
Not Giving Her Face (3)

Tang Beixuan wanted to snap right then, but he was forced to reign down his anger, knowing that his sister wouldn't be pleased if the news reached her ears. Of all people, Tang Beixuan was one of those who had watched Tang Moyu on the sidelines.

His sister was initially named as the heiress before him, but when she got betrothed to Feng Tianhua, her importance in the Tang family was gradually reduced.

His ever kind sister, who was always looking out for him and their Wan Jie, even when she knew that no one was paying attention. If there was anyone among the Tang siblings who deserved to inherit the family business, it would be Tang Moyu, since she was the only one with Tang blood running through her veins.

It didn't matter if her mother wasn't Zhang Wuying, because the irrefutable truth that she was a Tang, first and foremost, would outrank him and Tang Wanyu if they were to fight for the inheritance they didn't have any right on in the first place.

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