

As soon as Hunter asked that question I knew that I was going to have to have the conversation that I'd been avoiding. It wasn't that I thought it was too hard to talk about, it was the fact that I would most likely have to explain why I was in the forest in the first place. And there was no way I could tell him about the conversation I had with Calvin. I managed to avoid having to explain that particular detail when I talked to Cora, but that was only because we had to deal with Fenwick before we got into the details. Now there was no way I could avoid it.

"Okay. Last night, I got ambushed by two Recruiters. They snuck up on me in the woods while I was sleeping, and tried to take me with them. I managed to fight them off and made it back to camp safely. I interrogated one of the Recruiters after I found a map of the island in her satchel. She told me that they had a spy in the Guard that had been leaking information to them for a really long time. That's how they found out about the island and were able to make such a detailed map of our camp. The thing is, when I looked through there stuff, I found two suppressioncuffs. Not one but two. I think they were here to take both of us. I just didn't give them the chance."

When I finally stopped talking, Hunter looked straight into my eyes. Not with anger about not telling him sooner but with worry, "Okay...that was a lot to take in. I have so many questions, but I'm going to start with...are you okay?" I looked away and said, "No...i'm not. After I got back to camp I told Cora what happened. She knew the spy. She told me that he was like a son to her and that she couldn't believe he had done that. And to be honest I couldn't believe it either. I may not have known him, but it made me realize that there's no one you can really trust. Anyone can betray anyone and I learned that the hard way." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug, "I'm sorry that happened to you. Let me know if their's anything I can do to help. I'm here for you." I felt secure with his arms around me. Like nothing could harm me. I thought I had successfully avoided that one detail I left out on purpose until he asked the dreaded question.

"Wait, why were you in the forest in the first place?" I tried to answer but no words came out. I just stood like an idiot, with my mouth slightly parted.

He pulled away from me, "Why were you there, Iris?" I started to say something when all of a sudden the door flew open. Noah was standing there, looking like he just saw a ghost, "The Recruiters...there here. They landed in an aircraft...and they demanded a meeting with you two."

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