
She's going to be mad.

Chapter 182: She's Going to be mad.

A few days passed after Yun's sleepover and Haru developing the pills that he wanted to create with the teeth he had taken from Erstin and coming up with a plan of what to do with the dragon situation. They would have to visit Changbai mountain soon but they couldn't do that without a solid plan.

The last thing that they wanted to do was to rush into it without thinking everything through. From what they all understood. The dragon sacrificed himself to stop the volcano from erupting. If they removed his body there was still the chance that the eruption he stopped that day would come back with much more fury than it had before. 

The reason they were going was more or less to take a look. If they could get the body for Lao to have then they would do that but they weren't deadset on bringing it back by force. 

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