he's a newer gen spartan who was previously oni. He's 24-27 you can pick but I don't want him to be a older cuz I would make some of the romance options a bit questionable.

After Stone is hit by this "gun" all he sees is black, nothingness. No stars no planets and galaxies nothing just the endless void of darkness he attempts to contact anyone from the UNSC but nothing he is truly alone. To attempt to calm himself down by closing his eyes but as soon as he does it he hears rushing wind panicked he shoots them open and looks around but as soon as he did he hits the ground lodging him deep into it. Now more confused and fearful where he landed he tries to move but can't now panicking as soil begins to cover him he's shouts "NOOO!" But it was too late. Stone is quickly buried alive. The very elevated heart rate turns on his suits emergency functions and puts him to sleep thinking he's in space. Now this part I not very.....let's say well versed on all of you Naruto fans gonna have to help me here did pain blow up the hidden Leaf or was that someone else? Not sure but if it was then this still works if not I'll come back and fix it but back to the story Stone is awakened by a massive explosion he attempts to his feet and look what's going on but can't do the fact he's still stuck. Trying to free himself he hears shouting which makes him free himself faster unknown to Stone is Naruto just went into planetary devastation mode (I think that's the right combination of words) as Stone frees himself he books it out of the hole he's in and sees the demon that is Naruto and decide not to leave the hole. "Nope" as Stone lays down on the edge of the hole not wanting anger demon by being in the way he waits there watching the the battle gonna on he sees woman on the ground not moving and combat medic mode kicks in as he sprints out of the hole to her to make sure she is fix but as he gets closer he sees a lot of blood and and panics thinking "fuck if she dies I'm fucked by that's every the fuck that is!". Hoping that this woman knows something he slides to stay low, as he gets to her he feels like someone is watching him but a Quick look around he sees nothing other than the demon and the weird looking man. Ignoring the feeling he flips her over to look at the wound sees that's it a gut wound he immediately starts to work on it knowing that's it's a painful way to die and rather not let this woman with tits that can rival the gods join them. As this is happening there were people watching him but was confused why he made himself known to others. Stone manages to stop the bleeding with some surprise then a thought (that could have got him killed) pops into his head which he says out loud " I should move her away from this (turns to look at the fight) ...whatever the fuck is gonna on over there" so he picks her up and started to book it out there by running to the tree line which is a considerable distance away "fuck why did this happen to me on my birthday I thought you we're supposed to take it easy relax all day but no had to go kill some asshats who were messing with technology that they didn't understand NOW IM HERE NOT KNOWING WHAT THE FUCK IS GONNA ON but hey at least this chick has some nice tits"

I'll let you guys choose what happens next by writing it yourself (I wrote more then I expect to about this...well story now not just an idea) I hope you enjoyed my list of almost ideas it pretty much stories now

Now that's all I have for this....month I guess remember that you can leave a comment on the one you're gonna use and I'll come look at it when it's readable give some criticism some help just another person to say "that's a great idea"

P.S I'm not a person who has a degree in grammar and this is mostly just a hobby soo if there're some Errors ignore them unless you have OCD then suffer cuz I don't care enough to fix them ( I'm trying to be funny not hurt feelings )

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