
Puppy Love (2)

• What if we're wrong? What if we're not all that we thought? .. But I guess that's us. •


Two months later, Hayley hurried down the stairs of the house, running into the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

"Careful!" Gram's warned, having nearly been trampled by the young-in.

"Gram's, it's the first day of Freshman Year and I'm already late," Hayley lifted her left hand, making a waving motion that telekinetically brought her school bag in front of her.

Sheila looked at Hayley's actions, still amazed by how casually the younger witch could perform difficult witchcraft. "I thought school started at nine today?" She remembered.

"It does," Hayley affirmed while putting a book note and some pens in her bag as well as some snacks. "But the girls and I are trying for the cheer squad and we need to be there earlier."

Her buttered toast wolfed down in seconds, Hayley closed her bag, grabbing her keys and phone off the kitchen counter. Passing by Sheila, she kissed the older woman's cheek with a smile. "I need to go. Don't worry, I'll be careful and wait for me tonight. We're eating dinner with Bonnie!"

Sheila watched the young witch run out of the house with a small smile before she walked back inside, her sights setting on a bottle of liquor. Now that Hayley was living with her, she wasn't drinking as much but sometimes, the young brunette would remind her so much of her daughter that she needed a drink once in a while.


"There you are!" Caroline exclaimed when Hayley parked beside the blonde's car. "The tryouts are starting in ten!"

The pair was in front of the Mystic Falls High School, their new school home for the next four years.

"I know, I know," Hayley climbed out of the car, taking her bag. "I'm excited for this but unfortunately, my body loves sleeping in." Caroline laughed and linked her arm with hers, the two of them running towards the field where both the cheerleading and football teams' tryouts were taking place. They quickly changed in sportswear and joined Bonnie and Elena on the field, among many other girls.

Hayley gave Bonnie and Elena quick side-hugs before taking the number that was assigned to her and standing next to Elena. The doppelgänger and her's relationship wasn't better than it was two months prior. They'd just learned that they were meant to cross paths very often so they might as well get along for the sake of it.

"All right, girls!" A tall redhead clapped her hands in front of them. "I'm Jane, a junior and the captain of the cheer squad." She then pointed at a blonde next to her. "This is Mia, the vice-captain. Girls, before we begin, I would like to say that if you're not serious about cheerleading, you can quit now," the redhead warned. "Our practices will be harsh, our routines harsh but we'll take pride in it. If you're joining because you think it'll get you a jock boyfriend or instant popularity, please step off the field."

When no one made a motion to leave, the vice-captain's lips lifted in a satisfied smile. "Good. Now let's begin the tryouts."


A week later, Hayley was walking down the school hallways, a small spring in her step. She turned down one hallway, going out of a side door that led her to the front field. The group occupied a big bench in the middle of the schoolyard and Hayley walked towards them, an excited smile on her face.

"Girls!" She yelled when she was a few feet away. "We made it!" She lifted the paper she'd been holding. "We made the squad!"

"Oh, my god!" Caroline jumped off the bench, taking the paper in her hand to double-check that their names were really written on it. "Oh, my, god!!"

Matt and Tyler watched, with amusement, as Caroline, Hayley, Bonnie and Elena hugged tight, screaming and bouncing around. The girls had wanted to be part of the squad together after Hayley's arrival and their wish had come true.

When the girls separated, Tyler stood up, gently grabbing Hayley by the waist before holding her flush against him. He leaned down to place a deep kiss on her mouth, smiling. "Congrats, babe," he said once they pulled apart.

Hayley smiled up at him, putting her hands at the back of his neck. "A jock and a cheerleader," she chuckled. "Aren't we a little too cliché?"

Tyler and Matt had also been accepted in the football team a few days earlier.

"I'll be in any cliché," Tyler said against her mouth. "As long as it's with you."

"Liar," Hayley said, not hiding her smile. She placed a light kiss on his lips and continued. "If you keep this up, I'll fall in love with you, Lockwood."

Tyler had been an exemplary boyfriend for the past two months. He often took her on romantic dates, they had the same group of friends, and she even met his parents, who were just as sweet to her. He wasn't ashamed with her on his arm and he made her feel it. Hayley would be lying if she said her feelings were beginning to grow. What she thought would only be a puppy love may be something way more than she expected.

The tall brunette kept his hands at her waist when he leaned down to say. "Join me on the other side, Marshall," he whispered. "I have already fallen."

Hayley's cold heart thumped in her chest, her eyes lifting to meet his. "We'll see," she replied with a playful smile.

She wanted to fall, to go all the way there in her heart but, she wasn't sure he was the one. And Hayley would only give her heart on one occasion. At least she believed so. As for this puppy love with Tyler, Hayley felt great in the relationship. She was going to repay Tyler's affection, she just wasn't certain she would do it the way he wanted — with her heart.

Deep inside her mind, Hayley thanked Marmee. The late witch offered her a new life on a platter and never made Hayley feel selfish for taking and taking and taking.

Hayley's eyes flitted to the sky, her lips smiling. 'If this is what life wants me to have, then I'll take. I'll miss you forever, Marmee.'

Mystic Falls had anchored Hayley to this earth, it had given her best friends, a boyfriend and people who genuinely cared about her. And she would do anything in her power to protect it.

Darlings, I’m on wattpad under the same name and posting the same story so do not worry if you come across this one or the other!

_fleurcreators' thoughts
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