


"Tammy! Help us, please! We're stuck!" Pearl cried while panting the moment Tamitha picked up her call. "What?! Where are you?" Tamitha panicked. "Please, come here fast! H-Help us! T-There's... your booth's b-burning!"

"What?! B-burning? What do you mean?"

"It's freaking burning! I-It caught on fire! Oh, my gosh, Tamitha, please help us!"

"I'm on my way. Stay calm, Pearl. Try looking for the fire extinguisher."

"We tried finding one! Oh, my gosh! We're going to die!"

"Don't say that! I'm on my way." Tamitha hanged up and called the fire department and an ambulance while running to their booth. 'What on earth is happening?!' She thought while thinking about her best friend's safety. She's terrified for her best friend. She would not forgive herself if something happened to Pearl.

"H-Heath! Who's supposed to be in-charged of our booth?"

"I-I think it's Preston's turn now. Why? Did something happen?"

"What? Why no one's updating us? The booth's burning and my best friend's trapped inside!" Tamitha being angry and frustrated with the situation right now. Nothing makes sense right now for her. She waited for him to respond. But all she heard were loud noises and some screaming from the other line.

"Heath? Are you still there? Where are you?" Finally, she heard him talk. "H-Holy shit."

"Heath! Answer my freaking question!"

"T-Tamitha... The whole s-stadium is b-burning." Heath's answer stopped Tamitha from running. "W-what?" A tear escaped from Tamitha's face, thinking this incident is all her fault. As she closes her eyes, she saw the look of her best friend's face asking to save her. Other faces occurred while asking for Tamitha's help.

"Tamitha! Help us! Why did you let this happen?!" Pearl cried.

"It hurts! Help, please!" Few more screams. Making Tamitha cry more. She's frustrated and hurt that she can't do anything about the circumstance. Suddenly, a sinister laugh echoed. "I told you, precious gem. I will make your life a living hell. You should have listened to me while you still had a chance."

"No! No! Noooo!" Tamitha kept repeating while crying her eyes out. Her voice resonated the whole hall.

"Tamitha!" She heard a faint voice called her.

"Tamitha! Wake up!" She creased her forehead, not understanding where the voice is coming from and what's it saying.


"Tamitha! Wake the hell up!" She breathed deeply before waking up from a deep slumber. She tried to catch her breath while looking around. She's sweating and even a tear is visible to her face. "Another dream?" Pearl asked while looking at her best friend with so much concern in her eyes.

Tamitha's tears bursted when she saw her best friend all right. It was a relief for her to see her best friend here right now. She nodded and tried to hug her best friend. Pearl hugged her back as if assuring Tamitha that everything's all right now.

Tamitha shared her dream to Pearl. Pearl tried convincing Tamitha that it's just a dream. However, Tamitha's fully aware that there's a possibility it could happen. She thought of cancelling the event, but she's positive that no one would believe her reason. She will probably think of other things to prevent such a thing from happening.

After a few minutes, she got up and prepared for her morning class. She wore a large size sweater partnered with a black jeans and a boots since its already winter season. On the way to her class, she's absent-mindedly walking while thinking of possible things to stop the predicted mayhem which will happen a week from now. It will be a week-long event, making her worry more because it may happen any time during those days.

A familiar figure tried blocking her way, but she's too caught up with her thoughts. It was too late when she noticed the figure. She accidentally bumped her forehead to the guy's chest, making her look at him directly.

"What's with you?" The familiar figure asked.

"P-Pollux? I'm sorry."

She got shy and avoided his gaze before walking away from him, but he didn't let her. He grabbed her arms, making Tamitha flinched when she felt Pollux's touch. "What's wrong?" The lad asked once again. Tamitha gazed at his direction she notice the concern look into Pollux's eyes but the moment their eyes lock with each other; it quickly changed.

"N-Nothing." She's hesitating if she should tell it to him. She's scared that he might not believe her. "I could clearly see into you, you know? You can trust me." The statement strucked Tamitha hard making her almost fall into the trap.

"What's with you? A sudden change of heart?"

"Maybe…" The lad shrugged. "Come on, Tamitha, just tell me what's bothering you."

"Why do you even care? Like you said before, mind your own business." She tried sounding sarcastic, mimicking what Pollux told her before while looking directly at Pollux, but she immediately got shy the moment she saw Pollux let out a soft chuckle while tilting his head. "All right then, you're right, suite yourself." He stated before leaving Tamitha dumbfounded, suddenly regretting being rude to the lad. However, she brushed the thought off and continued walking to her room still thinking of ways to stop a mayhem.

The day went by and yet she still hasn't thought of a concrete plan. She decided she might need some reinforcement to think of ways to prevent her predicted chaos. She's now arguing to herself whether she should have accepted Pollux's help, but her pride just can't let her.

"Having a little trouble precious gem?"

The moment Tamitha heard that voice, she's indeed sure that she'll be having another stress added to her stress. The sinister laugh she kept hearing in her dreams keeps replaying in her mind right now, and she's a hundred percent sure that it belonged to none other than Asteria Gregory. I thought suddenly popped unto her. Since she knew that Asteria might be the perpetrator of the coming accident, why not ask her about it or at least try to stop her from doing such a thing?

"I actually have one in mind. Can you help me out with it?" Tamitha answered confidently catching Asteria off guard with the sudden remark but as soon as she recovered she gave Tamitha a questionable smile before answering, "Asking for my help, huh?"

Tamitha didn't waste any time and frankly stated, "Please, save yourself from doing something that you might regret later on." Asteria's mouth left agape, lost for words, for she is not expecting this from Tamitha.

Asteria still can't believe what she just heard, leaving her to just laugh at the remark. "Oh dear, I wasn't expecting that from you. You're really something, huh? Well, I can't promise you precious gem, let's see." Asteria winked at her, trying to tease her before walking away.

That made Tamitha more furious and stressed out. She's already out of option. She ruffled her hair because of her frustration. 'What now?' She whispered to herself. 'I guess I'm left with no choice but to just cancel the celebration, huh?'

As she's about to give up a knight minus the armor once again showed up to her, with a soft smile plastered on his face making Tamitha not reject his offer this time, it's as if he would try to offer his help once again. "Still so much going on with that head of yours?" She just nodded her head and tried her best to suppress the tears that's already close from falling. She didn't want to look weak in front of him.

"You can tell me, Anika."

Pollux stated with his husky voice, sending a shiver to Tamitha's body. Suddenly, everything feels right for Tamitha. As if Pollux's tantalizing eyes and deep voice hypnotized her, she ended up spilling everything not leaving any details missed. Gladly, she didn't regret it because Pollux offered a strategic plan, making her less worried for the upcoming foundation week.

They parted ways when they completed the plan Pollux thought of. They also asked for other people's opinion about the said plan, and they all agreed to it. Everything's set for the upcoming mayhem.

But, the real question is, are they really prepared for this?

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